As good as the main liners were, with Jerry being a strong "straight man", and Kramer with his physical comedy, and George being a funny loser in every imaginable way.... the supporting cast is what made the show unbeatable IMO....100% false. CYE always seemed like it was trying too hard. Plus, Larry David is funny. But he’s not as funny as the combination of Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine. Add in all the secondary characters and it’s an easy win for Seinfeld.
Favorite episode? Sheesh, I don’t know. Frogger, Bubble Boy, Digging up Frodo the parrot, Soup Nazi, Kenny Rogers Roasters, Bizarro World, Bookman the Library Cop are all good ones. Every episode was good. There was never an episode I ever walked away from disappointed.
George's parents (Jerry Stiller, etc)
the Johnny Cochrane lawyer guy
"George Steinbrenner" (from behind)
...and I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of others.