I would give the championship to Golden State. They're 2/3 in Vegas - this has to be the first time in the major 4 sports in modern history that a team has been better than even money to win the championship before the season started. Like others, I wouldn't blame Durant for this - this trend was started by Lebron wanting to join up with his friends so they could teach him how to win a championship, and now the owners have perpetuated it in the recent CBA. I don't blame Durant at all.
Yes there's a lot of star power on the Warriors now, but all of those guys seem to have egos that mesh well with each other. I think they all would prefer to win a championship as opposed to get top notch stats. That's what sets them apart from the Philly team you mentioned, and that insufferable prick, Lebron.
I for one am happy with this move. It accomplishes two things for me: 1) it's obvious the Warriors will win the title this year, so it saves me (and everyone else) the trouble of having to watch the season this year - we already know the outcome, and 2) it prevents Lebron from winning a championship this year, and if Durant stays, probably for the rest of his prime. Two birds with one stone.