It happened

This is one thing I have to give to the left. They do a much better job about creating a strawman for the public to get all worked up over, and makes everyone lose sight of the actual issue/problem at hand. In any left-right debate over policy, if the left can successfully steer the conversation away from the actual issue, and paint the right's viewpoint as being detrimental to some "at risk" group - they win in the court of public opinion.

The left has mastered their side of any argument. They've created an unbeatable side to any argument. Whenever their view is challenged, they immediately move into character assassination. It's actually pretty brilliant because even when you're right - which is most of the time when arguing with liberals - you end up giving in because you don't want anyone to believe you're a racist, homophobe, xenophobe (well,...I don't really care about that one), misogynist, etc.
That's exactly why we must keep beating the drum on this "discriminatory" bathroom law. Stay focused. It's about privacy and nothing else. Trannies have ALWAYS been allowed to use the restroom that they identify with and that shouldn't change. But to remove gender specific signage on public restrooms will put the girls and women who we care about in a VERY awkward and embarrassing situation. Regardless of what the NCAA, NBA, performers, etc threaten - privacy should never be for sale.
@Grayhead realize that with gender neutral restrooms it goes beyond "how you feel" yesterday, I honestly didn't know which restroom to use, both signs were the same. It's a gigantic violation of privacy. But ohhhhhh we can't "discriminate" against .3% of our society. God forbid.

I'm fine with your suggested solutions but IMO the solution is as it always has been. If you have a penis, use the men's room. If you don't have a penis, use the ladies room. Seriously snowflakes, how hard is this to figure out??
I have not encountered one yet. I am with you in that we are being forced to comply. Easy solution is to let individual places choose to comply. But require the third option restroom
That's exactly why we must keep beating the drum on this "discriminatory" bathroom law. Stay focused. It's about privacy and nothing else. Trannies have ALWAYS been allowed to use the restroom that they identify with and that shouldn't change. But to remove gender specific signage on public restrooms will put the girls and women who we care about in a VERY awkward and embarrassing situation. Regardless of what the NCAA, NBA, performers, etc threaten - privacy should never be for sale.
Are they actually removing the signage? I didn't realize that. Seems like a waste of money to remove and put up new signage.
Are they actually removing the signage? I didn't realize that. Seems like a waste of money to remove and put up new signage.
Yes, they are putting up gender neutral signage. Under the ILLEGAL Charlotte city ordinance that prompted HB2, public facilities would be REQUIRED to remove gender SPECIFIC signage on restrooms and locker rooms. It turned into a discussion about transgender but that's not what most informed pro-HB2 people care about's privacy, specifically for girls and women.
Isn't that exactly what HB2 makes illegal?
Absolutely not. Therein lies the distortion that the left has caused. HB2 simply stops municipalities from forcing public businesses to remove gender specific signage. Most NC Republicans in the House are happy to go back to the way things have always been, pre-Charlotte city ordinance crap. Meaning if you are transgender then use the appropriate restroom/locker room. Everyone else, follow the gender specific signs.

It's not rocket science but the left wants NO rules or signs controlling who uses what restroom/locker room for fear that trannies will be "offended" due to the signs and the people in the restroom/locker room with him/her/it.
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Absolutely not. Therein lies the distortion that the left has caused. HB2 simply stops municipalities from forcing public businesses to remove gender specific signage. Most NC Republicans in the House are happy to go back to the way things have always been, pre-Charlotte city ordinance crap. Meaning if you are transgender then use the appropriate restroom/locker room. Everyone else, follow the gender specific signs.
Dude, you can get all blustery about being informed but you can also read the bill yourself with one click. It quite clearly specifies that people must use the restroom according to their biological gender, which is specifically defined as the gender on their birth certificate. So no, trannies cannot use the bathroom they identify with, which you said they should be able to. So you'll be campaigning for repeal or reform of HB2 now, right?
It's not rocket science but the left wants NO rules or signs controlling who uses what restroom/locker room for fear that a trannies will be "offended" due to the signs and the people in the restroom/locker room with him/her/it.
And this part's just silly. Talk about hyperbole.
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Dude, you can get all blustery about being informed but you can also read the bill yourself with one click. It quite clearly specifies that people must use the restroom according to their biological gender, which is specifically defined as the gender on their birth certificate. So no, trannies cannot use the bathroom they identify with, which you said they should be able to. So you'll be campaigning for repeal or reform of HB2 now, right?
To me it seems like this law and the ordinance that charlotte passed did nothing but create an issue where there wasn't an issue. Transgendered people were already using the bathroom they wanted to use and will continue to do so because there are no bathroom monitors to verify what sex they are. Stupidity all around on this one.
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Dude, you can get all blustery about being informed but you can also read the bill yourself with one click. It quite clearly specifies that people must use the restroom according to their biological gender, which is specifically defined as the gender on their birth certificate. So no, trannies cannot use the bathroom they identify with, which you said they should be able to. So you'll be campaigning for repeal or reform of HB2 now, right?

