Most detested, useless, annoying, words and phrases

Most of my least favs have been covered above - nice work. I guess a couple others are:

"well - yes and no"
processeeze (instead of processes)
"chill" (as an adjective, as in "he was so chill")
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This fat guy named Biggie on the local morning show (shout out 2 Guys Named Chris) says the word:

Loy-yer for lawyer.

Drives me insane.
"In all honesty" - so can I assume that the absence of you starting a statement like that is a lie?
heh. True. Good point.
It's like Roy Williams saying (quite a while back): "What is 'brutally honest'? You're either honest or dishonest. There is no 'brutally honest' " .
Any millennial speak such as but not limited to the following:

"do you even _________, bro?"

"totes _________"

"why are you so extra?"

"I can't even."


"sorry, not sorry."


"anything AF."

describing something great as "fire".


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