Jalek Posterizing Stanford

Love the reaction from the young fella in the crowd under the basket.
I was too tired to jump around, but I did yell! I think we are really going to love this youngster when he figures it all out! (especially on D)
I didn't like it. If it had been the possession before, I would have been ok with it. But we should have dribbled out the clock. I'm sure Roy told Hasse the same. I know Felton just wanted to have a moment because it's been slow coming for him. But it wasn't the best move.
I didn't like it. If it had been the possession before, I would have been ok with it. But we should have dribbled out the clock. I'm sure Roy told Hasse the same. I know Felton just wanted to have a moment because it's been slow coming for him. But it wasn't the best move.

Roy also apologizes for fans telling Pitino exactly what he is. That's his style, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was less than thrilled with it.

I like having a little bit of nasty on the team. But, if you're gonna do that you need to continue to back it up, and certainly can't go crying about it if someone throws one down in the waning seconds of a loss of ours this season.
An argument can be made that UNC is Point Guard U. Jalek has all the potential to add to that legacy.
Well posterize he did! I love it! I miss the carter, stack and sheed days when it was an all out assault on the rims for 40mins a night. To quote the great Stuart Scott, " AND THE LORD SAID YA GOTTA RISE UP!"
I agree with this. I'm okay with how Roy handles his guys but there is no doubt that Dean was more okay with showboating than Roy is. Think about Cota, Carter, Stackhouse, Wallace, etc. That swagger was accepted and allowed under Dean and I can't imagine Roy would ever allow it.
He gonna be in the dog house a while. Woods had a similar dunk last year and it seemed he disappeared for a couple weeks.

I agree.

But let me make clear that I wouldn't have had a problem with the dunk if it had been just one possession earlier. I don't think Roy would have either. And I like some "nastiness" on the team too. I like hard fouls when the opponent drives the lane and I like a "no fear" attitude. But there were 13 seconds on the clock and the game was way out of hand. We should have dribbled out the clock.

I don't think Felton is a bad guy for doing it. I understand he just wanted a moment he hadn't been able to get yet. He's a young guy just learning. It's a teaching moment for Roy and Jalek will get the message and be better from it.
I agree.

But let me make clear that I wouldn't have had a problem with the dunk if it had been just one possession earlier. I don't think Roy would have either. And I like some "nastiness" on the team too. I like hard fouls when the opponent drives the lane and I like a "no fear" attitude. But there were 13 seconds on the clock and the game was way out of hand. We should have dribbled out the clock.
Meh, I don't think there was any real issue there. Roy was careful to apologize to Haase only because some certain coaches have had issues with it before. And Haase had no issue whatsoever.

The dunk was in transition with active defenders. In other words Jalek flushed it in the flow of competition. Roy typically stands and motions to pull it at the end and he hadn't had a chance to do that yet. If you dunk it after he does that, THEN it's doghouse time.