Mary Willingham

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

It's the nature of the litigious society in which we live. Most cases never go to trial because it is cheaper to pay a settlement.

It is absolute BS though, unless there are things of which we are not aware.

Side note- when the hell is the NCAA gonna poop or get off the pot?
About this time next year we should have some finality . .
Originally posted by UNC71-00:

It's the nature of the litigious society in which we live. Most cases never go to trial because it is cheaper to pay a settlement.

It is absolute BS though, unless there are things of which we are not aware.

Side note- when the hell is the NCAA gonna poop or get off the pot?
Bingo. I've said it more than once on OOTB -- the sue culture we live in is crippling America. Just absolutely crippling it. Every friggin policy enacted and decision made is with the specter of being sued hanging over the head of the decision-maker(s). It's ludicrous that we've (d)evolved into this litigious society.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

It's the nature of the litigious society in which we live. Most cases never go to trial because it is cheaper to pay a settlement.

It is absolute BS though, unless there are things of which we are not aware.

Side note- when the hell is the NCAA gonna poop or get off the pot?
Bingo. I've said it more than once on OOTB -- the sue culture we live in is crippling America. Just absolutely crippling it. Every friggin policy enacted and decision made is with the specter of being sued hanging over the head of the decision-maker(s). It's ludicrous that we've (d)evolved into this litigious society.
We paid Wainstein upwards of $3.1 million for his report. [In my best Dr. Evil voice:] Three miiiiiiillion dollars. [/Dr. Evil voice] Seriously, why not pony up a little more to expose that piece of trash for what she is? And are they going to pursue legal recourse for her blatant violations of FERPA and HIPAA? My understanding is that both are institutional issues, but individual fines/penalties are a possibility as well. My guess is no, because the university doesn't want to risk further exposure and they're spineless twits. I still can't believe they're paying a PR firm for all of this. Barf.
^ yep agreed. I'm quite disappointed in the way the University has handled all of this, but I'm not surprised. It confirms the view shared by many on here that UNC simply was not ready or equipped to handle big boy athletics.

Now, not being ready for big time athletics is lamentable, but if that was the only issue, I guess it could be forgiven by some (not by me), but that's not the only issue at play. UNC wasn't even equipped to manage a whole department correctly. How does such a gross oversight occur at a public ivy??? I have theories, but none of them are pleasant or flattering to the University nor to its powers that be and decision-makers
I have always said that UNC would sacrifice almost anything to try to maintain their academic reputation. My guess is that Mary knew where some other issues may have been covered up or she had something that the school didn't want to deal with on the academic side, even if they knew she was full of Shiite. I doubt anyone would have cared much if all she could do is hurt the football program or any other sport outside of basketball. Even with BB I am not sure they would have settled. The academic side which is what all of this was really about, is where I don't think they wanted anything else to deal with and is why they settled.

My guess is that they also put some clause in there that says she keeps her mouth shut. If they didn't then they just wasted their money and she is likely going to keep squawking. This settlement may have also had something in there about her not helping the people suing for not giving them a "quality education", which may be what they really fear more than anything else.

Regardless, the university has seriously bungled this whole mess from day 1. I am not sure this settlement will prove to be the right decision, but with UNC's track record with this mess, I kinda doubt it.
Originally posted by Littlejon:
I have always said that UNC would sacrifice almost anything to try to maintain their academic reputation. ...

The particular type of Liberal that runs UNC is now a very rare bird: the fully naive Liberal, the one who can look at back to back inner city neighborhoods, one ruled the Crips and the other by te Bloods, and feel certain that if only we all just told both gamngs we love them, and then offer them easy acces higher education, hat they would lay down their guns and illegal commerce and become ideal citizens of Mayberry.

And that ultra naive Liberal UNC administrator/academic was truly shocked beyond comprehension to learn that a native African chair of the most PC department on campus would even consider, for a single second, anything like what happened. Equally unbelievable to such a person was that an ardent Feminist and champion of black people as always innocent victims of racism would consider participating in a scheme that would bringv harm to UNC's academic reputation.

