Lifestyle changes


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
Whether voluntary or involuntary, what are some lifestyle changes y'all have made recently? I know @heelmanwilm mentioned in another thread that he gave up Cokes.

For me, I gave up smoking in November. I wasn't a heavy smoker by any means -- smoked about a pack a month on average -- but I was experiencing some heart issues late last year and decided to give it up. Giving up cigs wasn't too difficult, the much tougher thing to give up was energy drinks. I love those damn things. So tasty and they give you a jolt that coffee and Coke just can't. It was getting bad though, I was average 1.5 of them a day, pretty much every single day of the week. I've given those up cold turkey since December 1st, minus one day where I slipped and had a red bull. THAT has been tough. Every time I go in a convenience store, I want to get a Monster so bad but I stop myself.

What about y'all?
Working out regularly. Almost a year ago, I joined up with F3 as it got started here in Greenville. It's a free, outdoor, all-weather, member-led workout. As it has grown there are more and more times and locations, now up to 15 throughout the week, but I go MWF mornings for a 45-minute bootcamp before the rest of the world wakes up. Doing it first thing in the morning was the only way that I could ensure there wouldn't be conflicts that give me an excuse not to go. I have made it at least twice a week, and usually three times, since then. A year in, it is still a struggle to make myself roll out of bed that early rather than getting an extra hour of sleep. When I get home, I take a quick shower, get my daughter up, dressed, fed, and out the door with mom, then I head to work myself.

I have not lost significant weight, but I wasn't overweight to begin with, just needed to be more active. I am definitely stronger and feel better about my fitness level and endurance.

Just about to have another lifestyle change in a couple of months when daughter #2 arrives. I cannot quite fathom how we are going to make it through the infant stage again while also managing a toddler. But I guess we'll figure it out.
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I made a bunch of lifestyle changes years ago when my kids were born. For example, I used to be a fun and exciting person. Changed that. I used to be able to use the bathroom in peace. Changed that too. My wife and I used to have sex regularly. Yep, you guessed it - that changed as well.

Some other changes that have naturally happened are, I speak with my voice at a much higher volume, I drink roughly twice as much daily as I used to and my Saturdays went from being my time to now being everyone else's time.

Life is grand.
Gave up alcohol consumption back on the 1st of November.
Congrats @TarHeelNation11 on giving up smoking!
Thanks! I've had one cigarette since December 1st. Honestly haven't had any cravings that were intense enough that it made it hard to ignore. I'll occasionally want one and I even still have a pack in my apartment, but it's easy to ignore it and not succumb.

The real test will be football season. Nothing better than enjoying a few Reds while tailgating for some Carolina football!
gave up alcohol consumption for ten days in early december and i look back was harder than i thought, especially with three kids...i don't drink a lot, but it's everyday with a glass of wine or a couple of beers.

props to billy for that accomplishment.

also, well done thn11...was never much of a cig smoker, but i have...smoked weed a lot and dipped...btw, quitting dipping was brutal...if that's what addicts go through, whoa.

so basically, no significant lifestyle changes other than not making any changes.
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gave up alcohol consumption for ten days in early december and i look back was harder than i thought, especially with three kids...i don't drink a lot, but it's everyday with a glass of wine or a couple of beers.

props to billy for that accomplishment.

also, well done thn11...was never much of a cig smoker, but i have...smoked weed a lot and dipped...btw, quitting dipping was brutal...if that's what addicts go through, whoa.

so basically, no significant lifestyle changes other than not making any changes.

Thanks, GTee . .

IMO, to quit smoking is the hardest thing to do, and especially if you are a drinker. That ultimate urge to light up while sipping or slugging alcohol is just pounding away at ya . .
Good work, THN11 . . ! ! !

also, well done thn11...was never much of a cig smoker, but i have...smoked weed a lot and dipped...btw, quitting dipping was brutal...if that's what addicts go through, whoa.
Oh that reminds me and I don't know how I didn't list this in my OP ..... I also gave up Camel Snus (spitless tobacco for those that don't know what it is. Basically, it's wintergreen-flavored, tastes much less "tobacco-y" than dip, and you don't spit). I did that stuff for 3-4 years off and on, starting at UNC actually. It kept me awake and alert when studying more than anything else could. It also is an absolute godsend on long drives (which I used to make frequently), especially at night when you're tired. Plus you keep it in for around 30-40 minutes so it was a good way to "track" 40 minutes and cut that off your drive time.

