Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by Littlejon:
I have always said that UNC would sacrifice almost anything to try to maintain their academic reputation. ...
The particular type of Liberal that runs UNC is now a very rare bird: the fully naive Liberal, the one who can look at back to back inner city neighborhoods, one ruled the Crips and the other by te Bloods, and feel certain that if only we all just told both gamngs we love them, and then offer them easy acces higher education, hat they would lay down their guns and illegal commerce and become ideal citizens of Mayberry.
And that ultra naive Liberal UNC administrator/academic was truly shocked beyond comprehension to learn that a native African chair of the most PC department on campus would even consider, for a single second, anything like what happened. Equally unbelievable to such a person was that an ardent Feminist and champion of black people as always innocent victims of racism would consider participating in a scheme that would bringv harm to UNC's academic reputation.
When reality hits such a naive Liberal in the face, he must choose either to see things as they are and act accrodingly, or try to maintain his naive Liberal set of prejuduces and flog a scapegoat or two.
Butch Davis was supposed be THE only scapegoat. Making him take the blame would mean no blame on AFAM and its poilitcal backers, and no blame on the Debbie Crwoder type Feminists all over campus. It would mean no blame on UNC academic administrators for being so stupidly naive and ideologically PC.
But that would not suffice, because the Wuffies and the N&O wanted much more blood. The Wuffies wanted UNC sports as a whole destroyed as much as possible. N&O people wanted much more blood for various reasons.
Immediately attaching to that group generally was UNC grads and sports fans who are like BobLeeSays and his BFF Art Chansky: they see Big Time football as harming UNC and are happy to ally with the Devil himself to reign in UNC football.
And then there were the types who oppose all scholarship sports, or at least the two that produce revenue, as inherently harming the academic mission. They would aly wiht anyone to forever alter the way colleges sponsor sports.
So the naive Liberals running UNC decided to keep trying to hamstring UNC football, but the blood let was never enough. Those on the attack also intended to come after basketball too, as the Wuffies and Dan Kanes demanded.
And - Surprise, Surprise, as Gomer says - the UNC naive Liberals doing everything to avoid allowing any blame to attach to AFAM and those who failed to see the academic corruption, now see that AFAM necessarily must be outed, because the on;ly way to damn UNC sports is to highlight the failures of UNC administrators regarding AFAM.
It would have been so much easier on UNC's naive Liberal administrators and academics if Debbie Crowder had been a Phyllis Schlafley tradional Catholic anti-Feminist and ole Julius had been a protege of black conservatives Thomas Sowell and Francis Cardiunal Arinze and Holden Thorp had been a protegee of Jesse Helms.
The UNC naive Liberals are not protecting actual UNC academics. They have tried to protect their own naivete and prepossessions and avoid being revelaed as having failed to oversee that which was their charge.