Farewell Olivia

Raising Heel

Hall of Famer
Aug 31, 2008
A van down by the river
My dog Olivia passed away Friday night. I've previously mentioned here that she was battling cancer. Her test results had all been encouraging, but it was a particularly aggressive and unpredictable type of cancer that turned extremely bad in just a couple days. Anyway, below is the note that I sent out to family and friends. I'm poasting it here because I gave a shout out to the OOTB tailgate gang and @UNC71-00. It cheers me up to look back on her life and think about all the great times we had, and I want to sincerely thank you guys for being a part of that.


Family and Friends,

Last night, Olivia succumbed to complications from her cancer. She passed painlessly in my arms while being told how much she was loved and cherished. It's probably best not to write a three-page note every time I lose a pet, so I'll simply say that she was the most loving and devoted companion a guy could ask for. She was a damn good dog.

My heart is broken, but I'm incredibly grateful that we had fantastic adventures and she got to spend time with so many special people in the last few months of her life. She met new friends like my coworkers Jenny and Matt, Phil, Tommy G., Rich, and the whole OOTB Tailgate Crew. She had one-on-one time with people who have been such a huge part of her life like Kelly, Liane, Kim, and the wonderful ladies behind the counter at Noda Bark & Board: Vanessa, Ty, Jo, and Leiarna (thank you all for looking after her). And my family got a chance to know her like they never had before. It was a blessing that Sherry, JAMS, Michael, and Mom all learned what a lovely little girl she was. Everyone she met adored her, and rightfully so.

Farewell, sweet Livy. I'll meet you at the Rainbow Bridge. I love you more than words can say.

P.S. I made her a tribute video:

So sorry to hear this Matt. I know how hard it is to lose a pet and, truly, a member of your family. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
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How old was she?
Don't know for sure because she was a stray*. Based on her teeth, the vet guessed she was about six months old when I took her in. So when she passed she was 10 years old, the same age as my dog Niam who the tailgate crew also met at the WCU game.

* Full story: A friend of mine first found Olivia at a gas station off Arrowood Road in south Charlotte. It was cold and pouring rain. She had a phone cord wrapped around her neck and was tied to a power pole. He asked the attendant whose dog she was but the attendant didn't know, so he said **** it and took her to his office.

He and his wife fostered Olivia for about a month while trying to find her a permanent home since they already had three dogs of their own. They asked me to watch her when they went out of town for Thanksgiving. Truth be told, I had fallen in love with her the first time I met her at the dog park where we would all bring our dogs to run around. The rest is history.
I can totally empathize. Sad for you.

Rainbow Bridge:

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I love all three of my dogs like children, but she was my heart and soul. Still hurting like hell today. My mom and brother came to visit for the weekend which helped tremendously.

I teared up myself watching her tribute video. She was obviously a sweet loving pup, and got lots of love herself. It looks like she went on better adventures than most people ever go on!! You should be damn proud of the life you gave her.
Add my name to the list of those offering condolences. We lost our beagle of 14 years in August and it still bothers us. Even the loss of his brother who died of cancer two years prior is still tough to accept. There's nothing to say that will really make you feel better but it sounds like she found a great place to spend her time on earth.
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So sorry to hear. They give us everything they have, and ask only for our love and attention. Their devotion to us makes it so hard to let them go, but they never leave our hearts. Just know that you made her life as rich as she made yours.

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Sorry to hear this buddy, losing a dog is tough people say its just a dog but I know where your coming from it a friend a best friend at that.

My dog Boston Terrier he is 12 he is older than my son and when he passes its is going to be very hard him and my son are best friend he sleeps with my son he eats when I eat he eats part of every meal I eat at home, he is always happy to see me. On my worst day he meets me at the door and is so happy to see me and wants my affection.

Praying for you buddy, and from a guy that lost a dog don't go right out and try and find another heal first because I can assure you another dog will never meet your standards.

Good luck!
RIP Olivia
Sorry I'm late getting in here to express my condolences, @Raising Heel. So sorry for your loss and at the same time I'm so happy that your had a true loving companion that was with you for ten years of your life. I know that you will continue to cherish those memories.
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Add my name to the list of those offering condolences. We lost our beagle of 14 years in August and it still bothers us. Even the loss of his brother who died of cancer two years prior is still tough to accept. There's nothing to say that will really make you feel better but it sounds like she found a great place to spend her time on earth.
We had to put one beagle down at ~8 yrs; one of the saddest days of my life; especially bad due to how much he meant to our kids.

Our current beagle got really sick a few years back with a rare auto-immune disease and we were literally within 48 hours of having to put him down. He was only 2 at the time, and we wanted to do everything possible to keep him. With the good work from our local vet, NCSU vet hospital, and about $2500, he's back to his happy and healthy best.
My dog Boston Terrier he is 12 he is older than my son and when he passes its is going to be very hard him and my son are best friend he sleeps with my son he eats when I eat he eats part of every meal I eat at home, he is always happy to see me. On my worst day he meets me at the door and is so happy to see me and wants my affection.
This guy knows what it's all about. I love Bostons. They're hilarious and you reminded me of a funny story about Olivia.