Gave that mess up in November as well. It got to where it was giving me gum sores. I can't say I won't ever buy another can of it next time I gotta make a long drive solo, but for now, I'm not doing it at all.
-i stopped working out, stopped going to church, stopped eating salads, stopped wearing sunscreen.
-kept smoking cigars, drinking too much scotch, playing golf and poker, watching porn.
-started smoking camels on golf course, started riding instead of walking, started taking uber home instead of risking it.
-started buying 34 waist instead of 32. will probably be buying 36 or elastic waisted slacks soon.
also, well done thn11...was never much of a cig smoker, but i have...smoked weed a lot and dipped...btw, quitting dipping was brutal...if that's what addicts go through, whoa.

I quit dipping a few months ago. Definitely enjoyed it for similar reasons that THN listed for snus - started it while at UNC, great way to get some sort of enjoyment into studying/projects/etc. Also, long drives, baseball games, golfing, after playing hockey etc. It started out fairly innocently, a few tins a month. Then that became a tin a week, and recently I had been doing a couple/few tins a week, and realized that I needed to stop. I had tried to quit a few times in the past, made it a couple weeks each time, but then got back into it. During those times, I definitely see what Gtee mentions - it was brutal to quit, I'd crave it regularly until I gave in. This time, for whatever reason, it wasn't that hard at all, and I haven't looked back since. Part of that is probably because up in Boston, they get you for like $9 a tin at the cheapest.

Can't say I'll never do it again, but hoping I can keep this streak up as long as possible. I wouldn't mind doing it again in the future, as long as I can guarantee myself that I wouldn't fall into the regular habit again.
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I've been dipping pretty consistently for 25 years - roughly a can a day. I've quit before. Hell, I'm great at quitting. I've quit at least a couple times per year for the last 10 years. No one quits like I do.

In all seriousness, I'd love to give it up for good. But I'm weak when it comes to tobacco. I almost feel like being born in NC and living in VA for most of my life, that tobacco is just part of my DNA - my destiny. A buddy of mine who's been using it a bit longer than me just got a bad report from the dentist. Freaking me out a little. I need a dip to calm my nerves.
In all seriousness, I'd love to give it up for good. But I'm weak when it comes to tobacco. I almost feel like being born in NC and living in VA for most of my life, that tobacco is just part of my DNA - my destiny.
I kinda feel the same way, having deep roots in NC. Hell, my dad worked in tobacco fields when he was growing up (but ironically he has never been a smoker).

A buddy of mine who's been using it a bit longer than me just got a bad report from the dentist. Freaking me out a little. I need a dip to calm my nerves.
I have very, very weak tooth enamel (courtesy of genetics and just bad luck of the draw) so it isn't unusual for me to have 1-3 cavities every other dentist visit and isn't unusual for me to have gum irritation and such. That fact coupled with the fact that I had to keep switching spots of where I put my Snus due to gum irritation, led me to believe I was going to get some form of mouth cancer if I kept doing it for years to come.
Seems to be a common theme -- gave up alcohol a few years back. My family has a bad history with this, like many do...

When I was in college, I was working 2 full time jobs to make ends meet (would be studying for 8am exams while on my overnight shift every week). I would have about an 8 hour window every day to find food / sleep, and I would get home - immediately take about 6 shots of straight vodka just to "relax" enough to pass out and sleep it off. Wake up...rinse & repeat. There was one night a buddy of mine and me tried to out-drink each other and all I remember is being told that I was laying on the floor throwing up blood. Drank sparingly after that but have since gone away completely.

The other big change was just my overall attitude. Without going into details, me and my family have been through just about all you possibly having not (at the time) reached 30 years old. I used to "joke" with my mom that if I lived to 40 yrs old, it would be a miracle. But I started surrounding myself with the types of people I wanted to emulate -- smart, successful, stable families, etc...and have since built up the networking relationships to be given legitimate opportunities to make something and it's been a real blessing. But it starts with attitude. My college professor always preached this, and I believe it wholeheartedly -- 100% Success = 10% talent + 90% effort.

