Late stuff (UConn game)...

Think I did an entire an entire post about that ear bud pre-game stuff a couple years ago. Posited how it showed how isolated, disengaged and disconnected the players were from both one another as well as their surroundings. And IMHO coaches should ban that crap !! Polar opposite from my few years in organized sports.

Which goes back to why I questioned why bring him back so soon after an injury. In most lower leg injuries your body (sub-conscientiously) adjust your body mechanics to compensate other parts for the injury and the more you continue to force your body to compensate the more difficult it becomes to get back to your normal baseline. Same reason I never understood why players put one foot in front of the other (Bacot) when shooting free throws. When you're not square to the basket you're giving your body an opportunity to twist at the hip and that alters your shot. Just fng love RJ's FT mechanics .. text book.
Honestly Al, I don't think it is injury related with Ryan, I think it is his rushing to get the shot off. Now maybe the injury has him feel he is a touch slower coming off those screens and feels he has to rush it but he looks like he is moving pretty well in other aspects? But don't read that as me saying it as fact either, more what I suspect. Now it could be that the injury is limiting his ability to hard plant that foot to be able to get solid square, I do not dismiss that as a possibility at all, I just don't see it in other aspects of his play. It seems to me that he is floating off more when he is moving left to right which means if his injured ankle was his left one then that could be the problem.
Honestly Al, I don't think it is injury related with Ryan, I think it is his rushing to get the shot off.
Maybe so but I think there are some pretty good 2&3pt. shooters on the UNC bench that should be all over piss poor shooting mechanics. I just hope, whatever it takes, he gets out of whatever funk he finds himself in. Leaving someone shooting that bad on the floor against UC, when there are some really good bench players needing PT to develop is also a F'up in my book. Lotta eyes on hubs on that one.