It is and it isn't. But, it's a correlation that I have heard before. When i read/hear that "Oh, this is just white people writing it and it's not really how blacks feel", then I'm easily triggered. I KNOW black people who are bothered by these statues and remnants of the "Old South" and monuments that are, to them, glorifying the institutions of slavery. I know them personally. Anderson, SC has a Civil War soldiers monument near the city hall and they have said that it is nothing more than a constant reminder that it was "okay to keep blacks in chains and kept as property." They don't suffer from white guilt. They don't need a white-person op-ed to feel maligned by it.Whoa, dude. All he said was that some white people share the sentiment. That's a ridiculous leap to suggest he was saying blacks can't have their own opinions on the subject.