"**now for my rant**
Older people think today's music sucks because all they know about today's music is Bruno Mars, Carrie Underwood, and The Weekend. I can recommend you 20+ bands off the top of my head that you would love (or at least enjoy), but you've probably heard of less than 4 of the 20 I'd recommend.
Why? Because today's Top 40 is pop, R&B, rap, and pop country. What was Top 40 in the 1970s and 60s? It was bands that would become known as classic rock. That's the only difference. Older folks (and younger folks who are too lazy or ignorant to find good music from today) think current music sucks because all they hear is really, really shitty Top 40 music. There is a whole slew of excellent music out there, you just have to dig a little to find it because there are more avenues for recording/distributing music today than there ever was in Led Zeppelin's time."
There's a ton of painting the "older people" with a broad brush gong on here, a ton. Ditto for when you say ".However, for every one of those people, there are five young people who like classic rock better than today's music because they think it makes them cool. They can say "well classic rock is just BETTER" because they think it makes them worldly, or cultured, or whatever other bullshit. I have no tolerance for those type of people."
Some people may listen to music because they think it "makes them cool" but I would imagine they are in the minority. You've got a lot of anger coming through there in your statements and I think you're way off base with your 5 to 1 ratio. No one can say definitively, but I think most people listen to a style of music because they derive pleasure from it. Nothing more and nothing less, and that is sufficient.
We'll agree to disagree on "why" people listen to a particular type of music, or even which style is the best. As I said, I have a very diverse music library and enjoy all of it.