Is youth football child abuse?


Hall of Famer
Aug 15, 2008
I assume that some of you know that Dr. Bennett Omalu has made that very claim. And more people in media are picking it up in question form.

This is going to alter the future of football. At the least, fewer boys will play football at every level. Iy almost certainly will lead to rule changes.
If the child is forced to play against their will, I could see an argument for that. If the child wishes to play, I don't believe so.

I believe the game will not exist as we know it in 25 years, if not sooner.
Hate to agree, but you are right. Even though soccer produces more concussions, and competition cheerleading on a percentage basis, suffer just as many concussions, the liberal left in this country are after the game of football in a big way. Things happen in life. But the softies in this world want everyone to live in some sort of protective bubble. Can't happen, but the football issue as much about politics as anything else. And there is a lot of sympathy for former players that have problems later in life. But that is the life choice they made. Willing to take the chance of injury for the money. Much the same as race car drivers. I always find it odd that folks are horrified when something bad happens in racing. But when you strap into a 200 MPH machine every Sunday, something bad will happen every now and then.
Hate to agree, but you are right. Even though soccer produces more concussions, and competition cheerleading on a percentage basis, suffer just as many concussions, the liberal left in this country are after the game of football in a big way. Things happen in life. But the softies in this world want everyone to live in some sort of protective bubble. Can't happen, but the football issue as much about politics as anything else. And there is a lot of sympathy for former players that have problems later in life. But that is the life choice they made. Willing to take the chance of injury for the money. Much the same as race car drivers. I always find it odd that folks are horrified when something bad happens in racing. But when you strap into a 200 MPH machine every Sunday, something bad will happen every now and then.

Concussions are all but eliminated in youth soccer when kids are not allowed to head the ball.

This has nothing to do with politics. Plenty of people on the right and left alike are capable of understanding biology and physics.

Children are not consenting adults.
I coached youth football for 6 year when my kid was coming through and coached baseball for 8-9 years. IMHO, youth football is no more "dangerous" than any other sport, if fundamentals are taught properly. In that span, only once did a kid get a concussion and that was because he refused to listen to what we taught about keeping his head up and tackling properly. He thought it was "cool" to pretend to be a battering ram, despite us even pulling his folks aside and telling them if he didn't stop we were going to bench him. Well, he and one of his buddies went head on in practice one day and he got a concussion. Never played again.

Were there other injuries? Of course. My son broke his collar bone his last season in youth football when he made a picture perfect tackle in the backfield on a kid who probably had 30 pounds on him. Kid fell on top of him and he was at such an angle when he did that his collar bone snapped. Some minor bumps and bruises, but the few "major" injuries were from kids not doing what they were supposed to. Like when a kid got creamed on the sideline because he was turned around goofing off with someone and the ball carrier plowed into him. He ended up with a broken leg.

Worst injury was the kid of one of our coaches who was being tackled and, when he went backwards, put his arm out to stop the fall. He broke the upper bone in his arm in half and it turned out to be almost deadly. The bone snapped, went up into his arm and severed his artery. Luckily it somehow squeezed off and kept him from bleeding out, but that wasn't discovered until he went to the hospital and the ortho doc saw the xrays. He was rushed to another hospital where one of the best pediatric ortho docs happened to be at the time. She took him straight to surgery and they got him put back together. He is now a Junior in HS and he and my son (senior) will suit up tomorrow night. Again, though, he was trying to break his fall, which is a natural reaction, and it turned out to be a freak accident.

My point is this, we worked on fundamentals from day 1. Tackling to falling. Yes, how to fall down while being tackled. We hammered it home and for 6 years had almost no injuries.

In baseball, I saw kids get plastered with line drives, one had his 2 front teeth knocked out on a routine fly ball, one broke his arm sliding into a base and one got a concussion from a ball hitting off his glove and popping him in the head on a throw from the 3rd baseman (he was playing 1st base).

My son played basketball up until his freshman year in HS and I saw more concussions, ankle injuries, wrist injuries and broken bones than all the years he was in football.

I agree, if a parent forces a kid to play (and I saw that more than once), then that is wrong. It is also wrong to assume you can wrap them in bubble wrap and protect them from everything. Helicopter moms were the worst. We used to tell moms of 1st year players in tackle football to go shopping on the first night we had contact. And I saw more mother get into altercations in the stands and at games than I ever did the dads.

No, youth football IS NOT child abuse.
Concussions are all but eliminated in youth soccer when kids are not allowed to head the ball.

This has nothing to do with politics. Plenty of people on the right and left alike are capable of understanding biology and physics.

Children are not consenting adults.

"The liberal left". Unreal. We're talking about kids bashing into each other to the point of brain damage. I think it's far beyond partisan politics, and needs to be seriously studied rather than hand-waved away.

If adults choose to play then fine, but the issue is the NFL knew about the risks and deliberately hid the research from the players to protect their cartel, I mean league.
The recent studies have proven you don't have to get concussions to damage the brain. I'm not calling anyone a child abuser though, because this is pretty new science.
OK, the OP's point about "child abuse" definitely falls into that "political" argument, and to be sure there are a lot of people who lean to the left who no doubt want football, particularly youth football, to go away. The problem, as I see it, goes way deeper than that. PARENTS, regardless of political leanings, are the issue.