When reality hits such a naive Liberal in the face, he must choose either to see things as they are and act accrodingly, or try to maintain his naive Liberal set of prejuduces and flog a scapegoat or two.

Butch Davis was supposed be THE only scapegoat. Making him take the blame would mean no blame on AFAM and its poilitcal backers, and no blame on the Debbie Crwoder type Feminists all over campus. It would mean no blame on UNC academic administrators for being so stupidly naive and ideologically PC.

But that would not suffice, because the Wuffies and the N&O wanted much more blood. The Wuffies wanted UNC sports as a whole destroyed as much as possible. N&O people wanted much more blood for various reasons.

Immediately attaching to that group generally was UNC grads and sports fans who are like BobLeeSays and his BFF Art Chansky: they see Big Time football as harming UNC and are happy to ally with the Devil himself to reign in UNC football.

And then there were the types who oppose all scholarship sports, or at least the two that produce revenue, as inherently harming the academic mission. They would aly wiht anyone to forever alter the way colleges sponsor sports.

So the naive Liberals running UNC decided to keep trying to hamstring UNC football, but the blood let was never enough. Those on the attack also intended to come after basketball too, as the Wuffies and Dan Kanes demanded.

And - Surprise, Surprise, as Gomer says - the UNC naive Liberals doing everything to avoid allowing any blame to attach to AFAM and those who failed to see the academic corruption, now see that AFAM necessarily must be outed, because the on;ly way to damn UNC sports is to highlight the failures of UNC administrators regarding AFAM.

It would have been so much easier on UNC's naive Liberal administrators and academics if Debbie Crowder had been a Phyllis Schlafley tradional Catholic anti-Feminist and ole Julius had been a protege of black conservatives Thomas Sowell and Francis Cardiunal Arinze and Holden Thorp had been a protegee of Jesse Helms.

The UNC naive Liberals are not protecting actual UNC academics. They have tried to protect their own naivete and prepossessions and avoid being revelaed as having failed to oversee that which was their charge.
Native Africans, and Feminists, and Liberals...oh my!
Originally posted by heelmanwilm:
Raising u should engage jay smith on twitter. He seems to relish being challenged and has several running debates with tweeters
I have, and he has blocked me.

I never used foul language, or made personal attacks, or was in any way uncivil or disrespectful towards him. I simply asked why Mary Willingham (who has also blocked me) had the educational records of players with whom she never worked.

For someone who dishes out so much criticism about UNC's transparency, he sure can't take any himself. They're both a disgrace and the sooner they go away the better.

This post was edited on 2/26 9:41 AM by Raising Heel
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by Littlejon:
I have always said that UNC would sacrifice almost anything to try to maintain their academic reputation. ...

The particular type of Liberal that runs UNC is now a very rare bird: the fully naive Liberal, the one who can look at back to back inner city neighborhoods, one ruled the Crips and the other by te Bloods, and feel certain that if only we all just told both gamngs we love them, and then offer them easy acces higher education, hat they would lay down their guns and illegal commerce and become ideal citizens of Mayberry.

And that ultra naive Liberal UNC administrator/academic was truly shocked beyond comprehension to learn that a native African chair of the most PC department on campus would even consider, for a single second, anything like what happened. Equally unbelievable to such a person was that an ardent Feminist and champion of black people as always innocent victims of racism would consider participating in a scheme that would bringv harm to UNC's academic reputation.

When reality hits such a naive Liberal in the face, he must choose either to see things as they are and act accrodingly, or try to maintain his naive Liberal set of prejuduces and flog a scapegoat or two.

Butch Davis was supposed be THE only scapegoat. Making him take the blame would mean no blame on AFAM and its poilitcal backers, and no blame on the Debbie Crwoder type Feminists all over campus. It would mean no blame on UNC academic administrators for being so stupidly naive and ideologically PC.

But that would not suffice, because the Wuffies and the N&O wanted much more blood. The Wuffies wanted UNC sports as a whole destroyed as much as possible. N&O people wanted much more blood for various reasons.

Immediately attaching to that group generally was UNC grads and sports fans who are like BobLeeSays and his BFF Art Chansky: they see Big Time football as harming UNC and are happy to ally with the Devil himself to reign in UNC football.

