I don't really care who is drafted before who, that is on the NBA and I am not a NBA fan, I am a fan of the college game.
What I do find funny is dukies that talk about how Roy holds his players back and K does not do that, that is why duke gets the better talents as of late? Funny isn't it, Justin Jackson a Jr if he comes back has entered his name in the draft to test the waters and yet Allen, also a Jr is not even testing the waters? Alen AKA whipper tripper, had the higher scoring numbers by a lot, All ACC and Justin wasn't, and yet it is Justin testing the NBA waters and Allen not giving it a look see. Who is holding who back now? LOL
Want another example, by all reports jefferson could have come back a few games at the end of the regular season, word is his doctors had released him to play. But for some reason he just didn't feel like he was ready, so he was saved to be able to play another season for K. So rather than the greatest players we have ever seen, the sure fire #1 over all pick in any draft, Jefferson was held back from further play this season, delaying his mega paydays, so he could play another season for K? The ONLY reason as we have been told so many times, that duke did not win it all this season as well, was held back by the very guy that duke fans want us to believe does not hold his players back from the NBA? Who is really holding who back again dukies?