Well, I like Jennifer Aniston, too, but I have to say a number of the movies that she is in are garbage, and even if she had been filmed buck naked in them, it wouldn’t be enough to save them (though that might have helped).
I think Renee Russo is pretty hot in this movie and others too, but I’m just an old dude so what do I know?
Don Johnson does a good job playing the bad guy in this movie, but, once again IMO, he does not “steal” it in any way. If anybody “steals” it, I would say it is Cheech, but I would give Gary McCord credit for stealing a couple of scenes too. I think the scenes with Nantz and Venturi in the broadcast booth and Chirkinian in the control booth are pretty good too.
And, yeah, the storyline is way over the top, but the ending is much better than it would have been if this driving range pro had just come out of nowhere and won. I won’t quibble about how absurd it is that 3 woods hit over 200 yards would somehow roll backwards off of greens though. Once again, I don’t think it’s a great movie, but, IMO, it’s pretty decent.