And then there were the types who oppose all scholarship sports, or at least the two that produce revenue, as inherently harming the academic mission. They would aly wiht anyone to forever alter the way colleges sponsor sports.

So the naive Liberals running UNC decided to keep trying to hamstring UNC football, but the blood let was never enough. Those on the attack also intended to come after basketball too, as the Wuffies and Dan Kanes demanded.

And - Surprise, Surprise, as Gomer says - the UNC naive Liberals doing everything to avoid allowing any blame to attach to AFAM and those who failed to see the academic corruption, now see that AFAM necessarily must be outed, because the on;ly way to damn UNC sports is to highlight the failures of UNC administrators regarding AFAM.

It would have been so much easier on UNC's naive Liberal administrators and academics if Debbie Crowder had been a Phyllis Schlafley tradional Catholic anti-Feminist and ole Julius had been a protege of black conservatives Thomas Sowell and Francis Cardiunal Arinze and Holden Thorp had been a protegee of Jesse Helms.

The UNC naive Liberals are not protecting actual UNC academics. They have tried to protect their own naivete and prepossessions and avoid being revelaed as having failed to oversee that which was their charge.
Lol, somebodies been watching too much Fox news.
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by Littlejon:
I have always said that UNC would sacrifice almost anything to try to maintain their academic reputation. ...

The particular type of Liberal that runs UNC is now a very rare bird: the fully naive Liberal, the one who can look at back to back inner city neighborhoods, one ruled the Crips and the other by te Bloods, and feel certain that if only we all just told both gamngs we love them, and then offer them easy acces higher education, hat they would lay down their guns and illegal commerce and become ideal citizens of Mayberry.

And that ultra naive Liberal UNC administrator/academic was truly shocked beyond comprehension to learn that a native African chair of the most PC department on campus would even consider, for a single second, anything like what happened. Equally unbelievable to such a person was that an ardent Feminist and champion of black people as always innocent victims of racism would consider participating in a scheme that would bringv harm to UNC's academic reputation.

When reality hits such a naive Liberal in the face, he must choose either to see things as they are and act accrodingly, or try to maintain his naive Liberal set of prejuduces and flog a scapegoat or two.

Butch Davis was supposed be THE only scapegoat. Making him take the blame would mean no blame on AFAM and its poilitcal backers, and no blame on the Debbie Crwoder type Feminists all over campus. It would mean no blame on UNC academic administrators for being so stupidly naive and ideologically PC.

But that would not suffice, because the Wuffies and the N&O wanted much more blood. The Wuffies wanted UNC sports as a whole destroyed as much as possible. N&O people wanted much more blood for various reasons.

Immediately attaching to that group generally was UNC grads and sports fans who are like BobLeeSays and his BFF Art Chansky: they see Big Time football as harming UNC and are happy to ally with the Devil himself to reign in UNC football.

And then there were the types who oppose all scholarship sports, or at least the two that produce revenue, as inherently harming the academic mission. They would aly wiht anyone to forever alter the way colleges sponsor sports.

So the naive Liberals running UNC decided to keep trying to hamstring UNC football, but the blood let was never enough. Those on the attack also intended to come after basketball too, as the Wuffies and Dan Kanes demanded.

And - Surprise, Surprise, as Gomer says - the UNC naive Liberals doing everything to avoid allowing any blame to attach to AFAM and those who failed to see the academic corruption, now see that AFAM necessarily must be outed, because the on;ly way to damn UNC sports is to highlight the failures of UNC administrators regarding AFAM.

It would have been so much easier on UNC's naive Liberal administrators and academics if Debbie Crowder had been a Phyllis Schlafley tradional Catholic anti-Feminist and ole Julius had been a protege of black conservatives Thomas Sowell and Francis Cardiunal Arinze and Holden Thorp had been a protegee of Jesse Helms.

