I just noticed this on the off topic board and hope folks will allow me to place it here as well. Raising Heel posts a lot on the off topic and football boards. It appears he is involved with the big brother program, wonderful program that allows mentoring of kids that really need it in the Charlotte area.
All you have to do is click on the below link and vote for BBBS in Charlotte and if they get enough votes a local business will give them a micro grant that is badly needed. You can vote once per day and it costs you nothing but a few seconds of your time each day for the next week.
PLEASE help them out by voting each day as long as they will allow the voting and help some kids that really need you!
All you have to do is click on the below link and vote for BBBS in Charlotte and if they get enough votes a local business will give them a micro grant that is badly needed. You can vote once per day and it costs you nothing but a few seconds of your time each day for the next week.
PLEASE help them out by voting each day as long as they will allow the voting and help some kids that really need you!