I will always like Will Grier


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
because of that comeback against the Vols in 2015.

I dislike Florida, but I despise the Vols more.
Will Grier SUCKS!
26/40 (65.0%), 344 yards, 8.6 ypa, 3 TD, 1 INT with 12:37 still to play.
Yeh i was thinking the same thing RaisingHeel. We are talking shit about a kid who has more yards in game 1 vs a really good defense, than what our QB's may have through 3 games....
To understand you would have to research Grier and his father's history during his high school years. Extremely shady.
He makes a good point griers father all but said his son would go to the highest bidder... In wills defense h didn't seem to complicate of what his dad was doing
Ask yourself why Grier is no longer at Florida and why his father no longer coaches at Davidson Day. And it has a lot more to do with than the use of PEDs. That was just part of the shadyness.
He makes a good point griers father all but said his son would go to the highest bidder... In wills defense h didn't seem to complicate of what his dad was doing
The ole Cam Newton and daddy syndrome.

I still loved seeing Vols fans totally deflated after that game.
Woad, If you hate Tenn. that much, then great, good for you. My point is that Will Grier and his parents are NOT the kind of people you want to look up to.
My Daughter Played Volleyball with His Sister and Niece Talked to the Family every game ,All of them including Grandma Grier and Brother of Pops seemed super cool to me..
I see your point and not knocking it, but That was my experience so just throwing my 2 cents worth in..
Cam Newton's dad is a nice person as well... Had the pleasure of meeting Cam in Charlotte at terminal p super cool man signed every kids autograph and answered all my questions politely. Made me feel like I was on equal footing as him even though that's not the case. My point is his dad was super cool as well and it didn't stop him from pimping out his sons skill set. Being nice doesn't mean you don't want to get a piece of the pie it's business folks
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No thanks, I've already given you hints. Why is Will no longer at Florida? And why is his father no longer coaching at Davidson Day?
We all know why Will is no longer at Florida. But uncertain as to what you are saying his father did....
There is an explanation as to why his teams won so many games and it has nothing to do with how good a coach he might be. He is no longer at Davidson Day but three months later he got a new job and rumor is he is pulling the same shenanigans. I'm not going to spell it out. If you're interested, you'll have to research it yourself.
There is an explanation as to why his teams won so many games and it has nothing to do with how good a coach he might be. He is no longer at Davidson Day but three months later he got a new job and rumor is he is pulling the same shenanigans. I'm not going to spell it out. If you're interested, you'll have to research it yourself.
Ok man your making it pretty clear that he is having his players use ped's
To be clear I have never heard that accusation. We are gonna need proof I can admit mine was hearsay but there is a big difference in NCAA illegal and federal law breaking
If you are not interested then don't do the research. If you are interested then here are some additional questions: Is it okay for coaches at private high schools to recruit players? Is it okay to give paid tuition s, etc? Is that fair to competing schools that treat sports as an extracurricular activity? Was Will Grier the only team member using PEDs? Did the coach have any knowledge of other PED use. What was the real reason Chad resigned from Davidson Day? Why did he take a new job in Charleston, S.C. three months later after having said he needed time away from the game?

My post are opinions based on legitimate questions arriving from rumors from legitimate sources. If you don't care then forget about it.
Private schools can basically recruit here in NC and it happens all the time. Davidson Day didn't have enough kids to field a football team this year. Grier had accomplished a lot at Davidson Day. He had numerous coaching opportunities including a small college, but decided to head to Charleston SC for another high school job.

Will apologized and did his punishment under the NCAA. I'm personally glad he is back out there playing.
Cool.....everything's okay then. Davidson Day went from not being able to field a team to state champs. If he's that good maybe we should hire Chad Grier to replace Fedora. We'll be National Champions in no time!
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Dude he's **** boy written all over him. Somebody with an agenda and an opinion on somebody coming here to spew it was truth. It may be his truth but doesn't make it the actual truth. Lame ass.
You sound like an addict in denial. You have resorted to name calling. I have no agenda. I'm a fellow Tar Heel fan asking legitimate questions. I'm sorry if you don't like the logical answers.
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You aren't asking any questions, you are giving indication of a man doing things under the table, etc. I don't know the Griers, and could care less frankly. However, your willingness to throw out allegations without being willing to share insight or facts is comical at best.

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