John Wayne

I'd hate to be uninteresting. I don't "instantly think of a child."
Seeing as how I have no children of my own, and am not a pedophile, I have never seen a female child’s genitals. Since you have no children either, this has become an incredibly awkward conversation.
I'm not a pedophile either. I don't have children of my own. By your "deduction", the only way to have ever seen a child's (regardless of gender) genitals is from either having children of your own, or being a pedophile? Is that correct?

It's not awkward for me at all.
I'm not a pedophile either. I don't have children of my own. By your "deduction", the only way to have ever seen a child's (regardless of gender) genitals is from either having children of your own, or being a pedophile? Is that correct?

It's not awkward for me at all.
Seeing children's genitals is not awkward for you? Damnit man
From John Wayne saying some racist shit to children's genitals in just 59 posts.

Another day on OOTB.
We were headed in the right direction, you know "lovely lady parts" but some sicko ruined it for everyone. And I think The Duke was talking about the gheys.
Would you better understand the word ".gif"? Is this the extent of your arguments? To nitpick and roll over and play dead when you know you're wrong?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it. My job becomes so much easier.
Well... the difference between video and .gif is vast, to me. I don't consider a gif to be a video. I didn't know what video you were talking about.
You definitely need an easy job. I'm glad I could help out.
Well... the difference between video and .gif is vast, to me. I don't consider a gif to be a video. I didn't know what video you were talking about.
You definitely need an easy job. I'm glad I could help out.

I laughed pretty hard at that. If you had a hard time understanding that "video" post, then you're a lot dumber than I figured. More likely you don't have a legitimate response, and even more likely you don't have a legitimate response and you're trying to get under my skin. The first issue is on you, the second issue is on me, but... I don't care.

Don't be known as the stupid guy. You aren't that guy and I would hate that to become who you are. Engage in debate, don't run away!
I laughed pretty hard at that. If you had a hard time understanding that "video" post, then you're a lot dumber than I figured. More likely you don't have a legitimate response, and even more likely you don't have a legitimate response and you're trying to get under my skin. The first issue is on you, the second issue is on me, but... I don't care.

Don't be known as the stupid guy. You aren't that guy and I would hate that to become who you are. Engage in debate, don't run away!
Okay, I won't be the stupid guy. You convinced me.
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I'm seriously laughing over here. What happened to you, dude? Am I talking to a different poster from our HROT days?
I think I'm still me. D'yever think that maybe people change? And, quite possibly, maybe it's YOU who have also changed? I feel bad that you only have two people to argue with on this board. It's a shame you got banned from HROT. Another factor is that the contrasts are far fewer here. That board has dozens and dozens of variations. When you're in that mix, there's a greater potential for varying degrees of perspective.

But, I'm still the same in a lot of ways. Like, when it comes to recognizing monetary policy. You remember What Would Jesus Do? He started a thread over there a few days back about the National Debt being a National Emergency. Well, I offered specifics (written and VIDEOS) that explain how the National Debt has fvck-all to do with spending by political parties and is completely the result of The Federal Reserve. As long as there's the Fed, the debt will grow exponentially forever and ever. It has no other choice. The Fed and the 16th Amendment castrated the country for perpetuity. He didn't like that because it didn't allow him to play "Democrats aren't as bad as Republicans" with the usual suspects.
I think I'm still me. D'yever think that maybe people change? And, quite possibly, maybe it's YOU who have also changed? I feel bad that you only have two people to argue with on this board. It's a shame you got banned from HROT. Another factor is that the contrasts are far fewer here. That board has dozens and dozens of variations. When you're in that mix, there's a greater potential for varying degrees of perspective.

But, I'm still the same in a lot of ways. Like, when it comes to recognizing monetary policy. You remember What Would Jesus Do? He started a thread over there a few days back about the National Debt being a National Emergency. Well, I offered specifics (written and VIDEOS) that explain how the National Debt has fvck-all to do with spending by political parties and is completely the result of The Federal Reserve. As long as there's the Fed, the debt will grow exponentially forever and ever. It has no other choice. The Fed and the 16th Amendment castrated the country for perpetuity. He didn't like that because it didn't allow him to play "Democrats aren't as bad as Republicans" with the usual suspects.

I'm not talking about all that. The issues with the economy go beyond the FED, but you're otherwise correct. I'm talking about the constant virtue signaling that I've seen from you on this board. People like WWJD and JoesPlace are easy targets. They're misinformed plebeians who tow the party line. That board is rife with NPCs. There's no real challenge there, which is why I would never go back.
I'm not talking about all that. The issues with the economy go beyond the FED, but you're otherwise correct. I'm talking about the constant virtue signaling that I've seen from you on this board. People like WWJD and JoesPlace are easy targets. They're misinformed plebeians who tow the party line. That board is rife with NPCs. There's no real challenge there, which is why I would never go back.
I don't even know these labels you're using. NPC's, virtue signaling? I guess you need people to play those roles so you can rail against what you don't like.

I will say that I have seen a division of sorts occur within the Ron Paul circles that I once occupied, especially locally, in person. I saw a lot of those people jump on-board with Trump as though he was the second coming. It sorta revealed a lot of aspects of their social nature that I hadn't known before. They reveled in Trump's preference for just being an asshole, in general.

I don't condone any kind of censorship. I'm not someone who endorses or prefers "politically correct" language. But, I'm also not going to intentionally be an asshole toward people who are sensitive about certain things or conditions because I think they shouldn't be so sensitive and doing that (being an asshole) gives me some smug kick.

I also moved away from the nationalist attitudes.