This is just another example of a lack of maturity of these one & done kids who may be physically gifted and ready to compete at the NBA level but are lacking in the maturity aspect that it takes to handle things in the real world.
Sure, we can discuss that it would rub any of us the wrong way if some stranger came up to us and shouted we suck at our jobs. But the truth is most of us would dismiss such a loon for what he is, a loon that doesn't know what he is talking about. The truth is few if any of us have as public a job as Ochafor has where we ply our trade in a public setting and know a huge portion of what we do is on public display and thus know public commentary goes along with the deal. Part of those millions you get is to represent a team, to represent a city, to represent yourself as worthy both on and off the court.
Does this have any connection to the so called "leader of men" K and his dukies? IDK how much if any but I can suggest that the kid may have felt he was physically ready to handle the challenges he would face in the NBA but this incident does show that mentally he was not. Maybe the so called leader of men could do a better job of preparing his charges for the whole aspect of being a NBA player and not be so completely absorbed in what the kid can do for him and his own legacy.
I see the term thug used a lot now days and most times I don't agree with its usage but a star NBA player that can not take the barbs aimed at him for playing on the worst team in the NBA, for that player to not be able to take those barbs and move on, for him not to move on and look to end the situation by physically assaulting some randam fan? Well, I was always taught, sticks & stones...but words will never hurt me, guess they do not have that class at duke...