Maryland fans are terrible, but I don't know if they are the worst. Consider Wuffies.There are few things in sports more rewarding than beating Maryland. Their fans are the worst, most foul mouthed, uncouth in all of sports and they left the ACC because of "Carolina Bias"
They should have said that they left the ACC so as not to have to play UNC so frequently.
Breschi is an alum and as fine a man as you would ever want to meet. The day we start firing a guy like that for only making it to the Final 8, as his teams had done plenty of times, is a sad day for Carolina.
University of National Champions!
The announcers kept saying all weekend that only once had a school won both men's and women's lacrosse National Titles in the same year - Princeton in 1994. Denying that to Maryland while bringing it to Chapel Hill is priceless.