Let's Talk Trump


Hall of Famer
Aug 19, 2006
Does anyone here think Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected president? I don't, and the weird thing is, I don't think most of the people voting for him in the primaries can see him ever being in the White House. IMO he would lose in a landslide to Clinton or Sanders. I guess what I'm wondering is why are these people voting for someone they have no intention of electing president? Thoughts....
There is absolute zero chance Sanders could win in a general election. In a general election more people would learn about where he stands on the issues and realize his positions are nuts. I think Hilary could beat Trump. It would be a lot closer than most people think though.
If he gets the nomination, he'll win. Sanders and Clinton are laughably bad candidates.

I don't think she is laughably bad as a candidate. I hardly ever agree with her, but her stances on most positions are at least somewhat reasonable. Her biggest problem is people not liking her as a person and people not trusting her. Trump has those problems too, so it would come down to the issues. Trump has given little detail where he currently stands. He's going to have to give more specifics to win against Hilary.
If he gets the nomination, he'll win. Sanders and Clinton are laughably bad candidates.
I don't get this. I fully agree that Sanders and Clinton are bad candidates and wish either party had come up with better ones. But if anybody is a laughably bad candidate, it can only be Trump. At least Sanders and Clinton and the other GOP nominees have actual governing experience. Trump has zero. Zero experience, zero policies, zero anything except self-glorification, pandering, fear-mongering and race-baiting. I've said before that it's at the same time hilarious and terrifying that so many people seem to be considering him an actual potential President of the United States of America. I can only hope and pray that enough people have the good sense to ensure that doesn't happen. Has everyone completely forgotten the word "statesman" at this point? The douchebag from The Apprentice is seriously who you think should represent us on the world stage?
Does anyone here think Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected president? I don't, and the weird thing is, I don't think most of the people voting for him in the primaries can see him ever being in the White House. IMO he would lose in a landslide to Clinton or Sanders. I guess what I'm wondering is why are these people voting for someone they have no intention of electing president? Thoughts....

I thought what you think...last summer. But he has proved he has staying power. And frankly, as bad as the situation in our country is currently, I think his numbers are lower than the real Trump effect. In other words, I think there are people that would not want to admit publicly that they support Trump for fear of the liberals calling them racist bigots but when that curtain is pulled, they'll be happy to pull the lever for a guy that wants to reverse the inane trends our country has moved towards.

For example, many people would never want to criticize the BLM movement. But deep down, they know what they really are - a domestic terrorist organization that needs to be admonished and dealt with. Trump will do that (or at least he says he will). Also, there are many people that believe it is indeed a good idea to close immigration for muslims until we have a better way of vetting them. They'd never say it publicly because again, you can't think that without being called a bigot. But deep down, they just want to feel safer. There are many people that want Christianity left alone. There are many people that don't want to be made to feel guilty for being white. There are many people that want to recognized monetarily for their hard work. They don't want to be public about it because again, they'd be labeled by liberals as racists. But they know that Trump will speak to these issues saving them from having to do so.

So long story short, I think Trump is going to be our next President...unless of course it's rigged for the Clinton machine. Because there is no way in hell I'll ever believe the majority (or even close to the majority) of people respect Hillary Clinton. If she wins, it's proof the whole thing is a sham. And Sanders? Get real. The only people voting for him are 20 something hipsters.
"Reasonable" if you want to hand over all your hard-earned money to people who don't work hard (or at all).

I did say somewhat reasonable. You could at least make an attempt to find logic in some of her positions. Sanders is just crazy. Free college for all? That makes no sense.
At least Sanders and Clinton and the other GOP nominees have actual governing experience. Trump has zero.

All the people who have screwed everything up had experience too. Maybe it's time we try something different. Still not sure if I would vote for him though.
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I've thought a lot about this. Could it be possible that a person so politically incorrect, so blatantly deceptive, so prone to hyperbole and avoiding questions, could become pres? Hell yes and heres why. The vast majoritynof the electorate dont vote on issues. Its all about an image. Obama sold an image of change and youth and coolness at at a time when old white men were dominating. Trump is selling bullying our enemies and kicking asses and standing up to the media. People are loving it! Trump said himself he could gun down people in times square and still be just as popular and hes right! If theres another successful terror attack hes a shoe in.
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I've thought a lot about this. Could it be possible that a person so politically incorrect, so blatantly deceptive, so prone to hyperbole and avoiding questions, could become pres? Hell yes and heres why. The vast majoritynof the electorate dont vote on issues. Its all about an image. Obama sold an image of change and youth and coolness at at a time when old white men were dominating. Trump is selling bullying our enemies and kicking asses and standing up to the media. People are loving it! Trump said himself he could gun down people in times square and still be just as popular and hes right! If theres another successful terror attack hes a shoe in.