I guess that's my macro-level story. lol
Seems to be a common theme -- gave up alcohol a few years back. My family has a bad history with this, like many do...

When I was in college, I was working 2 full time jobs to make ends meet (would be studying for 8am exams while on my overnight shift every week). I would have about an 8 hour window every day to find food / sleep, and I would get home - immediately take about 6 shots of straight vodka just to "relax" enough to pass out and sleep it off. Wake up...rinse & repeat. There was one night a buddy of mine and me tried to out-drink each other and all I remember is being told that I was laying on the floor throwing up blood. Drank sparingly after that but have since gone away completely.

The other big change was just my overall attitude. Without going into details, me and my family have been through just about all you possibly having not (at the time) reached 30 years old. I used to "joke" with my mom that if I lived to 40 yrs old, it would be a miracle. But I started surrounding myself with the types of people I wanted to emulate -- smart, successful, stable families, etc...and have since built up the networking relationships to be given legitimate opportunities to make something and it's been a real blessing. But it starts with attitude. My college professor always preached this, and I believe it wholeheartedly -- 100% Success = 10% talent + 90% effort.

I guess that's my macro-level story. lol
So that's where aliases like Robert E. Lee and Boom! came from. Now it all makes sense.
Well this seems as good a time as any to announce that since November 1st, I have one less wife than I used to. Needless to say that has resulted in several lifestyle changes. Among them:

- I'm cooking more than I have in years. Grocery shopping and meal planning is a breeze when you know exactly what the person eating wants and that person isn't a vegetarian.

- I've watched more college basketball this season than I have in years.

- I've been exploring more new music (and revisiting old musical loves more) than I have in years. I really like coming home, putting a ballgame on TV on mute, and turning on the stereo. Or even better, turning off the TV and listening -- really listening -- to music. It's cool listening to what I want, when I want, as loud as I want. Speaking of which....

- Doggy dance parties. For example, because Maurice White died last week, my dogs and I had dance party on Friday night where I pulled up an Earth Wind & Fire playlist on YouTube, plugged it into the stereo, and rocked out. The dogs love it when I sing to them (for real) and get all excited and start running around. I'll also pick each one up and dance with him/her. It's hilarious.

- I started smoking cigarettes again. I originally started smoking way back in high school, ironically to cover the smell of the weed I was smoking. Anyway, just felt like letting my hair down so to speak.

- I started smoking weed again. Only at home, only when I have no need to drive anywhere, only when I'm alone. Again, just me letting loose a bit, and I appreciate how the influence of weed provides a different perspective on just about everything. I'll probably quit as soon as the current supply runs out in a few weeks.

- I quit smoking cigarettes about three weeks ago. So yeah, that whole cigarette-smoking phase only lasted about three months. I don't have an addictive personality so it's pretty easy for me to just stop something like that cold turkey. I finished a pack and said that's enough. (It's also friggin' cold outside, and there's no way I'm smoking in my house or car.)

- It looks like I'm going to end up with all three dogs on a permanent basis. That's going to be a huge lifestyle change because I always used to have backup if I was going to be gone all day or overnight without my other half. Think football weekends, backpacking, etc. Now I have to either board them or take them with me. Speaking of which....

- I've started the research and planning process to live full-time out of an RV. The plan is to start getting my house ready to sell by the spring of 2017 and buy an RV when I put the house on the market. Initially I'll stay in Charlotte and only take the RV to football games in Chapel Hill, long weekends, etc. Eventually, though, my plan is to get clearance to work remotely so I can be gone for weeks or maybe even months at a time. North Carolina will continue to be my home base since my friends are here, my employer is here, I want to keep going to UNC football games, etc. But I also want to have the freedom to travel at my own pace throughout the U.S. and Canada, including a trip to Alaska. The bonus is I can take my dogs with me and they'll always be home. I have a restless soul and have always dreamed of doing it. Now I finally have the means and the opportunity to make it happen. I don't want to look back on my life 40 years from now and regret all the chances I never took.
Well this seems as good a time as any to announce that since November 1st, I have one less wife than I used to. Needless to say that has resulted in several lifestyle changes. Among them:

- I'm cooking more than I have in years. Grocery shopping and meal planning is a breeze when you know exactly what the person eating wants and that person isn't a vegetarian.

