Did anybody see this on Richt?

we matched the texas offer.

Yeah, I remember all too well THAT being thrown up as a means for covering DB's arse when he KNEW he had screwed up and let Mack go. Sorry, that offer came AFTER Mack was already boxing up his stuff and DB was in full blown CYA mode because everyone NOT named Dick Baddour who knew what a football was could see losing Mack was stupid.

Interesting the way this thread has matriculated. First, I think anyone who defends DB is really ignorant of the job he did during his tenure, is really stupid or related to the guy. I cannot think of ANYONE who thinks he did a good job while here outside of a few people who could care less if UNC ever fields a winning team. In anything.

As for Richt, I don't know if his religious beliefs played a part in not hiring him but no one went out of their way to deny it when it came up so that tells me there could be at least some merit to it. Either way he was one of the hottest commodities around at the time and should have been signed immediately. The guy wanted the job and everyone in the country wanted him. What is so hard about that? I think we all see what could have been, too.

And not to get into a religious debate here, but if the worst thing people say about him is he is a Christian who cares about the physical and spiritual needs of the kids who play for him then I imagine he would be OK with that and so am I. Seems to me we were a heck of a lot better off when no one cared a lot about a coach offering to pray for someone or talk to them about his beliefs IF they wanted to. My kid plays for a coach who constantly prays for his players, prays WITH them and is probably someone you will hear about soon being sued by the ACLU or some atheist who can't stand anyone having any beliefs that differ from theirs and wants to screw up everyone else's life so theirs won't looks so bad. Oh, and the guy can flat out coach and gets the absolute best out of his players. Those kids would run through a brick wall for him. He commands respect from them on and off the field. He stopped practice one day a few weeks ago when a player cursed. He asked twice who said it and when the offender didn't speak up the entire team started doing up-downs. After 3-4 the kid who cursed finally confessed, the team finished out the 10 he told them they were to do and this kid got pulled out of practice and did them the rest of the afternoon. Doesn't matter if you are the best player or the worst, they are all expected to abide by the same rules.

He personally sent me a text when my son was injured asking how he was doing and letting me know he would be praying for him. He made it clear to my kid he wouldn't be allowed back on the field until the trainers cleared him to play and they were going to work him in slow to make sure he didn't re injure his wrist. He sent out a blast text to everyone on his list asking for prayers for a kid who blew his knee out again this year when the kid was going under the knife. Yeah, there are worse things than having a coach who puts Christ first in his life.

Bunting. Well, he was a terrible coach who was in over his head. But, I met the guy and spent some time in a golf cart with him and I happen to like him personally. Still wouldn't want him as a coach, but super nice guy.
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Yeah, I remember all too well THAT being thrown up as a means for covering DB's arse when he KNEW he had screwed up and let Mack go. Sorry, that offer came AFTER Mack was already boxing up his stuff and DB was in full blown CYA mode because everyone NOT named Dick Baddour who knew what a football was could see losing Mack was stupid.

Interesting the way this thread has matriculated. First, I think anyone who defends DB is really ignorant of the job he did during his tenure, is really stupid or related to the guy. I cannot think of ANYONE who thinks he did a good job while here outside of a few people who could care less if UNC ever fields a winning team. In anything.

As for Richt, I don't know if his religious beliefs played a part in not hiring him but no one went out of their way to deny it when it came up so that tells me there could be at least some merit to it. Either way he was one of the hottest commodities around at the time and should have been signed immediately. The guy wanted the job and everyone in the country wanted him. What is so hard about that? I think we all see what could have been, too.

And not to get into a religious debate here, but if the worst thing people say about him is he is a Christian who cares about the physical and spiritual needs of the kids who play for him then I imagine he would be OK with that and so am I. Seems to me we were a heck of a lot better off when no one cared a lot about a coach offering to pray for someone or talk to them about his beliefs IF they wanted to. My kid plays for a coach who constantly prays for his players, prays WITH them and is probably someone you will hear about soon being sued by the ACLU or some atheist who can't stand anyone having any beliefs that differ from theirs and wants to screw up everyone else's life so theirs won't looks so bad. Oh, and the guy can flat out coach and gets the absolute best out of his players. Those kids would run through a brick wall for him. He commands respect from them on and off the field. He stopped practice one day a few weeks ago when a player cursed. He asked twice who said it and when the offender didn't speak up the entire team started doing up-downs. After 3-4 the kid who cursed finally confessed, the team finished out the 10 he told them they were to do and this kid got pulled out of practice and did them the rest of the afternoon. Doesn't matter if you are the best player or the worst, they are all expected to abide by the same rules.

He personally sent me a text when my son was injured asking how he was doing and letting me know he would be praying for him. He made it clear to my kid he wouldn't be allowed back on the field until the trainers cleared him to play and they were going to work him in slow to make sure he didn't re injure his wrist. He sent out a blast text to everyone on his list asking for prayers for a kid who blew his knee out again this year when the kid was going under the knife. Yeah, there are worse things than having a coach who puts Christ first in his life.

Bunting. Well, he was a terrible coach who was in over his head. But, I met the guy and spent some time in a golf cart with him and I happen to like him personally. Still wouldn't want him as a coach, but super nice guy.
well said.
AFTER it was too late and Mack had already accepted Deloss Dodd's offer to go to UT. No way to put lipstick on the pig that was Dickie Bad-odor as AD. He hired Doherty, Bunting, re-hired Torbush, got a pie in the face from Beamer when he didn't have him sign on the dotted line before leaving town, and screwed up Roy's return to Chapel Hill the first time. One of the alltime WORST, if not THE worst, AD in major college athletics history. If I was the kind of person to do it (which I'm not), catching him out in a dark alley would be visceral HATRED for that man for what he did to Carolina is only surpassed by that I have for the @ss-covering Little Weasil, Holden Thorp.
i don't doubt that for one minute.
the matching offer may have only come because mack was stepping on the private plane.
baddour may not have offered anything for the assistants either.
too many people seem to think that if we had ponied up the cash mack would have stayed and that isn't the case.
and i'm sure as heck not defending baddour in this matter.

the only thing i would defend baddour on was when he stepped down to protest davis's firing.
you guys do know who put baddour in the athletic directors seat and i hope you know who was running the department in the early 90's?
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Dean Smith didn't make Bad-odor make all those horrendous errors. Dean was orchestrating his retirement in mid-90s.

And yes, think about it. Bad-odor's TOP contribution as AD was to resign in protest over BD's firing....after he'd been fired! Consider that...that was as good as it got for Bad-odor in terms of achievement!
dean did put baddour in the ad's seat.
and dean had finalized his retirement plan for the program before the mid 90's. the date was the only thing that wasn't finalized.