First, parents of young kids now, in my own personal observation, are WAY more overprotective and have over inflated views of their kids' ability. They are also way more sensitive to anything that is negative towards their kid. The kids, because of this, have been told since they were wee lads that they were wonderful, could do no wrong and, if something didn't go their way, it was someone else's fault and mommy & daddy would take care of it. In short, they aren't allowed to fail and learn from those failures and when something happens that mommy & daddy don't like, they go after the "offender" and try to punish them/it. They don't want their kid to have to earn his way to anything, they want instant gratification. If they can't get it, they try to punish you for it.

A CLASSIC example - I deal with HS football parents daily in my position with my son's HS. Just yesterday a freshman parent asked about why senior players were being allowed to do something on behalf of the team when the whole team was involved. This same parent had asked in the summer if the JV team would be participating in 7 on 7 games the coach had signed up for. Well, first off, the seniors EARNED the right to take the lead on activities. Especially this group of seniors who are now on their 4th coach in 4 years. Second, 7 on 7's are almost exclusively for varsity, not JV, but the mentality of this parent (and MANY others like them) is that they want their kid to have all the same perks without ever having earned them. Her kid hadn't suited up one day and yet she thought he deserved to play with the big boys in the 7 on 7. I politely explained to her (the first time anyone has, apparently) that the seniors earned these perks. They are the leaders. They paid their dues when they were freshman, sophomores and juniors and watched while seniors all those years lead the team in all kinds of things. The worked their way to that and it gave them something to strive for when they were younger.

I see it all the time. These people don't want to "earn" anything and when their snowflake (I actually used that term many years ago to describe one such kid) can't cut it, they raise hell, blame the coach or, worse, blame the sport.

THAT is what we are seeing now. A whole crop of kids who can't cut it have parents who are upset over it and blame the sport. So, how best to "punish" the sport? Call it child abuse. If little Johnny can't play, no one will.

And that is not to say there aren't definite concerns with head injuries. My son got a concussion in 7th grade football (poor technique and rammed head to head with another kid in an Oklahoma drill) and we worried over his safety ever since. But, the sport is changing and evolving to meet those concerns. Studies are being done, equipment is improving and coaches are teaching techniques that minimize injuries. Still, there is no way to ever completely eliminate them and as long as the game is played, you won't be able to eliminate them.
The agenda is and has been feminizing men. You can see it in cartoons, movies, everyday culture. Football must be destroyed as it is not part of said agenda.
Your post makes zero sense. And for all of you that are saying liberals want to get rid of football, why don't you ask football players what their political affiliation is. I'm willing to bet money that it's not going to be filled with a bunch of conservative republicans.
FFS. It has nothing to do with vindictive parents wanting to take the game away from other kids because their own kid couldn't hack it. The studies have shown that EVERY SINGLE HIT causes the brain to move within the skull to some degree, which over time causes brain damage. Perfect tackling form will not mitigate this. Perfect helmets will not mitigate this. The rapid deceleration of the body at the moment of contact is like a car crash. Your organs (brain) hit the inside of your skeletal frame because they are still traveling at the speed you were moving before the impact.

Entitled parents are a problem but they have nothing to do with this. I played football. I love this sport. But changes are going to have to be made, particularly at the youth level. Consenting adults can play all the football they want as far as I'm concerned.
Go back and read what I said. The OP was asking about it being "child abuse" and the discussion went into politics. I said the "child abuse" angle (and, yes, taking away football in general) was being pushed by these types of parents, not that the injuries themselves or validity of head injuries was not accurate. There is no doubt head injuries occur in football and the extent that even relatively minor collisions have on the brain is just now really being realized.

I am sorry, but the researchers are only one small piece of this puzzle. There are conflicting reports about the research, but most agree the dangers are present. To what extent is still being figured out, but it does appear that it may be worse than anyone thought. That is one piece of it, but to say that the research is the only thing driving people to call this "child abuse" fails to see the other components of the issue. I am sorry, but I have seen firsthand how a vindictive parent or group of parents tries to take down something because they don't like it or their kid didn't excel at it. It is ugly.

I agree, adults doing what they want are different, but kids do have some freedom to choose the sports they play. It is the parent's responsibility to know when to remove them from something dangerous or when to tell the kid "no". If a parent is still pushing a kid to do something that he/she doesn't want to do, then it definitely falls into that "child abuse" area.
Yes its child abuse.

As is allowing a kid to sit and play video games all day (a prolonged sedentary lifestyle causes health problems). As is allowing your child to be ever be around a smoker (second hand smoke causes cancer). As is giving your child candy (sugar causes both obesity and dental problems).

