beard was a blur...cant even remember if he finished the season...that year the team made the Finals and hill/clark/lang graduated...he was in line for good minutes along side cherokee parks............burgess was a stud 5* i believe...he had battier and brand in front of him, played decent minutes...had some issues coming out as many thought he was going to byu because of his faith....minutes and spot as a jr was wide open after brand left, but he chose to transfer....had some injuries at utah...boatengs first year he was behind williams and mcroberts...he and mcroberts would have been a good frontcourt in year 2...he played 3 seasons at asu....none of their highschool accolades really transferred over to their new schools (boston u./utah/asu)
Boogie, never thought you would help me my friend. I need to update K's 5-star transfer list.