Cole Anthony

The whole "I will be wearing #50 in College" had me thinking we weren't going to get him. Our #50 is hanging up

My prediction is that Cole will wear 51, or 25 (+1 or half of). Personally I don't care, just glad that whatever number he wears will be in a UNC jersey.
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You could tell this young man just wanted to put a lot of time and research into what, to date, is the biggest decision he is making in his life. He basically said that his mind and heart kept bringing him back to UNC as the place he wanted to play. In the age of instant gratification, it is hard for many people to patiently wait on anything in life, so I think we had many people that fell into that trap with Cole. He didn't sign right away, so that was considered a bad sign by many fans instead of it possibly being a sign that the kid just wanted to cross all the T's and dot all the I's. That has nothing to do with Roy and his staff's ability to recruit kids. All they can do if be honest and make the offer, the rest of up to the kids and their families. Obviously Roy, his staff, the team, and the university played this recruitment perfectly b/c despite all of the other wants and pitches other schools made, Cole KEPT COMING BACK to UNC.
Those that have followed Cole or watched more than just mix tapes and highlight reels... what weaknesses does he have or what does he need to work on more?
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Those that have followed Cole or watched more than just mix tapes and highlight reels... what weaknesses does he have or what does he need to work on more?

I've watched him a dozen or so times, and let me tell you, not much man.

The knock on him was always that he wasn't a natural 3 point shooter but he won the 3pt contest at the McD AA game so he can definitely shoot it. His mid range shot is very good.

He's the most complete HS PG I've seen since Kyrie Irving.
I've watched him a dozen or so times, and let me tell you, not much man.

The knock on him was always that he wasn't a natural 3 point shooter but he won the 3pt contest at the McD AA game so he can definitely shoot it. His mid range shot is very good.

He's the most complete HS PG I've seen since Kyrie Irving.
What would you say his biggest strength is and then next biggest?
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What would you say his biggest strength is and then next biggest?

Biggest strength is his ability to run an offense. He's an alpha that takes control of the entire offensive set and makes the right decision for the team.

Next biggest in my mind is his ability defensively, esp off the ball. He anticipates and steps in passing lanes very well and it leads to transition opportunities.
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Biggest strength is his ability to run an offense. He's an alpha that takes control of the entire offensive set and makes the right decision for the team.

Next biggest is his ability in my mind is defensively, esp off the ball. He anticipates and steps in passing lanes very well and it leads to transition opportunities.
Thanks for the insight dads
Cole has that "feel" for where everybody is on the floor and how to get them the ball in the right spots, or score himself if he needs to. He has the "vision" that makes him such an excellent passer and facilitator both on fast break and half court that I would say is similar to Kendall, but Cole can score more than Kendall and his athleticism is superior as well.
Cole has that "feel" for where everybody is on the floor and how to get them the ball in the right spots, or score himself if he needs to. He has the "vision" that makes him such an excellent passer and facilitator both on fast break and half court that I would say is similar to Kendall, but Cole can score more than Kendall and his athleticism is superior as well.
Would you say a combination of Kendall and White?
Cole has that "feel" for where everybody is on the floor and how to get them the ball in the right spots, or score himself if he needs to. He has the "vision" that makes him such an excellent passer and facilitator both on fast break and half court that I would say is similar to Kendall, but Cole can score more than Kendall and his athleticism is superior as well.

Kendall is a really tough comp for me. They are super different PGs.

Chris Paul is a good comp.
the ONLY knock I've heard on Cole and not sure it's a knock is that he's one of those guys that plays so intense, that sometimes he can be hard on his teammates because his expectations for them are even higher than theirs as times. That's pretty common among the greats.
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the ONLY knock I've heard on Cole and not sure it's a knock is that he's one of those guys that plays so intense, that sometimes he can be hard on his teammates because his expectations for them are even higher than theirs as times. That's pretty common among the greats.
Heard that about Berry as well.I think it was Roy that said it.
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I saw it on the Cole Anthony recruitment special that was like 20-30 minutes long and that was the one thing the Oak Hill coach, Steve Smith, said and it was reflected in video footage of an Oak Hill practice. A teammate missed a defensive rotation and gave up a lay up and Cole got on him, not terribly but called him out, "get to your spot." A few plays later, it happened again and Cole lit into him, "get to the damn spot, you are killing us." Cole will be more vocal than Berry and Coby. He will likely be a lot like Felton was vocally for this team.
the ONLY knock I've heard on Cole and not sure it's a knock is that he's one of those guys that plays so intense, that sometimes he can be hard on his teammates because his expectations for them are even higher than theirs as times.

Saw that in one of his practice videos where he got on his teammate for missing something in practice twice and immediately thought "god I hope we get this kid. That's the type of leader we need". Def. screams "Alpha dog mentality" IMO.

Those that have followed Cole or watched more than just mix tapes and highlight reels... what weaknesses does he have or what does he need to work on more?
Not a lot man... the only thing is he has a slower release on his shot than you would like; it's still fast, but it is slow enough that at this level it may catch up to him. That's about all I have noticed.
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Kendall is a really tough comp for me. They are super different PGs.

Chris Paul is a good comp.

Chris Paul is and has been the best comparison I have used, glad Roy offered him a full schooly rather than asking him to walk on as Chris Paul was asked to do (well before Roy came back)...
Not a lot man... the only thing is he has a slower release on his shot than you would like; it's still fast, but it is slow enough that at this level it may catch up to him. That's about all I have noticed.

Yeah but he has a nack of creating the space he needs to get his shot off. He not only has a solid step back but he is really good at throwing a pump fake and driving a couple bounces and then take the clean look as the defender flies by.
I like the Chris Paul como, but with better athleticism.
Hmm... Idk about that. Paul is a hall of famer, and one of the strongest small point guards ever. He's also a marvelous passer and defender. Not sure I'd want to compare any prospect to a better version of him.
I'm glad Cole can finally be discussed as a future Tar Heel instead of a recruiting target. He will fit well in Roy's uptempo system.
Sorry but that Goldwire guy's got his number .. just in case you missed that "dook sweeps Heels" thread ...:rolleyes:
Yea, that Goldwire could spell the failure of our entire season. And with Joey coming off the bench to rest him for 12 min this year (I figure he's good for 1/2 min a game) what chance do we have???
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