Batman v Superman


Hall of Famer
Oct 27, 2003
Charlotte, NC
Saw it today. It's getting some pretty negative reviews, but I don't know why. I found it to be pretty freaking awesome. I had my concerns with Ben Affleck as Batman, but he nailed it, IMO. His Batman is a beast. I would definitely recommend this one, but as with all recent Batman flicks, it's not recommended for kids.

To anyone who has seen it, thoughts?
I saw it today, and while I agree it's better than the reviews give it credit for, I thought there were some parts of it that were weak. None of it really was the fault of the actors, but I thought how they wrote Lex Luthor was weird, I thought they had too many hallucinations/dream sequences, and without spoiling it, I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. Overall, I liked it, I thought Affleck was great, I liked Wonder Woman, and there are several things that are pretty cool in there, but it wasn't the home run I hoped it would be.
I'll see it when it is out for rent. The Dark Knight series set the bar incredibly high, for me, in terms of I kinda have a "meh" approach to this one.
Well, it's not going to end as long as the movies are making money. Since the start of 2014 to now (so including Batman v. Superman), there have been 11 superhero movies released in theaters (including the last Ninja Turtles movie & Big Hero 6). Only one of those (Fantastic 4) has failed to earn at least 180 million dollars at the domestic box office. Fantastic 4 was considered one of the biggest flops in recent memory at 56 million, and it made more than 4 of the past 7 best picture winners and tied with a 5th.

More often than not, these movies make a lot of money, which is why the studios put them out. The studios often know they aren't good (Sony with Spider-Man, Fox with Fantastic 4) but they make them so that they can keep the rights to the characters, and make money off of them. Spider-Man is now back to Marvel, but the deal with Sony still allows them to make a lot of money off the character.

The fact is when Marvel hit it big with Iron Man in 2008, and they made it clear they had these characters and were putting them in this connected universe, the other studios either had to do the same thing, or get left in the dust money wise. So the market becomes saturated, and "normal" movie viewers get sick of it. I'm a fan of superheros/comic books, so I'm going to see them all, even in cases where I know the movie will suck (Fantastic 4, Amazing Spider-Man 2), but because the average viewer is inundated with these kinds of movies, they get sick of them. It's the same with your Twilight/Hunger Games thing, they have success, movie studios think "Oh, we have to make a bunch of these movies" and you get ones that aren't quality, but they make money because teenage girls will go see them.

However, most prognosticators believe that it's more of a "when" as opposed to "if" this bubble will burst. You can look at westerns, sci-fi, whatever, but these things go in cycles. Something will be big for a while, then the studios make too many of them, people get sick of them, they move to the next thing. You see stuff return and become popular again, but that's how it goes. As long as these movies keep making money for the powers that be, they will be a mainstay in the theater.

TL;DR version: The studios want money, superhero movies make money, at least for now. As long as they keep making money, we keep seeing Batman/Superman/Spider-Man/The Avengers.
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Im fine with the occasional superhero movie, but I cant tell you the last one I saw in the theater. Maybe the Avengers?
I for one like the hero movies. The dark Knight series rocked the house. Also, the marvel universe coming together is pretty awesome. But, to each his own
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y'all know why all these super hero movies are doing well with Americans right? It's playing on this country's subconscious. Everyone, even the most non-political of folks, has some sort of inkling that this country and today's society is FUBAR and beyond the fix of elected and appointed government officials.

[Enter super heroes]

Given that recognition of the state of the world, it contrasts quite nicely with the concept of super heroes -- self-appointed (rather than elected), selfless members of the populace who go above and beyond the call of duty, sacrificing an otherwise normal life so that they can rid the United States (masked as Gotham or Metropolis or whatever in the movie) of the evils, troubles, and drains of society.

This will never happen in the real world and yet it does in the movies. Thus, the appeal on an intrinsic level.
Finally saw it yesterday. It was ok, but I think better editing would have made it better. There were some scenes that should have been shortened. The other issue I had with it was the Lex Luther portrayal. It came across to me as more of an origin story for the joker. Would anyone have been surprised to see him put on a purple suit at the end of the movie? Speaking of origin stories, I would like to see more of those from the villain side. I think that would be an interesting change. That's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad.
Finally saw it yesterday. It was ok, but I think better editing would have made it better. There were some scenes that should have been shortened. The other issue I had with it was the Lex Luther portrayal. It came across to me as more of an origin story for the joker. Would anyone have been surprised to see him put on a purple suit at the end of the movie? Speaking of origin stories, I would like to see more of those from the villain side. I think that would be an interesting change. That's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad.
Totally agree on Lex. They just totally wrote the character wrong. Eisenberg played the character fine as it was written but they should have written Lex differently.

I agree about Suicide Squad though, I think that one is going to be much better than this movie was, and I would have never thought that before. I think Margot Robbie is going to be awesome as Harley Quinn. I thought the trailer was awesome, so if they do this movie right, it's going to be a home run in my opinion.
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I have waited 2 yrs to see this and it did not live up to what I expected. It was OK at best. The young lady that played Wonderwoman was great and a beauty !
I have waited 2 yrs to see this and it did not live up to what I expected. It was OK at best. The young lady that played Wonderwoman was great and a beauty !

I didn't have high expectations because Snyder was directing. Man of Steel wasn't that good and he hasn't really done anything good except for 300 and watchmen. I thought it was good enough to get the DC universe started. You're right about Wonder Woman. I'm interested to see how her solo film will play out.
I think DC is lagging behind mavel in making movies geared towards their whole universe. Their movies as a whole has a darker theme to it that appeals to some fans. I thought the dark Knight series was the bomb. Superman was ok. As for this movie, well they only have up to go from here. I thought it was ok. Hard to swallow that batman was intent on killing anyone.
Well, they did start a decade later than marvel so it's going to take time to catch up. I like the darker feel personally. It separates itself from marvel. If I'm going to see multiple comic book movies every year I don't want them to be the same. Batman has almost always been a dark character so I think the feel is perfect for his story. The fight between him and superman occurs multiple times in the comics so it's not out of left field.
Unless Batman has kryptonite, how does Superman not kill him like a gnat?
Unless Batman has kryptonite, how does Superman not kill him like a gnat?

Kryptonite was usually how he leveled the playing field. I think the main reason Superman didn't kill him was due to the fact that DC wanted to sell more comics. ;)