Or is it shoo-in?
Trying something different does not have to mean trying something stupid.

I don't get this. I fully agree that Sanders and Clinton are bad candidates and wish either party had come up with better ones. But if anybody is a laughably bad candidate, it can only be Trump. At least Sanders and Clinton and the other GOP nominees have actual governing experience. Trump has zero. Zero experience, zero policies, zero anything except self-glorification, pandering, fear-mongering and race-baiting. I've said before that it's at the same time hilarious and terrifying that so many people seem to be considering him an actual potential President of the United States of America. I can only hope and pray that enough people have the good sense to ensure that doesn't happen. Has everyone completely forgotten the word "statesman" at this point? The douchebag from The Apprentice is seriously who you think should represent us on the world stage?
But if anybody is a laughably bad candidate, it can only be Trump. At least Sanders and Clinton and the other GOP nominees have actual governing experience.

That's why people like him. He comes at it from a non-corrupt-government angle. Obama had governing experience. Look where that got us. In the shitter.


Bullshit. Why is he a race baiter? Because he doesn't want mexican drug lords sneaking across the border? Or because he wants muslims vetted properly before we let them into our country? Or because he called Black Lives Matter what they are - a domestic terrorist organization that has publicly called for the murder of police? F*ck that! He's standing up against the race-baiters. Obama is a race-baiter of the highest order. He's the one telling everyone that if you're leery of muslims, you're a bigot. He's the one telling people that police are anti-black. F*ck that. F*ck Obama. And f*ck the popular narrative that's being put out there.

I've said before that it's at the same time hilarious and terrifying that so many people seem to be considering him an actual potential President of the United States of America.

I've seen a lot of this sentiment and my question is "where was your skepticism when the unqualified prick Obama was running?" Had more people been willing to be skeptical of Obama, we're probably in a lot better shape. But I am floored by people who question trump's credentials but ignored Obama's.

Has everyone completely forgotten the word "statesman" at this point?

Yes. That was proved in 2008 when we elected a guy for one reason - he was black.

The douchebag from The Apprentice is seriously who you think should represent us on the world stage?

I'm still baffled by people that think Trump could be worse than Obama. How could that even be possible?
I believe that the Good Lord is going to be making a return soon and here is why....I AGREE with everything that has been said on this page and by everyone on both sides who have said it! And to prove my point....a political discussion with ZERO bad mouthing of the opposite side....actually a really good discussion! Crazy that Trump could illicit and cause this to happen!!! Maybe he would be a good Pres after all.....both sides would hate the SOB!!!!!!!!
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Obama is a race-baiter of the highest order. He's the one telling everyone that if you're leery of muslims, you're a bigot. He's the one telling people that police are anti-black. F*ck that. F*ck Obama. And f*ck the popular narrative that's being put out there.

Tell us how you really feel about Obama? :D
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Outstanding post @gunslingerdick

Some of us (but alas way too few) foresaw this coming in 2008 when Obama was running. He offered zero in the way of his platform....he just sold being young, cool, and "changing" things. What's worse is because he was able to get such a grassroots movement of voters who otherwise wouldn't have voted and/or wouldn't have voted for him, he was allowed to be much further left than any candidate usually can be.

As primaries progress, the extreme candidates get eliminated and eventually a candidate that's much closer to the middle wins the nomination. That didn't happen in 2008 (and thus 2012). Obama is far more left than "normal" for the usual candidate that wins the Dem nomination. So it was a perfect storm in a way. Anyone who's shocked at how leftist the Obama administration has been just wasn't paying attention and was part of the reason why he was elected.
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I believe that the Good Lord is going to be making a return soon and here is why....I AGREE with everything that has been said on this page and by everyone on both sides who have said it! And to prove my point....a political discussion with ZERO bad mouthing of the opposite side....actually a really good discussion! Crazy that Trump could illicit and cause this to happen!!! Maybe he would be a good Pres after all.....both sides would hate the SOB!!!!!!!!

Just give it more time. I'm sure there will be some bad mouthing from opposite sides. Wouldn't be fun if there wasn't. :)
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JuleZ said "At least Sanders and Clinton and the other GOP nominees have actual governing experience. Trump has zero."