The UNC naive Liberals are not protecting actual UNC academics. They have tried to protect their own naivete and prepossessions and avoid being revelaed as having failed to oversee that which was their charge.
Lol, somebodies been watching too much Fox news.
I don't watch any TV news - waste of time. I know from experience what the world of educratdom is like when PC takes over. Group identity politics guarantees that the academic endeavor is perverted from the get-go.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by Littlejon:
I have always said that UNC would sacrifice almost anything to try to maintain their academic reputation. ...

The particular type of Liberal that runs UNC is now a very rare bird: the fully naive Liberal, the one who can look at back to back inner city neighborhoods, one ruled the Crips and the other by te Bloods, and feel certain that if only we all just told both gamngs we love them, and then offer them easy acces higher education, hat they would lay down their guns and illegal commerce and become ideal citizens of Mayberry.

And that ultra naive Liberal UNC administrator/academic was truly shocked beyond comprehension to learn that a native African chair of the most PC department on campus would even consider, for a single second, anything like what happened. Equally unbelievable to such a person was that an ardent Feminist and champion of black people as always innocent victims of racism would consider participating in a scheme that would bringv harm to UNC's academic reputation.

When reality hits such a naive Liberal in the face, he must choose either to see things as they are and act accrodingly, or try to maintain his naive Liberal set of prejuduces and flog a scapegoat or two.

Butch Davis was supposed be THE only scapegoat. Making him take the blame would mean no blame on AFAM and its poilitcal backers, and no blame on the Debbie Crwoder type Feminists all over campus. It would mean no blame on UNC academic administrators for being so stupidly naive and ideologically PC.

But that would not suffice, because the Wuffies and the N&O wanted much more blood. The Wuffies wanted UNC sports as a whole destroyed as much as possible. N&O people wanted much more blood for various reasons.

Immediately attaching to that group generally was UNC grads and sports fans who are like BobLeeSays and his BFF Art Chansky: they see Big Time football as harming UNC and are happy to ally with the Devil himself to reign in UNC football.

And then there were the types who oppose all scholarship sports, or at least the two that produce revenue, as inherently harming the academic mission. They would aly wiht anyone to forever alter the way colleges sponsor sports.

So the naive Liberals running UNC decided to keep trying to hamstring UNC football, but the blood let was never enough. Those on the attack also intended to come after basketball too, as the Wuffies and Dan Kanes demanded.

And - Surprise, Surprise, as Gomer says - the UNC naive Liberals doing everything to avoid allowing any blame to attach to AFAM and those who failed to see the academic corruption, now see that AFAM necessarily must be outed, because the on;ly way to damn UNC sports is to highlight the failures of UNC administrators regarding AFAM.

It would have been so much easier on UNC's naive Liberal administrators and academics if Debbie Crowder had been a Phyllis Schlafley tradional Catholic anti-Feminist and ole Julius had been a protege of black conservatives Thomas Sowell and Francis Cardiunal Arinze and Holden Thorp had been a protegee of Jesse Helms.

The UNC naive Liberals are not protecting actual UNC academics. They have tried to protect their own naivete and prepossessions and avoid being revelaed as having failed to oversee that which was their charge.
Lol, somebodies been watching too much Fox news.
I don't watch any TV news - waste of time. I know from experience what the world of educratdom is like when PC takes over. Group identity politics guarantees that the academic endeavor is perverted from the get-go.
If you're so against group identity politics, (which was the point I was going to make) then why perpetuate the problem by group identifying... You used the word "Liberals" no less than 9 times in your post, its seems the perversion has perverted you. That's some serious cognitive dissonance ya got going on there Woad.

That sounds like something a climate change "skeptic" would come up with
Why has the admin rolled over backwards to protect the faculty? Why doesn't anyone speak out against Professor Croissant in any official capacity? Why dI'd they settle with Mare?

What is the South Building's strategy? What are their motives?

You may disagree with Woad, but he has made a case for a position. If someone has a better explanation, let's hear it.
Why has the admin rolled over backwards to protect the faculty? Why doesn't anyone speak out against Professor Croissant in any official capacity? Why dI'd they settle with Mare?

What is the South Building's strategy? What are their motives?

You may disagree with Woad, but he has made a case for a position. If someone has a better explanation, let's hear it.

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