Besides my Rams Club dues and season ticket fees,


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
I'm not spending a dime on Carolina football next year. No games. No memorabilia. Nothing except my cable bill.

BOOM! Just like that, I saved $500 in gas money.

Until we take BOTH rivals seriously.
I have said this for awhile, you people have families college to pay, bills to pay, why on God's green earth would you attend any of this ridiculous excuse for football? It's a bad product, do you go out and buy expired milk? Do you rent Dustin Hoffman's Ishtar on dvd? do you beat your head against the wall until you have a head ache?

WELL WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF... watch it for free on TV and when its pathetic turn it to actual football.. I have made it through what amounts to 12 quarters of football by these bums this year...
I actually had someone call me last night with tickets if I wanted them. I almost bit the bullet and bought them, but decided that spending that much right here at Christmas would be foolish. I am certainly glad I didn't spend that money and time to watch this in person.

I will ALWAYS pull for UNC in every sport and I love football in Kenan. This, however, is pathetic. If you can't play better than this against your biggest rival after they have talked smack this week AND you are at home then I can't justify spending that kind of money to come see you play. If it were close or it looked like the team was playing with some intensity, then I might feel bad about not going. As it is, this would have been a total waste of a day.

I think I have pretty much given up on UNC football ever being consistently good. I expect them to be and hope one day before I die I will see them consistently good, but just when I think something good is going to happen or that "sleeping giant" might wake up, something like this happens. Frankly, I don't even care about a bowl game at this point. A bowl game likely will be a disappointment at best and even if we win, it is likely going to be against some team we should beat anyway.

I hate to see this team like this and I hate that I have gotten to the point that I feel this way but I do. My oldest is a senior in HS next fall and my youngest will be a sophomore, so I have precious little time left with them before they are gone. As much as I would love to spend time with them in Kenan sharing our love of UNC football, I just don't know that it is worth the risk.

I think I am relegated to watching on TV from now on.
My daughter, a freshman at USC in Columbia, dates one of the State football team managers. His parents go to all the games and had a couple of extra tickets for today's game. I had a weak moment earlier in the week and said yes. I should have known better. We sat in the middle of all those jerks and left at half time. We might have just moved to another section and stayed had we scored before halftime, Lord knows there were plenty of empty seats. But I decided I'd rather go home and rake leaves in the yard and through the frisbee to the dog.

For $120, it was probably the worst 90 minutes of my life. We need better friends.

This post was edited on 11/29 5:02 PM by UNCPJH81
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I'm not spending a dime on Carolina football next year. No games. No memorabilia. Nothing except my cable bill.

BOOM! Just like that, I saved $500 in gas money.

Until we take BOTH rivals seriously.
I still can't believe how uninspired we were. It was like the twilight zone.

But it to your point, no one would blame you or call you a lousy fan for taking this position. You can always pick up an extra ticket any time you feel like going to a game.
I lived in Charlotte during Mack Brown's best years at UNC and I went to as many games as I could for 2 years in a row. You know why? Of course you do! In 1995-96-97 they were worth watching! In 96 and 97 combined they lost a total of 3 games! I drove to Chapel Hill 5 times that season!
It is hard,but I probally will continue to do it every year. At times I want to stop getting season tickets.but just can't do it for some reason. And this is the first time today I actually left with 11 min left to go. I always stay. But with the lack of a showing by the heels and being sick. I just left and drove my butt back to Va.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I'm not spending a dime on Carolina football next year. No games. No memorabilia. Nothing except my cable bill.

BOOM! Just like that, I saved $500 in gas money.

