Happy 4/20

Hey guys, guess what
I could put a whole can in right now!
Was spending $350-$400 per month on it.

How much did you chew a day?? I used to do a can a day, could buy a roll at a local store for $22, is tobacco expensive in Nebraska???
I celebrated by (wait for it) going to the movies.

It was Super Troopers 2. Not too bad, it’s not great but it’s fine as far as comedy sequels go
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No, didn’t look great. With that said, I did really enjoy Trainwreck but that was in large part due to Bill Hader and LeBron
I didn't really understand the hype of Trainwreck. It was average at best.

This does bring up an important question though. Is Amy Schumer a would? I kinda go back and forth on her myself.
I didn't really understand the hype of Trainwreck. It was average at best.

This does bring up an important question though. Is Amy Schumer a would? I kinda go back and forth on her myself.
I didn’t watch her show on a regular basis, but the best episode deals with your question. It’s a 12 Angry Men parody where they debate if Amy is hot or not.
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That doesn't really answer my question, although I'm not surprised you managed to fit in a TV reference.
Oh you’re right, I didn’t answer the question, just was saying that there’s a good episode of television on the subject. If I were to answer I would say she’s a would
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I guess this is as good of a place to discuss this as any.

I recently quit smoking. Sort of. I’ve moved to vaping. And it’s changed my life. Cottonmouth and red eyes are significantly less when vaping versus smoking buds. And it’s just a better, cleaner buzz. Plus, no smell, no ashes, no stems. The downside is obtaining the cartridges for the E-pens. They’re simply not as readily available as the trees themselves.

I highly recommend.

Talk to me, brother. How does one obtain the cartridges? I'm about ready to quit drinking for a while but I have no interest in being sober. But I also don't need to smell like weed. This seems to be the perfect solution.
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We make our own vape oil. Its completely odorless. We carry our vape everywhere when out on ththe town and stay pleasantly annihilated.

Wait a minute. Is this what I made @Raising Heel ? I know how to make the oil (which is not an odorless process), but how do you smoke this?

This was the recipe I used

The end product would congeal if not kept warm. How does this turn in to something vapeable?
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