Everyone disparages the greed of corporations yet most seem to ignore the greed on the part of conferences and universities that is driving this expansion/realignment movement. It’s equally disgusting to me, if not more so. With universities bringing in more and more millions, has the cost of attending college decreased even a little? Hell no! It keeps rising by leaps and bounds. But this doesn’t seem to bother very many posters here or elsewhere. $33 mil per school a year isn’t enough, we need to make twice that or three times that like the SEC. And if we do, the cost of attending college will still continue to rise. Our universities are ripping people off and providing an increasingly poorer return on their money. Universities are like the government, they never have enough money to spend. They always “need” more. It’s BS! Once proud academic institutions are now no better than any other schools in their money grabbing quest.
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