That's exactly right. As a defense for the harsh ordinance allowing anyone to use any restroom/locker room that they would like. Repeal of HB2 is fine as long as men's rooms remain men's rooms and vice versa. Are you dumb enough to think that BC's we're gonna be checked upon entry?? LOL
Trannies can and should be allowed to use the restroom of their choice, no one will know any different.
To me it seems like this law and the ordinance that charlotte passed did nothing but create an issue where there wasn't an issue. Transgendered people were already using the bathroom they wanted to use and will continue to do so because there are no bathroom monitors to verify what sex they are. Stupidity all around on this one.
BINGO. No one in their right mind wanted HB2 ...but it had to be done to protect privacy. Hopefully it will be repealed and new protections set up so 6 moonbats on a random city council cannot do something like this again.
So, you abandon proper restroom etiquette, basically punish women who need to use the restroom, all because you're angry that it's a gender neutral restroom.

They should make people like you piss and shit outdoors, or wear a diaper.

waaaaahhhhhhhhh. Actually, It's probably just to piss YOU off.
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No, I'm not in favor of gender neutral multiple occupancy restrooms or locker rooms. I also have not seen anywhere that anyone legislated or even advocated such. If you have a link to that I'd be interested to see it.
No, I'm not in favor of gender neutral multiple occupancy restrooms or locker rooms.

I don't really care one way or the other, but I can understand that there are a lot of people out there that would not be in favor of them either, and I try to sympathize with those people.

I can't understand the viewpoint of those that want them mandated anyways though.
No, I'm not in favor of gender neutral multiple occupancy restrooms or locker rooms. I also have not seen anywhere that anyone legislated or even advocated such. If you have a link to that I'd be interested to see it.

Its not legislated, yet. GN restrooms are popping up all over the state as a response to HB2. They're perfectly legal right now. But if HB2 is repealed without restroom/locker room restrictions, GN restrooms/locker rooms will become the norm least until enough women push back on it and then it will become a political football with snowflakes suing bc they don't want to follow a sign and women suing bc they don't want to share those spaces with men.

So of course in the long run someone is going to be pissed...which is where this thread started, in the pissing realm.
@coryfly's NOT about predators or trannies. You're married and you probably have locks on your bathroom doors at home, right? Why? For privacy. Is your wife okay with men using the restroom with her? That's what happens with gender neutral restrooms. It's basic human privacy in one of the most private and intimate situations in public. Plain and simple.

The LIBS have made this about predators and LGBT "discrimination" - that's not what it's about to many of us though.

I don't think that is what would happen. I don't think there is going to be some proliferation of different genders using the bathroom together. While the left has muddied the waters in one way, the right has muddied it the other. None of that is really surprising though as that is always how both play the game.
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I don't think that is what would happen. I don't think there is going to be some proliferation of different genders using the bathroom together. While the left has muddied the waters in one way, the right has muddied it the other. None of that is really surprising though as that is always how both play the game.
@coryfly ...I'm not sure you understand this. The gender neutral restroom does NOT specify by signage who should use it therefore your wife can be in there doing her business and have men come in and join her. It ABSOLUTELY will happen, it happened to me (and those two women) 24 hours ago. I'm not saying it's intentional or's simply confusing and leads to loss of privacy.

Talk to some folks in Asheville, pretty much every public facility there no longer has gender specific restroom signs.

This isn't banter, it's real life and happening.
Let's keep it simple @coryfly -- would you support restrooms and locker rooms with no gender specificity in Kentucky? I can't remember if you have a daughter but I know you're married, so run that by her too. It's important that we consider the female perspective more than ours.
Hey we have to keep that .0009% of the population happy but 100% of the sicko pervs I'm sure are very happy about the new arrangements.

Nice trade off!!!!
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Trannies can and should be allowed to use the restroom of their choice, no one will know any different.

Right. The way it was before. Basically, you be you and use the bathroom that suits you best. But we don't have to talk about it and we sure as shit don't have to write a law saying that trannies can use whichever bathroom suits them.

Let's not forget where all this started. This wasn't McCrory's doing. This was the liberal city council of Charlotte that made a big deal of trannies using whatever bathroom they wanted. If they had never put that city ordinance in place, the state govt would have never felt the need to create a state law and life would have gone on with trannies using whichever bathroom they wanted and no one would be the wiser. But it's exactly what liberals do - they go and make a big deal of something just to get the GOP to respond and then paint the GOP as bad people. It's a genius strategy for the left. I give them credit for that.
Let's keep it simple @coryfly -- would you support restrooms and locker rooms with no gender specificity in Kentucky? I can't remember if you have a daughter but I know you're married, so run that by her too. It's important that we consider the female perspective more than ours.

