Regarding Heaven and Hell:
A retired Catholic priest once offered me this impervious explanation (for me, anyway).
He asked me if I had any relatives who had died and hadn't "Accepted Jesus", or whatever the vague criteria might be. I said "Yes, my paternal grandfather and step-grandfather. My biological grandfather was killed before I was born, and my grandmother remarried and I knew him until he died." He said that that it might be difficult for me to really apply this to my grandfather because I never knew him. But, I knew my step-grandfather well. He asked me "If you were God, would you have sent your step-grandfather to hell?" I said "Absolutely not! That man was kindness, humility, and he was just a model individual." His first wife had died in her forties from terminal cancer and she had devoted her life to the church and donated money her whole life and I he was resentful toward the church, I think. Anyway, the priest says "If you can have the compassion to not send someone who hasn't accepted Jesus to Hell, do you think God has less compassion and forgiveness than YOU have for 'non-believer'?" Of course, I said "Yeah, but I'm not God." He said "But, you are God's Creation, and any part of God's Creation is a part of God."
It was like a hand had reached down and pulled me right up.