CONFIRMED: Cormac Ryan Transferring To North Carolina

Mando is still going to be setting the high pick and release plenty, sorry that's not going away with the personal added. Hopefully teams cannot just "jump" the point on it and have them dribble sideways, because we have a legit point guard 1st, and 2nd the shooters to keep them at home.
But you said the offense resembled an NBA offense when Hubert played in the NBA. Hubert played in the 90’s when pace was slower, and traditional big guys were dominant.

Hubert ran a lot of college sets last year. But like an NBA coach, he called a lot of sets. But the style itself wasn’t anything like it was when Hubert was in the NBA.
I do think Hubert wants to run a lot of "Pistol" concepts within his actions, which is very much modern NBA. He wants to space and have the playmakers read and react to how the defense moves on the initial action.

That depends on quick decisive decisions though, can't go side to side dribbling when "jumped"(Caudeu?) and the perimeter shooters keeping the dee honest having to stay somewhat at home for those you have in space.

I also think he is big on the big dogs have to make plays. Caudeu as the fulcrum may be the key!

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