Until we take BOTH rivals seriously.
I totally get what you're saying THN11. I have been rethinking what I've been doing for most of this season. I enjoy tailgating with my friends but the product on the field is pretty terrible. And a few weeks ago, we received notice that Ram's Club dues were going up. Really?? How much do I really want to attend games when I can watch them on TV for nothing and still play golf or go to the beach on beautiful fall weekends. I've got a feeling I'm not the only one asking themselves these questions.
Same here. Not a good time to raise fees. I'm seriously considering not renewing. $6k per year plus basketball and football tickets is seriously making me think otherwise. The only thing that keeps me coming back is not wanting to lose my ranking and ticket priority. Even that has me thinking about not renewing mid I could find someone to pay half my dues and buy tickets for face Id do it.
I really hope someone from the athletic department reads this thread. This is obviously a very tiny cross section of the fanbase, but there are heavily investing fans seriously considering abandoning that investment, due to a myriad of factors but perennial football mediocrity is certainly an important and glaring reason.
It runs me about $500 a game between gas, hotel, tickets and food. I passed on free tickets. Glad I did.
I got season tickets from 2000 through Butch's tenure. I stopped getting them after they fired Butch. Still pissed about that, but more pissed about having to give up my seats because the seat shuffling crap they pulled. They gave back nothing to us fans that bought season tickets under Bunting. Bunch of jerks.
I'm done too. Been pouring money and emotion into this football program since 1976. At my age, the product is not worth the price. Sleeping giant my ass. How long is the mf going to sleep?
Originally posted by HeelTrip:
I'm done too. Been pouring money and emotion into this football program since 1976. At my age, the product is not worth the price. Sleeping giant my ass. How long is the mf going to sleep?
Could it be a coma at this point?
you guys are doing it all wrong. when friends call with tickets say how much?
retail? no thanks.
who else is going to buy them? dook and state bball games are the only games you might have trouble buying tickets.
you can always get them from scalpers.
"I got season tickets from 2000 through Butch's tenure. I stopped getting them after they fired Butch. Still pissed about that, but more pissed about having to give up my seats because the seat shuffling crap they pulled. They gave back nothing to us fans that bought season tickets under Bunting. Bunch of jerks."

Same here. I was a season ticket holder (4-6 seats for EVERY GAME) since 1990, always went to away games and never missed a bowl game.

Last trip was the LSU game in Atlanta...after that season, I basically said HELL NO to the Rams Club. They can run the entire football program into the ground and they will NEVER get another penny of my hard earned money.
Prepare yourself, because here comes the fly in the ointment: I'm going to continue paying Rams Club dues, buying season tickets, and going to the games. Let me tell you why.

First of all, I don't evaluate the UNC football experience based solely on wins and losses. I'm paying for entertainment. I know that kind of thinking makes me different than a lot of people here and that's okay. To me, it's not much different than taking $100 down to the casino and playing blackjack for four hours. I might end up with more than I brought, or I might end up with nothing, but in between I got to experience the ups and downs that make life worth living.

Sure, maybe I'd change my tune if UNC were losing every game by large margins and looking terrible doing it. But I don't think we're at that point. This year alone, if you were in Kenan you got to be a part of thrilling comeback wins against Georgia Tech and Pitt. Two years ago, you got to see Gio's punt return which might have been the most exciting moment in Carolina football during my lifetime. Heck, even the last-second loss to Miami last season made for some pretty good drama.

Yes, it makes for a tough year when you get your teeth kicked in by a pair of in-state rivals. It makes it worse when one of those is at home, the Heels don't even put up a fight, we're vying for a decent bowl, and it's the last game of the year. All that said, I still think a lot of the reaction on this thread is short-sighted. Perfectly understandable though...we're all human.

Beyond the games themselves, though, I also love the game day experience. Every home game feels like Christmas to me. Last Saturday, I was on the road from Charlotte earlier than I usually get up for work. I got to meet UNC71 for the first time, and we tailgated a bit with THN11 and his family. A cookout with good tunes and adult beverages is fun any time, but hanging with some fellow Heels fan in anticipation of a game makes it even better.

Anyway, that's where I'm coming from. I understand everyone has limited amounts of time and money, and we all have to make choices about how to spend them. I just hope people appreciate the limitations the team has faced this season and don't abandon them completely. We need all the fans we can get.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Prepare yourself, because here comes the fly in the ointment: I'm going to continue paying Rams Club dues, buying season tickets, and going to the games. Let me tell you why.

First of all, I don't evaluate the UNC football experience based solely on wins and losses. I'm paying for entertainment. I know that kind of thinking makes me different than a lot of people here and that's okay. To me, it's not much different than taking $100 down to the casino and playing blackjack for four hours. I might end up with more than I brought, or I might end up with nothing, but in between I got to experience the ups and downs that make life worth living.

