Daily Drop: UNC Basketball Needs Some Statues...

Statues are reserved for the elite of the elite, like Dean and MJ. In my opinion, the only others deserving consideration are Charlie Scott, Phil Ford, and Psycho T.

Lawrence Taylor for Football

Mia Hamm for Soccer
Oh no, we now live in a world where folks want to tear down statues rather than build and honor them....
It would be awesome to put a Dean Smith statue up where Silent Sam once stood.

Dean Smith, the man who stood against racism his whole life. The man who took black members of his church into a White's only lunch counter. The man who brought Charlie Scott to UNC.... replacing a statue that during its unveiling Julian Carr gave a speech espousing white supremacy, and even proudly told a story of horse whipping a black woman.

Replacing a statue that represented so much evil, with a statue of a great man whose beliefs form the bedrock of everything UNC basketball was built upon would be a great step forward for our school.

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