She was a bit rough around the edges when she was younger, probably a product of living on the streets and having to fend for herself. Whenever I took her to a dog park she would almost always get into an altercation with other dogs. There were plenty of uptight owners who would overreact to "dogs being dogs," especially the suburbanites at the dog park in Cornelius (north of Charlotte).

So I started taking my dogs to the dog park in Gastonia instead. I found the folks there to be more down to earth. Early one Saturday morning, a couple walked into the park with two Bostons who were batshit crazy. Just running around, yapping at everybody, the whole thing. Well sure enough they got into it with Olivia. It turned into a giant cloud of dirt and debris with the three of them barking and wrestling and body-slamming and basically just canine chaos. One of their dogs took an ugly spill, so I rushed over to break it up and apologize to the Bostons' owners. The guy took one look at them and said, "Nah. Let them go at it. They need their asses kicked anyway." So those three just beat the hell out of each other for a half hour until they were so tired they couldn't go on. Olivia came home and slept for the rest of the day. That was awesome.
So I started taking my dogs to the dog park in Gastonia instead. I found the folks there to be more down to earth. Early one Saturday morning, a couple walked into the park with two Bostons who were batshit crazy. Just running around, yapping at everybody, the whole thing. Well sure enough they got into it with Olivia. It turned into a giant cloud of dirt and debris with the three of them barking and wrestling and body-slamming and basically just canine chaos. One of their dogs took an ugly spill, so I rushed over to break it up and apologize to the Bostons' owners. The guy took one look at them and said, "Nah. Let them go at it. They need their asses kicked anyway." So those three just beat the hell out of each other for a half hour until they were so tired they couldn't go on. Olivia came home and slept for the rest of the day. That was awesome.

Great story and it sounds about right for Boston's, my mom has one and she got hers about a year after I got mine hers is one step above crazy as hell and mine a little more laid back but you get them together and they are into everything and will chase each other around the yard or the house or where ever for hours!
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My parents have a Boston Terrier. Every time I go visit them, he's always wide open licking my face until his mouth dries out. I love that dog; however, I can do without the nuclear farts. I swear, he has the most potent gas that's ever been introduced into my nasal passages. That dog spawns demons from his anus, and they will torture you for hours.
My parents have a Boston Terrier. Every time I go visit them, he's always wide open licking my face until his mouth dries out. I love that dog; however, I can do without the nuclear farts. I swear, he has the most potent gas that's ever been introduced into my nasal passages. That dog spawns demons from his anus, and they will torture you for hours.

Yes the gas is very bad and he snores very loud to!
@Raising Heel You might remember my very long and sad poast about my ol' girl, Vinnie. I'm sure she'll welcome Livy with open arms, er,...I mean legs...well, that sounded weird. You get my drift. Sorry for your loss. I know how painful it is. But the bright side is that your story has encouraged me to spend some time thinking of Vin and all the good times she and our family had.

Dang. Sorry to hear about your dog. That can be tough. We had to put ours down little over a year ago when her kidneys failed. Losing a dog can be like losing a family member.
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My sympathy to you RH. We had to put both our dogs down last year and it was as gut wrenching and as painful as it could be They mean so much to us as a part of the family and when they are gone, the loss is incredible

I hope that you are comforted with the love they gave you and your family and the memories they gave you as well.
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Damn. Breaks my heart to hear about this. The whole family sends our love and condolences my friend.
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Shameless bump.

My dogs have gone to a daycare called Noda Bark & Board every day for the last 10 years. That's because Niam had serious behavioral issues as a pup and it was better than killing him or finding someone stupid enough to take him off my hands. Anyway, the manager at NB&B donated funds to Holly'z Hope to build a fence in Olivia's honor. Holly'z Hope builds fences for dogs living on chains so they can be unchained.

The build took place on Sunday and it was a awesome. Skinny, the dog who got the fence, went from being aggressive and fearful to a happy kid who was literally jumping for joy. You can see the "after" part in the Facebook video embedded in the second tweet. There are some incredibly kind and generous people in this world, and today Skinny is living a better life because of it.

Shameless bump.

My dogs have gone to a daycare called Noda Bark & Board every day for the last 10 years. That's because Niam had serious behavioral issues as a pup and it was better than killing him or finding someone stupid enough to take him off my hands. Anyway, the manager at NB&B donated funds to Holly'z Hope to build a fence in Olivia's honor. Holly'z Hope builds fences for dogs living on chains so they can be unchained.

The build took place on Sunday and it was a awesome. Skinny, the dog who got the fence, went from being aggressive and fearful to a happy kid who was literally jumping for joy. You can see the "after" part in the Facebook video embedded in the second tweet. There are some incredibly kind and generous people in this world, and today Skinny is living a better life because of it.


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