Sure, maybe I'd change my tune if UNC were losing every game by large margins and looking terrible doing it. But I don't think we're at that point. This year alone, if you were in Kenan you got to be a part of thrilling comeback wins against Georgia Tech and Pitt. Two years ago, you got to see Gio's punt return which might have been the most exciting moment in Carolina football during my lifetime. Heck, even the last-second loss to Miami last season made for some pretty good drama.

Yes, it makes for a tough year when you get your teeth kicked in by a pair of in-state rivals. It makes it worse when one of those is at home, the Heels don't even put up a fight, we're vying for a decent bowl, and it's the last game of the year. All that said, I still think a lot of the reaction on this thread is short-sighted. Perfectly understandable though...we're all human.

Beyond the games themselves, though, I also love the game day experience. Every home game feels like Christmas to me. Last Saturday, I was on the road from Charlotte earlier than I usually get up for work. I got to meet UNC71 for the first time, and we tailgated a bit with THN11 and his family. A cookout with good tunes and adult beverages is fun any time, but hanging with some fellow Heels fan in anticipation of a game makes it even better.

Anyway, that's where I'm coming from. I understand everyone has limited amounts of time and money, and we all have to make choices about how to spend them. I just hope people appreciate the limitations the team has faced this season and don't abandon them completely. We need all the fans we can get.
I agree and had a great time this past weekend, in spite of the result. But I also should add there is no way in Hell I would have them if I lived in Atlanta. But I also haven't had season tickets in a long time (since 2007) so my opinion is not relevant.

As far as abandoning the team, my opinion is that Fedora has more to do with driving people off than the team's performance. I'm not going to list it all out, but suffice it to say, he is not forthcoming with information and I don't like the way he conducts press conferences. It's ok to be a Bill Belichek or Dan Reeves if you win like Belichek or Reeves, but if not, you better be more mindful of who is on your side and who is not.
If I we're one of you guys, my renewal would be dependent on Carolina getting a new DC. And I'd send some strongly worded letters stating so.

We all know how good this team can be with a new DC, it would really suck to pay those dues for a decade or even longer then bail before we have a 9 or 10 win season.
Originally posted by uncboy10:
If I we're one of you guys, my renewal would be dependent on Carolina getting a new DC. And I'd send some strongly worded letters stating so.

We all know how good this team can be with a new DC, it would really suck to pay those dues for a decade or even longer then bail before we have a 9 or 10 win season.
My tailgating buddies and I were talking about this after the debacle Saturday. One of my friends said that when he dies, folks will be standing around his grave and someone will say "Well he sure was a good Carolina fan. He went to every game." And then someone else will say, "Yeah, and you know, they're going to be really good NEXT YEAR!"

Some of us old guys are getting short on "next years" and wondering if its worth it. I guess that's what this thread is about. RH is right that it is not all about winning. I always tell people to enjoy the tailgate because you never know about the football. My wife says a game day is like Christmas for me, but when you put the effort into getting everything ready to go, getting everybody ready, driving past Raleigh traffic, dealing with CH traffic, etc, and you watch what we watched Saturday, it makes you question what you're doing. And that doesn't include the financial investment. I think this spring is another redistribution of tickets based on points. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant. Just some thoughts on the topic.
Originally posted by grillheel:
I always tell people to enjoy the tailgate because you never know about the football.
That's fantastic.
So, I'm just curious, am I the only one who is tired of throwing good money after bad, or are you guys with season tickets going to go for it one more time because we're going to be good next year?
Originally posted by grillheel:
So, I'm just curious, am I the only one who is tired of throwing good money after bad, or are you guys with season tickets going to go for it one more time because we're going to be good next year?
I'm getting season tickets again but I'm under zero illusions that we're going to be good.

I don't think I've had season tickets for enough years to justify me complaining about spending too much money yet!
Although, I am tired of driving 13 hours round-trip to see awful losses.
I will probably also and I also won't have any expectations. Thank God the drive is only about 90 minutes or less each way.

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