- I've watched more college basketball this season than I have in years.

- I've been exploring more new music (and revisiting old musical loves more) than I have in years. I really like coming home, putting a ballgame on TV on mute, and turning on the stereo. Or even better, turning off the TV and listening -- really listening -- to music. It's cool listening to what I want, when I want, as loud as I want. Speaking of which....

- Doggy dance parties. For example, because Maurice White died last week, my dogs and I had dance party on Friday night where I pulled up an Earth Wind & Fire playlist on YouTube, plugged it into the stereo, and rocked out. The dogs love it when I sing to them (for real) and get all excited and start running around. I'll also pick each one up and dance with him/her. It's hilarious.

- I started smoking cigarettes again. I originally started smoking way back in high school, ironically to cover the smell of the weed I was smoking. Anyway, just felt like letting my hair down so to speak.

- I started smoking weed again. Only at home, only when I have no need to drive anywhere, only when I'm alone. Again, just me letting loose a bit, and I appreciate how the influence of weed provides a different perspective on just about everything. I'll probably quit as soon as the current supply runs out in a few weeks.

- I quit smoking cigarettes about three weeks ago. So yeah, that whole cigarette-smoking phase only lasted about three months. I don't have an addictive personality so it's pretty easy for me to just stop something like that cold turkey. I finished a pack and said that's enough. (It's also friggin' cold outside, and there's no way I'm smoking in my house or car.)

- It looks like I'm going to end up with all three dogs on a permanent basis. That's going to be a huge lifestyle change because I always used to have backup if I was going to be gone all day or overnight without my other half. Think football weekends, backpacking, etc. Now I have to either board them or take them with me. Speaking of which....

- I've started the research and planning process to live full-time out of an RV. The plan is to start getting my house ready to sell by the spring of 2017 and buy an RV when I put the house on the market. Initially I'll stay in Charlotte and only take the RV to football games in Chapel Hill, long weekends, etc. Eventually, though, my plan is to get clearance to work remotely so I can be gone for weeks or maybe even months at a time. North Carolina will continue to be my home base since my friends are here, my employer is here, I want to keep going to UNC football games, etc. But I also want to have the freedom to travel at my own pace throughout the U.S. and Canada, including a trip to Alaska. The bonus is I can take my dogs with me and they'll always be home. I have a restless soul and have always dreamed of doing it. Now I finally have the means and the opportunity to make it happen. I don't want to look back on my life 40 years from now and regret all the chances I never took.

holy shit, dude...if you ever wanna get rad in columbia, come on down.

that goes for all of you.

i love you
Well this seems as good a time as any to announce that since November 1st, I have one less wife than I used to. Needless to say that has resulted in several lifestyle changes. Among them:

- I'm cooking more than I have in years. Grocery shopping and meal planning is a breeze when you know exactly what the person eating wants and that person isn't a vegetarian.

- I've watched more college basketball this season than I have in years.

- I've been exploring more new music (and revisiting old musical loves more) than I have in years. I really like coming home, putting a ballgame on TV on mute, and turning on the stereo. Or even better, turning off the TV and listening -- really listening -- to music. It's cool listening to what I want, when I want, as loud as I want. Speaking of which....

- Doggy dance parties. For example, because Maurice White died last week, my dogs and I had dance party on Friday night where I pulled up an Earth Wind & Fire playlist on YouTube, plugged it into the stereo, and rocked out. The dogs love it when I sing to them (for real) and get all excited and start running around. I'll also pick each one up and dance with him/her. It's hilarious.

- I started smoking cigarettes again. I originally started smoking way back in high school, ironically to cover the smell of the weed I was smoking. Anyway, just felt like letting my hair down so to speak.

- I started smoking weed again. Only at home, only when I have no need to drive anywhere, only when I'm alone. Again, just me letting loose a bit, and I appreciate how the influence of weed provides a different perspective on just about everything. I'll probably quit as soon as the current supply runs out in a few weeks.

