Foster’s aim, as it is every week, is to make UNC one-dimensional. Pitt had success doing that two weeks ago, holding the Heels to 18 rushing yards, although UNC rallied from 13 points down to win thanks to Trubisky’s 453-yard passing day.
Tech would like to duplicate Pitt’s approach Saturday.
“If we can make them one-dimensional, I’d like to think we can be a little more versatile than what Pitt is on the back end,” Foster said. “But we’ve got to stop the run and then we can’t give them a wide array of explosive plays. ...
“And that’s what we’ve been able to do over the years is just not let them beat us with those kind of plays.”
Foster’s aim, as it is every week, is to make UNC one-dimensional. Pitt had success doing that two weeks ago, holding the Heels to 18 rushing yards, although UNC rallied from 13 points down to win thanks to Trubisky’s 453-yard passing day.
Tech would like to duplicate Pitt’s approach Saturday.
“If we can make them one-dimensional, I’d like to think we can be a little more versatile than what Pitt is on the back end,” Foster said. “But we’ve got to stop the run and then we can’t give them a wide array of explosive plays. ...
“And that’s what we’ve been able to do over the years is just not let them beat us with those kind of plays.”