Most detested, useless, annoying, words and phrases

all of THE sudden

real-itor instead of real-ter

And, similar to "in all honesty"... "Honestly?" You'd be better off with "Frankly." And, 99% of the time when someone starts with "It's funny..." or "You know, it's funny..." and it's never funny. It's usually peculiar or odd.
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"He's out of the game getting a blow"
"Tough shot" (play by play guys way of saying bad or stupid shot)
"Mental fatigue"
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Reactions: Heelicious
I know, right?!
You know what I'm saying?
Starting every sentence with "I mean"! Hope you mean it, if not, don't say it!
Saying OMG, LOL, LMAO! probably more but I can't remember.
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