ESPN Apologies for Civil War Graphic

Yeah, it's not a typical mascot name. The Ram is actually the mascot. And, that requires explanation as well. It's too convoluted for people to find it to be in poor taste.
Correct, that's why I referred to "Tar Heels" as our nickname. As for the ram, the Jack Merritt/battering ram story is pretty damn cool and not at convoluted if you ask me.


I mean, Tar Heels is a South Civil War reference. Will they eventually make you guys change your name? It's getting silly.

Ah yes, ol' Robert Lee.

We discuss him and the possibility of having to change the Tar Heels nickname in this thread: https://northcarolina.forums.rivals...eft-demand-unc-change-tarheel-nickname.55818/

Quite a good re-read. And the OP is Nuk'EM... haven't heard from him in awhile and can't even tag him so I guess he's gone.
We discuss . . . the possibility of having to change the Tar Heels nickname in this thread: https://northcarolina.forums.rivals...eft-demand-unc-change-tarheel-nickname.55818/
Holy cow! Notice the ones who were dumbing down the message board that day, uttering nonsensical paranoia and irrelevant concern over a complete non-issue that EVERYONE here should by now be well-schooled upon.

And with Nuk'EM Heels leading the charge, no less!! That moron couldn't even spell his username correctly. What in the hell is a "nuk," anyway? And what legitimate Tar Heels fan still spells it as one word? I'll tell you who does it -- the kind of moron who launches a thread about racist undertones in our school's nickname that DON'T EVEN EXIST!

Correct, that's why I referred to "Tar Heels" as our nickname. As for the ram, the Jack Merritt/battering ram story is pretty damn cool and not at convoluted if you ask me.
Well... it's just not an easy answer. I cannot tell you how many people have asked me "Why are they called Tar Heels and have a ram as the mascot?" Then, I have to tell two stories. And, Jack Merritt goes back to the 1920's. I didn't even know that part of the story until I was AT the university.