Lamest sports nicknames


I think Adam Silver's first move as commissioner should have been to give the Jazz name back to New Orleans, take the Grizzlies name from Memphis, give it to Utah, and make Memphis the Blues!:):):):)

Although there are no grizzly bears in Utah, I agree with all of this.
Here in Pensacola, our minor league (AA) team is in the Southern League,
featuring The Pensacola Blue Wahoos, Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp, and the Montgomery Biscuits!
You hungry yet? :):):):):)
The Cincinnati Reds were originally the Red Stockings, for obvious reasons.

And for lame sports nicknames, is there anything worse than The Winston-Salem Dash. As in the hyphen between Winston and Salem.
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Fayetteville just got a new minor league team. Their mascot is the Woodpeckers. It could have been a lot worse.
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