Grayson Allen Flop

Someone needs to get their money's worth with this fake. A hard foul on a lay-up just might do it.
so a flagrnt -IF- there is contact to the head..BUT.. upon slo motion review, the fake, the phony should be granted a tech!!!
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This young man is a piece of shit. I’m all for gamesmanship but this kid and his antics year after year are beyond pathetic and outside of the normal, competitive nature of the game.
I'm sure Coach K will regard this as a big Nothingburger, and will not punish or even comment on this obvious flop. No worries, as Grayson will end up just like Jimmer, playing overseas and needing a translator.
He gets away with it because the refs refuse to do anything about it. In this case, they called the foul on the opponent. The second it was called, someone should have gone to look at the replay. Once they saw he was faking it, they should have reversed the call and given Allen a technical. Each time he is "fouled" like this, they need to stop the play and go look at a replay. If K bitches, they can tell him it is because he has lied so many times they can no longer trust that he isn't faking every foul like this and they will review every damn one of them this season.

It is obvious K isn't going to do anything and apparently neither is the ACC, so until the refs step up and put a stop to it, this shiite will keep happening.
ACC should release a statement about sportsmanship and reference Grayson’s flop and stand firm that it has no place among any aCC members. Yeahhhh that’ll never happen.
He gets away with it because the refs refuse to do anything about it. In this case, they called the foul on the opponent. The second it was called, someone should have gone to look at the replay.

It is obvious K isn't going to do anything and apparently neither is the ACC, so until the refs step up and put a stop to it, this shiite will keep happening.
Grayson flops, frequently. But this play was not a flop. Take a look at the close-up and you can see his mouth and jaw move on impact... also you'll notice in the video posted by the OP, his nose was remarkably red after the contact.

Grayson flops, frequently. But this play was not a flop. Take a look at the close-up and you can see his mouth and jaw move on impact... also you'll notice in the video posted by the OP, his nose was remarkably red after the contact.

Fair enough, that slow mo replay does show contact..... albeit about as much contact a fly makes when resting on an elephants butt....
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"also you'll notice in the video posted by the OP, his nose was remarkably red after the contact."

I assumed that was from his halftime activity involving the ass end of the refs.
"also you'll notice in the video posted by the OP, his nose was remarkably red after the contact."

I assumed that was from his halftime activity involving the ass end of the refs.
The refs?? I thought K had an extra spring in his step...
What a joke the leader of men is! Of course we will all hear about poor poor Grayson. Dook is so Busch league it's not even entertaining anymore, of course he will be rewarded with 2 free points for the home team! How many times have we seen dook players completely fall down with little to no contact and kill a game-changing run by the opponent. Never fails!
Oh, I’m so sorry. You are absolutely right. That was much worse that anything you’d see in an honorably played game. Much worse than anything someone at dook has ever done, right? Like, Gerald Henderson, for instance! (In case you missed it, that was sarcasm!)

Give me a friggIn break! Contact? That was barely a brush and Trippy McWhiplash made
It look like someone sent him a flying elbow.
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Grayson flops, frequently. But this play was not a flop. Take a look at the close-up and you can see his mouth and jaw move on impact... also you'll notice in the video posted by the OP, his nose was remarkably red after the contact.

He was grazed across the mouth and nose by the opponent's right hand. That footage proves it. His reaction seemed a little extreme, but there was contact for sure.
Jack the Tripper is the real victim here!

One must pay when one contacts the royal nose; pit of misery for all!
He also oversells the fouls/no fouls on the three and 2 point jump shots .. as well as everything else he does. I think he has some serious personality and mental disorder issues. Probably got it as a frosh from sleeping with homely dook rah rah boys/girls because they were always faking during his "off court" performances to boost his ego and it simply carried over to bball. I've heard it's part of their scholarship program for all rat recruits but there's no hard evidence that can be associated with anything related to dook athletics. jmho
"also you'll notice in the video posted by the OP, his nose was remarkably red after the contact."

I assumed that was from his halftime activity involving the ass end of the refs.

He's got a brown ring around his nose ... and every day it grows and grows!!!

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