Below is another email correspondence that I sent directly to the ACC Coordinator of officials. I have refrained from publishing his email address, and really don't want to do so, but if someone here can convince me as to why I need to and how it will lead to a greater probability of fairness in next Saturday's officiating, I'm willing to have my mind changed.
Again, I apologize for emailing your work re: the subject of ACC officials, but it’s pretty serious stuff at this point.
How is it that when Duke and their football coach throw a temper tantrum about officiating, heads roll and suspensions happen immediately? Meanwhile, the rest of the schools have to simply endure the incompetence (and in my belief, BIAS against at least UNC, maybe other league members) and critical blown calls week after week, with no justice, no admitting by the league that the officials were wrong, etc. How is that fair, or in the manner of sportsmanship? Yes, on the Miami lateral play a block in the back was missed, a Miami player may have been down, and some communication botched in explaining the referee conferral to pick up a flag thrown on a LEGAL block. Big deal; your refs miss holds, facemasks, and blocks in the back all the time, and can't overturn downed runners based upon the concept of irrefutable evidence. And Dook was ahead at the time due to an egregious set of calls on Dook's last drive, reflective of the overall 24-5 penalty disparity in the game. But, in comparison…UNC has endured a crooked measurement (image above) at GT, a crooked delay of game for illegal fair catch signal that NEVER HAPPENED vs. Wake, and a crooked phantom offensive pass interference call vs. uva (w/ the score tied) that again, never happened (YouTube link available)…without so much as a “yeah, we blew those…sorry about that” response, much less official suspensions. That those calls were overcome by UNC in victories is IRRELEVANT…they could’ve had significant effect.
Importantly, you have a specific rule that prohibits a coach from being critical of the officials. You now have a coach who has with intent, specifically described his criticisms, implied incompetence, and publicly has called for procedures to be put in place to change OUTCOMES of games based on officiating grievances (which is ridiculous on its face…your guys will NEVER do any better if they have that possibility hanging over the heads). That coach is David Cutcliffe of Duke. I mean, just lay it out there….do the rules apply to Duke, or not? If not, just say so and the rest of the league will adjust, or leave the league. If so, step up and suspend the asshole, per the rules.
My assumption is that you will not enforce the league’s rules referenced above and suspend Cutcliffe for his whining (I mean, we have 30 years of watching their hoops coach not be held to the rules). At the very least, I’m trusting that you, Mr. *******, will advise your officials that IN NO WAY is Mr. Cutcliffe’s whining to be allowed to influence their officiating in this upcoming Saturday’s game at Chapel Hill, NC between UNC and Dook (spelled it correctly here, vs. the incorrect reference above that is typically accepted nationally).