Interest in doing another OOTB CFB survival pool?


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
I know friggin Virginia (the state of the racists!!!111!!!) screwed most of in week 1 or 2 last season, but who's up for doing another survival pool this season?

Instead of everyone having the freedom to select which week they want to do a 2-fer, I'm gonna suggest we randomly assign a specific week to be the 2-fer week where everyone has to make 2 picks (14 ACC schools, 13 regular season weeks. Math is fun)
BillyL, residing in the great Commonwealth of Virginia votes aye . .
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I appreciate the invitation but going to have to pass. Just not my thing.
I'm out.

Is this pretty much the same thing as the contest on the premium board? Not sure I'll even do that this year. I know it sounds silly but it's just one more damn thing to have to keep up with.
Yes it is the same thing. This board has lots of poors though, so I'm spreading the wealth over here *hug emoji*
From the looks of interest in this contest, is it going to be the same for the NC2A Football Prediction . . ?

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