Many of you probably remember me posting a lot of stuff that was going down inside and around the team back when Brice/Meeks/JB/Theo were here. I was fortunate enough to have pretty direct channels into that crew and shared what I could without compromising sources. However, once we got our Natty in 17, I decided to step back a bit and just pass along what came my way via my normal conversations without such deep dives, because frankly that gets exhausting.
I kept to that until a few days ago when I got wind of what was about to go down (that we're now living thru). And Lordy, I almost wish I hadn't, as I dove into what became a damn fire hose of info, as well as a can o' worms. I'm not exaggerating that I could fill up 4-5 pages from what I've picked up just over the last 36 hours or so --- including internal stuff in near real time.
Out of discretion I'm not gonna do that, but I promised to post something, so I'll just lay down some bullet points as to the whys and whats of Eliot's situation. Before I do that, please do not come ITT with a bunch of nonsense disparaging his abilities, because frankly that's just silly. There's a reason big-time programs are already looking to snatch him up like a jelly donut at Fat Camp (and y'all probably won't like who's at the top of his list).
- On that last note, don't blame this on poaching, which as I said, is a quaint concept. Agents for guys who aren't even in the Portal yet have been in touch with UNC, just like Eliot's agent has been in touch with other schools.
- More to the point, this is in NO WAY about money. Eliot is well-compensated and the GM, et al, prepared a quite satisfactory package for his return. Also, in no way did the staff want him to move on (no matter how it might get spun later on) --- that would've constituted malpractice, so at least we can't blame them on that part.
- With that said, it's probably safe to say the staff got caught off-guard as to the extent of frustration in his camp (EC/family/agent). The main sources of the frustration? --- the clunkiness of the offensive system and how he was being restricted from playing his game.
- Here lies the most frustrating part for me, as it turns out that literally everything I've been telling y'all for 2 seasons has been true, as to the confidence-killing effects of EC being first mishandled by not starting from game-1, then being told only to shoot in cetain circumstances --- including not letting him create pull-ups for himself unless it was at he end of the shot-clock --- and only at the end of this season allowing him to run more freelance without incessant micromanaging. Here's where I hate being right, because I'd much rather have my damn PG.
- As I have said before, sure, he has room for mechanical improvement, but you didn't see Eliot short-arming mid-range shots or hesitating on 3s in HS/EYBL --- and it's not about level of competition, it's about CONFIDENCE instilled by his coach. And look, no coach has to worry about EC being selfish as a scorer --- he's an Assist machine --- but he needs to be able to choose his scoring spots to open things up.
- speaking of that, one of the family's sources of frustration (and mine) is why UNC can't manage to hire a competent stat person who knows how to assess a damned Assist. I told y'all that was a problem. Just for example, in the NCAAT, he got properly credited with 20 dimes in 2 games. Well, the sad reality is he MIGHT have been given credit for 15 of those if it was in Chapel Hill. Hell, if you just add the ones he was shorted at home this season, he easily leads the ACC in Assists (and makes his TO Ratio more realistic). This stuff MATTERS, especially to a pass-first PG, shorting him dimes is like subtracting points from another player's scoring average.
- anyway, yeah, I started digging deeper when I got wind that Eliot and his camp were leaning toward leaving unless Hubert talked him out of it. Make no mistake, Eliot loves UNC (which is why he returned after a frustrating Freshman season) and loves his teammates, and was truly torn apart over this decision right up to his meeting with Hubert. As I understand it though, that did not go well, as Hubert's stubborness over his system, etc made it clear the needed changes weren't in the offing.
- BTW, there has been a disparity of perception (as to what's been going on) between less-recent alums and more recent/current guys who have actually been part of the program under this staff. For guys like Ray who have been critical of Eliot and/or other players, well... I would gently remind them that they didn't have to play under this offensive mess.
- also, I don't know how this will effect Caleb Wiison --- I'm sure it won't help, but it is unclear if it will ulimately cost us. I've asked around down here and haven't gotten a straight answer as of yet.