- I quit smoking cigarettes about three weeks ago. So yeah, that whole cigarette-smoking phase only lasted about three months. I don't have an addictive personality so it's pretty easy for me to just stop something like that cold turkey. I finished a pack and said that's enough. (It's also friggin' cold outside, and there's no way I'm smoking in my house or car.)

- It looks like I'm going to end up with all three dogs on a permanent basis. That's going to be a huge lifestyle change because I always used to have backup if I was going to be gone all day or overnight without my other half. Think football weekends, backpacking, etc. Now I have to either board them or take them with me. Speaking of which....

- I've started the research and planning process to live full-time out of an RV. The plan is to start getting my house ready to sell by the spring of 2017 and buy an RV when I put the house on the market. Initially I'll stay in Charlotte and only take the RV to football games in Chapel Hill, long weekends, etc. Eventually, though, my plan is to get clearance to work remotely so I can be gone for weeks or maybe even months at a time. North Carolina will continue to be my home base since my friends are here, my employer is here, I want to keep going to UNC football games, etc. But I also want to have the freedom to travel at my own pace throughout the U.S. and Canada, including a trip to Alaska. The bonus is I can take my dogs with me and they'll always be home. I have a restless soul and have always dreamed of doing it. Now I finally have the means and the opportunity to make it happen. I don't want to look back on my life 40 years from now and regret all the chances I never took.

Soooo....same ol', same ol'? Me too.
So I was going to talk about how I had started making the bed every morning, but RH kinda stole my thunder.

Where the hell you gonna keep an RV (to live out of) in Charlotte?
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Where the hell you gonna keep an RV (to live out of) in Charlotte?
Believe it or not, there is a 40-site RV park about 4 miles outside downtown Charlotte. It's 10 minutes from work, 5 minutes from doggy daycare (which is on the way to work), and 5 minutes from the NoDa Arts District (restaurants, live music, breweries). Adults only, shaded lots, with all utilities + wi-fi for $450 per month.

I made a bunch of lifestyle changes years ago when my kids were born. For example, I used to be a fun and exciting person. Changed that. I used to be able to use the bathroom in peace. Changed that too. My wife and I used to have sex regularly. Yep, you guessed it - that changed as well.

Some other changes that have naturally happened are, I speak with my voice at a much higher volume, I drink roughly twice as much daily as I used to and my Saturdays went from being my time to now being everyone else's time.

Life is grand.

I laughed.

I was smoking more than I should have been and gave that up except for parties and stuff. So I'll smoke a little about once every two weeks or so. I need to give up caffeine again but that ain't happening right now. Probably need to give up alcohol as well. About 8 months ago I decided to try and get in shape again so started doing abs four days a week and push ups about three days a week and eating healthy again. I was doing this deal where I just did my push ups fast and added one each time but that crap gets old once you get up there so started doing them (regular, incline, and decline) slower and more deliberate. I've had to get really creative with the ab stuff so I don't get bored with it. I'll probably keep it up until the beach in June then say screw it. Hell, I'm 40. There is only so much I can do. I am down from about 177 to right at 160. I actually hit 152 at one point but that was probably too thin. Cutting out potato chips and not eating crap late at night has made the biggest difference I think.
Good for all of you guys for dropping the smoking and dipping. That sh*t is horrible for you. Drinking, too.

I haven't drank since I was 20. I quit smoking when my Dad died in 1993. Never craved one again.

Not much change here. I'm thinking of limiting my weekend getaways with Jenny McCarthy to once a month instead of every weekend. I mean, at first it was all about hating NKOTB. Now, I'm starting to feel guilty.

Side note: I have an ex gf who still lives in Charlotte who had a boob job about a year before we met. We lived together for about 2 years. Anyway, one night she was telling me about the whole procedure. She said, her Dr. told her to bring in pictures of what she wanted to look like. She chose a Jenny McCarthy spread in Playboy. And, I never really paid attention to it until long after we'd split up, because I never made a comparison. Later on, and every time I ever happen to see Jenny's boobs, I always say "Damn! that doctor did give her identical boobs as Jenny McCarthy!"
Oh, I also signed up for this Freeletics thing or whatever on the iPhone. One of the first workouts had be doing like five sets of 50 burpees and a bunch of other stuff. Dumb. I dropped that quick.

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