no... it's not word games at all. If words mean things- like allowing us to define and identify ideologies that lead to suppression of thought and the freedom to share ideas- then there are no games being played at all.
If we can agree that communists and Islamic radicals are, at their core, conservatives... do you think we should pay attention to our own positions and if we're moving toward these extremes ourselves?
I realize that the meme that heelbent shared makes it appear that using "liberal" methods will never "defeat Muslim extremists." And, in a way, that's absolutely right. You won't like this, but; Americans and western civilization can never, ever out-fight Radical Islam. Trying to do that is pouring gas onto a forest fire. They WANT people to fight with them. The more you try and fight them, they stronger they get. I can assure you, American conservatives, and conservatism that we have here, are amateurs when you put them against Muslim resolve, when it comes to the extremists who will blow themselves up to try and get even for something. But they will gladly drag you down to their level, if you follow their lead. Would you rather be more like Muslim extremists or less like them? Because, you're not going to change them. And, you're never going to defeat them by playing them at their game.