California out of water?

Who the hell knows? What can they do anyways? Start farming elsewhere or growing different crops. I mean, I love almonds, but if the almond crop uses 80% of the water needed for people, then grow something else less taxing.

I remember the Southeast drought a few years ago and hearing similar sorts of stuff, although not on this scale.
I have no idea. What I do know is that the southwestern U.S. is a desert. That cities as large as Phoenix, Las Vegas, or L.A. even exist just seems like they're tempting fate.

Probably a good time to start my own vegetable garden.
Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown has ordered mandatory water restrictions for residents, businesses and farms. Cities and towns are told to cut water usage by 25% . .
There wasn't the usual snowfall in the mountains so accounting for that as well.
It hasn't gotten bad out there, yet. They've been pumping groundwater to make up for the surface water shortfall but much of that is from deep aquifers that will never recharge. Even the shallow aquifers are being pumped far faster than the recharge rate. They can't keep that up for much longer - Central Valley farmers are already having to drill twice as deep (down to 1,000 ft) to hit water. The only long-term solution would be desalination which is expensive.
Business accounts for vast majority of water usage. Supposedly, a gallon of water to make one almond....
Originally posted by tarheelbybirth:
It hasn't gotten bad out there, yet. They've been pumping groundwater to make up for the surface water shortfall but much of that is from deep aquifers that will never recharge. Even the shallow aquifers are being pumped far faster than the recharge rate. They can't keep that up for much longer - Central Valley farmers are already having to drill twice as deep (down to 1,000 ft) to hit water. The only long-term solution would be desalination which is expensive.
Desalination is a great option and your right..very expensive! But what are they waiting on...the price to go down!!!! Things are going to get real expensive if they continue with the current trend!!!