Something really needs to be done about the terrible parents out there. People just abusing their kids left and right and no one has the stones to stand up to them.... until now of course. Get these heathens!
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Some of you folks better find a bubble to put your child in until adulthood. And then hope they don't fall out of it too hard at that point. An above poster made a good point about the feminization of our culture. Excellent point. Going through life injury free would be a great thing. Not practical. And that is a huge problem this country is getting into. Men are women, women are men. God forbid if a kid falls off a skateboard and stumps his toe. Somebody must be to blame. It is getting totally out of control. Unfortunately, leading the way on this type of stuff is the left wing fluff being thrown out every day on college campuses. And as much as I hate to see it, Chapel Hill is right there leading the way. So I guess we should just ban all physical activity, put on our pink hats, and then the world will be perfect.
Some of you folks better find a bubble to put your child in until adulthood. And then hope they don't fall out of it too hard at that point. An above poster made a good point about the feminization of our culture. Excellent point. Going through life injury free would be a great thing. Not practical. And that is a huge problem this country is getting into. Men are women, women are men. God forbid if a kid falls off a skateboard and stumps his toe. Somebody must be to blame. It is getting totally out of control. Unfortunately, leading the way on this type of stuff is the left wing fluff being thrown out every day on college campuses. And as much as I hate to see it, Chapel Hill is right there leading the way. So I guess we should just ban all physical activity, put on our pink hats, and then the world will be perfect.

Never go full retard.
Never go full retard.
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The agenda has no political affiliation. All these politicians are friends behind closed doors. Democrat/Republican only a tool used to distract, manipulate/and divide the people.
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The agenda has no political affiliation. All these politicians are friends behind closed doors. Democrat/Republican only a tool used to distract, manipulate/and divide the people.

I assure you they are not all friends "behind the scenes." They may get campaign contributions from some of the same private interests, but that doesn't make them friends.

This whole idea is so stupid. Who would this "agenda" benefit? Who is going to gain from the "feminization of men?"

There is no "agenda." There are only right wing reactionaries who can't separate the difference between protecting the rights of all individuals and the "feminization of men." You see a few people who don't fit the conventional social model, and suddenly its a broad sweeping narrative. Frankly, its laughable.

You have to be on a completely different level of anti-intellectualism to jump from the science of brain trauma to the "feminization of men." If your idea of masculinity is beating your head against somebody else's head until you both get brain damage, then you really need to re-examine your life.
Uncboy eyes wide shut. People are anti inti intellectual (is this a word) if they disagree with you or offer a differing opinion. To me that sounds very anti intellectual. Note: You can learn things from people smarter than yourself.
The recent studies have proven you don't have to get concussions to damage the brain. I'm not calling anyone a child abuser though, because this is pretty new science.
Yes. It is very new. And the history of medical scares that turn out to be over blown is rather old and deep.

But, I think we would do better to err on the side of safety. I can agree that until such time as we might learn more that means there is not need for such caution, we should ban padded tackle football for kinds under 10. Have the little kids play flag football.
The agenda has no political affiliation. All these politicians are friends behind closed doors. Democrat/Republican only a tool used to distract, manipulate/and divide the people.
Now that is true. On easy way to see that: George W. Bush and John Kerry were both Skull&Bones at Yale, 2 years or so apart. And, on Kerry's WASP side, Kerry and Bush are distant cousins.
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Uncboy eyes wide shut. People are anti inti intellectual (is this a word) if they disagree with you or offer a differing opinion. To me that sounds very anti intellectual. Note: You can learn things from people smarter than yourself.

Not everyone who disagrees with me is anti-intellectual. Just people who make primitive arguments and offer conspiracy theories that have nothing to do with the relevant science being discussed. I have no idea how someone can jump from not wanting children to get brain damage, to talking about plots for "feminization." You wanna know what the government actually wants? A bunch of jacked, testosterone laden 18 year olds that can join the armed forces and f#$% $hit up.

If you want to learn something from someone smarter than you, go to youtube and listen to some neuroscientists talk about the effects of CTE specifically, and more broadly, the relationship between the physical state of the brain and consciousness. You will very quickly learn that you would never want your child, or anyone else's child damaging his/her brain to ANY extent.
Yes. It is very new. And the history of medical scares that turn out to be over blown is rather old and deep.

But, I think we would do better to err on the side of safety. I can agree that until such time as we might learn more that means there is not need for such caution, we should ban padded tackle football for kinds under 10. Have the little kids play flag football.

I think in the future football could go more in the direction of rugby. Pads and helmets cause guys to get reckless. Rugby doesn't have the same kind of problem with brain damage, because guys have to tackle completely differently without the pads and helmet.

Kids under ten should just be playing flag football and learning fundamentals IMO.

And there are better sports for kids that age to be playing anyways. Baseball, basketball, and soccer (without heading) are all really safe for kids that age. There's always an occasional broken arm or ankle but no wide sweeping brain trauma. I didn't start playing football until 8th grade, and I don't think it really put me at a disadvantage at all.
Unc manchild/boy/troll
As someone who has served in the military for 20 years and as a government contractor please dont assume something about the military that you know nothing about. In fact I sense a common thread here, you assume things without having knowledge, Maybe thats is from your liberal arts degree?I can assure you that feminization in the military is also very real and if other posters here with military experience, Im sure they would tell you the same.