Your words above represent a mirror image of what we have now and where has that gotten us? I would rather have a man with some business experience running our country like a business than someone who has never written a payroll check to anyone taking our tax dollars and distributing them as they wish.
I love that the party of self-reliance and family values is going to nominate a billionaire born with a silver spoon in his mouth who builds casinos for a living and has had multiple affairs and divorces.
I'm 65 years old and I have never voted a democratic ticket but there is no way in hell I would ever vote for Donald Trump. I don't know what I will do if he wins the primary.
For example, many people would never want to criticize the BLM movement. But deep down, they know what they really are - a domestic terrorist organization that needs to be admonished and dealt with. Trump will do that (or at least he says he will). Also, there are many people that believe it is indeed a good idea to close immigration for muslims until we have a better way of vetting them. They'd never say it publicly because again, you can't think that without being called a bigot. But deep down, they just want to feel safer. There are many people that want Christianity left alone. There are many people that don't want to be made to feel guilty for being white.
In the spirit of Donald Trump and "telling it like it is," I'll just say that if the biggest issues driving someone's vote for president are Muslims, Mexicans, Black Lives Matter, and white/Christian pride, they're probably a bigot.
I listen to talk radio a great deal, whenever I'm driving on weekday afternoons. It's great comedy. However, the "conservative" mouthpieces, Michael Medved especially, do NOT want Donald Trump as the nominee for their party. I see very little about them that is conservative. They're evolving into one big "Judeo-Christian" religious cult. Trump even got Jerry Falwell, Jr. to showboat for him. Trump hardly strikes me as very religious at all. Getting Falwell to endorse him shows that Falwell, like his Dad, are just pandering salesmen.
In the spirit of Donald Trump and "telling it like it is," I'll just say that if the biggest issues driving someone's vote for president are Muslims, Mexicans, Black Lives Matter, and white/Christian pride, they're probably a bigot.

Right on cue. Thanks for making my point. Keep pushing that narrative. Once your boy Obama is out, we'll fix this shit.

God, liberals suck.
I love that the party of self-reliance and family values is going to nominate a billionaire born with a silver spoon in his mouth who builds casinos for a living and has had multiple affairs and divorces

And it would make more sense for the party that hates the rich to nominate a millionaire?
Stop making sense. Liberals don't know how to deal with that.

Where's that poster that used to comment with just "liberals..."? I am fully aware of his feelings now.
You haven't said one thing in this thread about why Donald Trump would be a good president. Every response has been "Obama sucks" or "liberals suck." Which is appropriate, I guess, since that's the extent of Trump's platform.
Trump will reduce Sanders or Biden to slithering bubbling klumps of
Does anyone here think Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of being elected president? I don't, and the weird thing is, I don't think most of the people voting for him in the primaries can see him ever being in the White House. IMO he would lose in a landslide to Clinton or Sanders. I guess what I'm wondering is why are these people voting for someone they have no intention of electing president? Thoughts....
Has more votes than either Romney in 2012 or McCain in 2008 at this point in the race... And, he has vowed to prosecute Shillary if she avoids it under Obama. Good selling point for many people...
You haven't said one thing in this thread about why Donald Trump would be a good president. Every response has been "Obama sucks" or "liberals suck." Which is appropriate, I guess, since that's the extent of Trump's platform.

1 - He's not a liberal. And he's as mad about the liberal narrative that's being shoved down our throats as I am. He'll do what he can to stop it.

I don't need anymore reasons than that.
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You haven't said one thing in this thread about why Donald Trump would be a good president. Every response has been "Obama sucks" or "liberals suck." Which is appropriate, I guess, since that's the extent of Trump's platform.

The fact that we still don't know if he has hair plugs or a toupee shows that he would be able to keep top secrets better than Hillary. :D
Trump has a platform. But, liberals don't like his platform so they declare he has no platform. I can not wait to see Trump completely dismantle either Col. Socio-Sanders or bin-Biden in a general election debate... Shillary will be fighting for her life to stay out of Levenworth... Another positive for Trump is that he has vowed to prosecute Shillary is the Obama administration shirks its duty to do so...
Rubio seems the least dangerous of the 3 who are in-line for the GOP nomination. I'm sort of enjoying the chaos of the GOP establishment. Here in SC, they pulled-out all the stops with endorsements of Rubio and it got them 3rd place. Trump demolished the others. If Trump weren't such a self-absorbed egomaniac, who has shown no definitive ideas for what he can do, he'd be worth considering.

And, his supporters are lots of fun:

He's the most liberal of the GOP candidates. By a longshot. He's just really good at tossing red meat to crowds.

Good. Appease me. That's what I'm looking for.

Also, build a wall. I'm down with that. I don't want to pay for it either.

Temporarily stop muslim immigration. I like that too.

Tell the BLM movement that they will be arrested if they continue to call for police deaths. I'm good here as well.

Destroy ISIS. I think even the liberals can get on board with that.

Tax me less.

Do those things and I don't give a shit how liberal you consider him.
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