Finally, look, this is not put here to argue about --- I'm simply relaying some info as it was relayed to me (as much as I hate all of this). And again, no matter how it may get spun, this stuff originated from very close sources, up to and including the proverbial horse's mouth. Draw whatever conclusion you'd like as to what it may mean for the state of the program moving forward.
I kept to that until a few days ago when I got wind of what was about to go down (that we're now living thru). And Lordy, I almost wish I hadn't, as I dove into what became a damn fire hose of info, as well as a can o' worms. I'm not exaggerating that I could fill up 4-5 pages from what I've picked up just over the last 36 hours or so --- including internal stuff in near real time.
Out of discretion I'm not gonna do that, but I promised to post something, so I'll just lay down some bullet points as to the whys and whats of Eliot's situation. Before I do that, please do not come ITT with a bunch of nonsense disparaging his abilities, because frankly that's just silly. There's a reason big-time programs are already looking to snatch him up like a jelly donut at Fat Camp (and y'all probably won't like who's at the top of his list).
- On that last note, don't blame this on poaching, which as I said, is a quaint concept. Agents for guys who aren't even in the Portal yet have been in touch with UNC, just like Eliot's agent has been in touch with other schools.
- More to the point, this is in NO WAY about money. Eliot is well-compensated and the GM, et al, prepared a quite satisfactory package for his return. Also, in no way did the staff want him to move on (no matter how it might get spun later on) --- that would've constituted malpractice, so at least we can't blame them on that part.
- With that said, it's probably safe to say the staff got caught off-guard as to the extent of frustration in his camp (EC/family/agent). The main sources of the frustration? --- the clunkiness of the offensive system and how he was being restricted from playing his game.
- Here lies the most frustrating part for me, as it turns out that literally everything I've been telling y'all for 2 seasons has been true, as to the confidence-killing effects of EC being first mishandled by not starting from game-1, then being told only to shoot in cetain circumstances --- including not letting him create pull-ups for himself unless it was at he end of the shot-clock --- and only at the end of this season allowing him to run more freelance without incessant micromanaging. Here's where I hate being right, because I'd much rather have my damn PG.
- As I have said before, sure, he has room for mechanical improvement, but you didn't see Eliot short-arming mid-range shots or hesitating on 3s in HS/EYBL --- and it's not about level of competition, it's about CONFIDENCE instilled by his coach. And look, no coach has to worry about EC being selfish as a scorer --- he's an Assist machine --- but he needs to be able to choose his scoring spots to open things up.
- speaking of that, one of the family's sources of frustration (and mine) is why UNC can't manage to hire a competent stat person who knows how to assess a damned Assist. I told y'all that was a problem. Just for example, in the NCAAT, he got properly credited with 20 dimes in 2 games. Well, the sad reality is he MIGHT have been given credit for 15 of those if it was in Chapel Hill. Hell, if you just add the ones he was shorted at home this season, he easily leads the ACC in Assists (and makes his TO Ratio more realistic). This stuff MATTERS, especially to a pass-first PG, shorting him dimes is like subtracting points from another player's scoring average.
- anyway, yeah, I started digging deeper when I got wind that Eliot and his camp were leaning toward leaving unless Hubert talked him out of it. Make no mistake, Eliot loves UNC (which is why he returned after a frustrating Freshman season) and loves his teammates, and was truly torn apart over this decision right up to his meeting with Hubert. As I understand it though, that did not go well, as Hubert's stubborness over his system, etc made it clear the needed changes weren't in the offing.
- BTW, there has been a disparity of perception (as to what's been going on) between less-recent alums and more recent/current guys who have actually been part of the program under this staff. For guys like Ray who have been critical of Eliot and/or other players, well... I would gently remind them that they didn't have to play under this offensive mess.
- also, I don't know how this will effect Caleb Wiison --- I'm sure it won't help, but it is unclear if it will ulimately cost us. I've asked around down here and haven't gotten a straight answer as of yet.
Finally, look, this is not put here to argue about --- I'm simply relaying some info as it was relayed to me (as much as I hate all of this). And again, no matter how it may get spun, this stuff originated from very close sources, up to and including the proverbial horse's mouth. Draw whatever conclusion you'd like as to what it may mean for the state of the program moving forward.