I agree with this meme, you can't blame all Muslims for terrorists, just like you can't blame all musicians for Nickelback.
However, I prefer to have record labels vet new musicians before giving them a record deal, to make sure I don't have to listen to more nickelback-like bands. Just like it'd be nice for homeland security to vet new Muslims to make sure they're not terrorists.
Are you kidding, the RPT is going strong and better than ever!
Don't you have to be a female to be considered a bitch?
Well, I think men can be a bitch too, just call them Mitch instead!They have man-periods for sure!
I blame mine on being bi-polar (from my mom's side).
FWIW...I can say that b/c it's true and she openly admits / embraces it to justify her responses to stupidity.
There is nothing wrong with being bipolar. My daughter is and she is funny and beautiful... so adorable! xo
Nothing wrong at all. Mix with with a bit of ADHD and you have an entertaining combo!