I always consider the female perspective more than mine. I live in Tennessee though, where they are actually proposing a bill to force people to use the bathroom of their original gender. Again, I don't really care what they do in that regard. I do not think businesses will all of a sudden just not designate restrooms. Those that do will then face the consequences, meaning people can just not go there. I don't think the bill says you can not have a male or female restroom, correct?
To me it seems like this law and the ordinance that charlotte passed did nothing but create an issue where there wasn't an issue. Transgendered people were already using the bathroom they wanted to use and will continue to do so because there are no bathroom monitors to verify what sex they are. Stupidity all around on this one.

Damn, my above poast says pretty much the same thing. I hadn't read your response yet when I poasted. Great poast - it says the same thing as mine so that's obvious, I guess.
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I always consider the female perspective more than mine. I live in Tennessee though, where they are actually proposing a bill to force people to use the bathroom of their original gender. Again, I don't really care what they do in that regard. I do not think businesses will all of a sudden just not designate restrooms. Those that do will then face the consequences, meaning people can just not go there. I don't think the bill says you can not have a male or female restroom, correct?

Sorry @coryfly - Tennessee. Businesses in NC ARE and have been changing their signs, in response to HB2 you think I'm lying?

Can you answer the simple yes or no question. Are you for or against gender neutral restrooms AND locker rooms? That's the root of the issue.
The fact that we are even having this type of discussion tells you how really screwed up this country truly is! Is he male? Is she female? What gender does he or she associate with today? Is he truly a he or is he actually a she? Is she truly a she or is she actually a he? Is he in love with a he or a she? Is she in love with a she or a he? Is he in love with a he and a she? Is she in love with a she and a he? Is he in love with a she that is actually a he or a she that is associating as a he or is actually a she? Is she in love with a he that is actually a she or a he that is actually a he or associating as a she that used to be a he? Is she 8 years old and trying to become a he? Is he 6 years old and trying to become a she? He married she but then she became a he and married she who was once a he that she had married before! And what bathroom does he or she use who was once a she or a he but wants to be a he or a she? Have I just offended all the he's and she's out there that want to be associated with non gendered non binary non extremist labels? And why in the world did @bleeduncblue pee all over the toilet seat and rip one when he (making an assumption here) was using the non gendered, non traditional, non conforming, gendered nuetral, xynophobic free, misogynistic free, safe space known as the crapper while there were 2 shes (but could have been he') in there? #SMDH
The fact that we are even having this type of discussion tells you how really screwed up this country truly is! Is he male? Is she female? What gender does he or she associate with today? Is he truly a he or is he actually a she? Is she truly a she or is she actually a he? Is he in love with a he or a she? Is she in love with a she or a he? Is he in love with a he and a she? Is she in love with a she and a he? Is he in love with a she that is actually a he or a she that is associating as a he or is actually a she? Is she in love with a he that is actually a she or a he that is actually a he or associating as a she that used to be a he? Is she 8 years old and trying to become a he? Is he 6 years old and trying to become a she? He married she but then she became a he and married she who was once a he that she had married before! And what bathroom does he or she use who was once a she or a he but wants to be a he or a she? Have I just offended all the he's and she's out there that want to be associated with non gendered non binary non extremist labels? And why in the world did @bleeduncblue pee all over the toilet seat and rip one when he (making an assumption here) was using the non gendered, non traditional, non conforming, gendered nuetral, xynophobic free, misogynistic free, safe space known as the crapper while there were 2 shes (but could have been he') in there? #SMDH
The country isn't screwed-up just because you can only process binary thought. And, you can have that unique "ability" and no one will discriminate against you in public life.
The country isn't screwed-up just because you can only process binary thought. And, you can have that unique "ability" and no one will discriminate against you in public life.

point proven and thank you once again!!!!
It's not a strawman, because it would actually happen - and is the main argument I'm making here.
Stating that I am for allowing predators to violate innocent people is a monstrosity of a strawman. But, that's what they're for, I guess. Pervs are going to perv, I don't care how many laws you pass trying to prevent them from doing it. And, this one is not even being used for that purpose. It's subterfuge and that is why it's getting such backlash from institutions like the NCAA.
Hi, I'm coolwaterunc. I consider myself to be male, but I would like to identify myself as a dog. More specifically, I'd like to identify myself as a male Golden Labrador Retriever. Because I identify myself as a male Golden Labrador Retriever, I find the sign that you have poasted as being highly offensive. That sign consists of a humanoid figure, and since I identify myself as a Golden Labrador Retriever, I feel that I am being wrongfully misrepresented. Please delete this poast. Thank you.


Golden Labrador Retriever, male
Hi, I'm coolwaterunc. I consider myself to be male, but I would like to identify myself as a dog. More specifically, I'd like to identify myself as a male Golden Labrador Retriever. Because I identify myself as a male Golden Labrador Retriever, I find the sign that you have poasted as being highly offensive. That sign consists of a humanoid figure, and since I identify myself as a Golden Labrador Retriever, I feel that I am being wrongfully misrepresented. Please delete this poast. Thank you.


Golden Labrador Retriever, male
ahhh... GFY

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