Sorry, I should've elaborated.
Comparing the cost of healthcare and health outcomes across different countries is somewhat meaningless. When looking at the factors that determine population health,
medical care only represents about 10% of the total. The linked article cites several other factors at play including genetics (30%), social circumstances (15%), environmental conditions (5%), and most importantly, behavioral choices (40%).
We have the most open society in the world. I can smoke half a pack of cigarettes while driving my 8 mpg SUV to a drive-thru 2 miles away to pick up a breakfast that includes 3 bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits; 2 orders of hash browns; and a 48-ounce Mountain Dew. On one hand, I wouldn't have it any other way. On the other, I think it's unfortunate that society will eventually bear the costs these kinds of lifestyles (more on that in a minute).
It doesn't make much sense to compare our healthcare to countries that have less diverse populations, less income inequality, more preventative care, and a greater emphasis on healthy lifestyles. We're already at a disadvantage before there's an event that necessitates medical intervention. The United States is one of the most unhealthy countries on the planet and proud of it. 'Merica!
That's one of the many, many reasons I'm opposed to single payer, Medicare for All, or universal health care. (These are all distinctly different things and should not be used interchangeably, for the record.) I don't want to pay for other people's shitty lifestyle choices. If you want to ride a motorcycle without a helmet, be my guest. Just don't expect me to pick up the tab when you suffer a traumatic brain injury during a crash. The same goes for people who smoke 2 packs a day, engage in promiscuous sex, or eat fried chicken at every meal. I could go on but you get the idea.