Like a dummy I allowed JB (82ndhawk) to talk me into venturing over to coRUPPt rafters this morning and perusing their UNC threads. A visit to that place does indeed cost one to lose brain cells just from being exposed to the largest known infestation of "mass dumb ass" on the interwebs, and I really appreciate JB's non-stop harping that caused me to go. Couldn't stay long due to fear of all my mental abilities being sucked out but I did read enough to know those idiots don't have a clue about what actually occurred here. They try to repeat the pack pride lies but they even screw those up, lol. There's too much dumb ass going on over there to cover it all, but let me just say they make moo fans seem intelligent and THAT my friends was something I had thought to be impossible. I'm not certain I read one sentence that contained any semblance of the truth but then I didn't really expect to find anything that did. It's an impressive collection of dumb asses all spouting vitriol and venom.
They harp about the grade changes but don't realize 98% of those occurred as grades were changed from a letter grade to an Incomplete and then back as work was handed in. IIRC, only something like 9 students over 12 years had actually grade changes and all those were explained.
They take McCants' word as gospel. Yes, they really do, lol. Even after his peers and class mates have come forward stating the prisoner is FOS. Even after he claimed UNC and the NCAA were going to pay him 300 million, lol. I hope they all hold their breath with him as he waits on that check!
They still worship Kane and consider him a slueth even after RCC eviscerated that scumbag and exposed his "inside source" as the idiots on pack pride! LMAO! Think about that.The guy was publishing crap fed to him by posters on a rival message board as facts and the cpRUPPt rafters guys are still eating it up! Did I mention they're dumb asses?
They say nothing like what happened at UNC has ever happened before...Wrong. Meeechigan, '08, IIRC...and the NCAA didn't touch it.
They actually think ESPN and the NCAA is in UNC's pocket, lol.
There's more, but this is turning in to a Dsouthr post...
I have the perfect answer for you kaintuck fans that just can't wrap your heads around the difference between "fake" and "easy" is fake, and...the other is easy. Get it?
No? Then try to understand this...UNC will get a wrist slap due to WBB because...
...because we are UNC...and you're just...well, you're just not.
Eat it.
LMFAO! Tell us how you really feel Jim....