Help me with some College Bball Fan Research!

Feb 20, 2018
I am a researcher from the University of Cincinnati studying the relationship between sport fan and family roles. We are hoping to collect data from significant others (spouse/partner) of sport fans to gain insights into their perceptions of how sport fan and family roles interact. I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this survey link on to your significant other.

Below you will find a link to a brief survey that will take your significant other approximately 2-3 minutes to complete. At the conclusion of the survey, they will find a space to leave their email address if they are interested in taking part in the interview portion of our study.

Survey link for significant other:

If you or your significant other have any questions about the study or would like additional information, please contact Jason Simmons at (513) 556-6748, or by email at

Thank you very much for you time.

Jason Simmons, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati
Heidi Grappendorf, PhD., University of Cincinnati
Alicia Cintron, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati
If you or your significant other have any questions about the study or would like additional information, please contact Jason Simmons at (513) 556-6748, or by email at
Thanks for your contact info. I've taken the liberty of signing you up for several "exciting offers" and "valuable coupons."
Thanks for your contact info. I've taken the liberty of signing you up for several "exciting offers" and "valuable coupons."

Pics of Heidi Grappendorf & Alicia Cintron please . . . TIA
Also, I hope this thread doesn't get deleted like those med threads so I don't lose these quality poasts I've had.

We're ok as long as Mike Irby stays away . . he's the thread deleter. @heelbent justs edits the poasts and leaves it alone . .

As long as she came over with some f*ckin ziti.

You ever had authentic ziti? Like from an old Italian lady? One of my best friends in high school was half Italian. His grandmother on his moms side was full blooded, kick you in the nuts, tell you to **** off Italian. Man could she make some ziti. Some of my best memories ever.