I just sent this to the ACC Coordinator of Football Officials


Sep 20, 2015
I'm not going to publicize the guy's email, for a few reasons I won't go into. And, the 2 attachments I referenced were the closeup of the ball and the shot of the official steadying the ball shy of the UNC 24 yd. line. But that said, here's what I sent:

"Mr. *********,

Let me apologize at the outset for emailing ************************* (redacted for reasons alluded to above). The ACC doesn’t provide any contact information for its administration (pretty amateur-ish, in my opinion, but that is another issue).

I will also state at the outset that I am a UNC fan and alum, and I’m aware that I don’t see things objectively wherein my alma mater is concerned. However, the two attachments above are representative of a problem w/ ACC Football officials that is long-running, as I see it. I won’t go into the numerous examples of officiating issues that cannot simply be incompetence wherein UNC is concerned, but instead will focus on this one in hopes that some treatment of the issue and answers can be surfaced. Hopefully, that I bring this up after a UNC victory will preclude an opinion that I’m coming at this from a “sour grapes” perspective.

How could any HONEST official look at that measurement and say that Georgia Tech made that first down (on a fourth down play late in the 3rd quarter)? Forget the fact that the 4 down set started w/ the chain squarely on the UNC 34 yard line, and ended w/ the ball shy of the 24 yd. marker…which that alone proves GT didn’t make it (watch the video), but that’s not the point. I’m focused on the official looking at that measurement (flawed though it is, and not straight and pulled tight as it should be), and saying “first down”. The nose of the ball is clearly a link, or a link and a half short of reaching the front side of the stick (see the rules for the setup of the yardage chains), which it would HAVE to do to be a first down! Now I ask again, how could any HONEST official make that determination? The answer from my perspective is that we don’t have honest officials, wherein UNC is concerned. Why that is I’m not sure (dominance in other sports, and people just don’t like the idea of UNC being successful in football, too? Maybe, but who knows?).

THAT call wasn’t a subjective judgment; you either do or don’t reach the flagstick in a measurement. In this case, GT didn’t, but in a tight game they were AWARDED a first down they didn’t EARN….which by definition penalizes the UNC team that did its job on the play (stopping Tech shy of the first down marker).

Lastly, as the ACC Football Coordinator of Officials, what sanctions or penalties are you going to pursue on this crew? Whether you believe my assertions or not, you at least have to call that decision an example of gross incompetence.

Thank you for whatever time you gave my email. I look forward to your response. If you’d like a chronicling of other phantom, “mysterious” calls that have gone against UNC Football in crucial situations, I’ll be glad to provide you a list. Be forewarned….that email would be VERY LONG, indeed."

And of course, I signed it and provided my city of origin.
Always feels good to send those but no way he responds.
Yeah, probably so 71. But I wanted to get that off my chest as a blatant example of something that we all feel is the case to some degree, whether we want to admit it or not. And that was a gross example. I think it's a good idea to let league officials know that they're being watched and challenged that it's not good for them to just call it a "judgment call" and everyone will just say "OK" and leave their biases unchecked.
Oh, I bettcha the "officials" on that crew have been in touch with the league office and have also seen the very clear video. As the rule states, the measurement is between the two "rods" and measured from the inside margin of each rod. As Gridiron states, they were not even to the link connecting the chain to the rod, pulled to full tension or not, they were short.
Couple of those guys may need to do a refresher on the rules and beg to work again, in the SEC.
Good job. Thanks for taking the time to do that. Well written, too.

That first down was blatantly wrong. It's good that we won and won the way we did. That way, you're still holding them accountable for horrible officiating in a game we WON.
Waste of time. Your email got lumped in with the other angry letters from other teams' fans who swear they were robbed. But if you did it for self satisfaction, well, there's always that.
I don't want to blow his email up; I was respectful in my letter to him personally, and wouldn't want the Heel fanbase characterized poorly based on the potential actions of a few. That's why I didn't make his email addy public on this forum.
I don't want to blow his email up; I was respectful in my letter to him personally, and wouldn't want the Heel fanbase characterized poorly based on the potential actions of a few. That's why I didn't make his email addy public on this forum.
meant as a joke. We don't want to look like mooers.
Good for you. Doesn't matter at all if you don't get a response. You still said your piece.

This is one of those clear examples where the issue really does need to be pointed out. There's not a lot of subjectivity in looking at a picture that shows the ball clearly short of the marker.
No response at this point. My takeaway from that is that the anti-UNC bias is real enough that league officials are de facto admitting the issue exists by ignoring real world examples given. It's like Hillary acting shocked and confused that anyone would look at her past and think she's a lying, disgusting, evil, dishonest scumbag. Like, "where does this all come from? Vast RW conspiracy, I tell you!"
No response at this point. My takeaway from that is that the anti-UNC bias is real enough that league officials are de facto admitting the issue exists by ignoring real world examples given. It's like Hillary acting shocked and confused that anyone would look at her past and think she's a lying, disgusting, evil, dishonest scumbag. Like, "where does this all come from? Vast RW conspiracy, I tell you!"

Well, I suppose that's possible, but more likely is that he/she didn't read it or if it was read, it was dismissed because they get a bunch of emails a week just like yours.

Think about it for a moment- how many emails to the NCAA and the ACC do you think that your average Wolpfacker writes in a week? My guess is that they ignore all of them regardless of the merit.
My takeaway from that is that the anti-UNC bias is real enough that league officials are de facto admitting the issue exists by ignoring real world examples given.
Given that specific example from the GT game, yeah, I'm serious. The question is simple: how can an HONEST ref look at that measurement and say, "yeah, that's a first down"?

Ignoring the question just lends merit to the charge that the refs are dishonest, not just incompetent.