NCAA Proposes New Framework to Pay Athletes at Richest Programs

Let me see if I understand, Baker seems to want college players to be paid even more than they are currently? Now he wants schools to tap in to educational endowments intended for kids actually at a school for the education and not just as a half way house to pro sports careers? AND, he wants that for a limited few programs, separate rules for the powerful and for the rest well basically, shut up and play your role as cannon fodder? Any usefulness the NCAA may still have, granted it is very little at this point, will now be erased, the inmates are running the asylum now, good luck with that...

With this they have now turned college sports in to the European club team model with no restrictions. At some point schools are going to be forced to back away from having sports teams and players are going to walk away from having to attend classes or have any academic requirements. Nero (the NCAA) is fiddling away as Rome burns...
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I think this is survival move by the NCAA. Their existence is in danger, plus they do not have the manpower to police schools anymore (i.e. Kansas and Michigan getting off with slaps on the wrist).

The commissioners of the 5 Power schools are meeting so frequently you would think they have formed a new college fraternity.

If the NCAA wants to continue to get a piece of the pie, they need to make major
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This looks to me as a move more toward the Euro juniors model. Athletics being seen as a major upon itself for the top youngsters. If the colleges want the windfall that the next pros bring in to play they will pay a portion to recruit those doing the playing. Luka signed a million dollar contract as an 8th grader.

The football super conferences and separate CFP system already have moved toward it, also with the high school elite national programs for those showing pro prospects in many sports, been moving there for awhile, established now. Elite football or basketball developers will be seen as other elite educational programs seeking the best young talents for their field to
About dang time! Give me a free market over the corrupt, unethical NCAA regulations any day.
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Let me see if I understand, Baker seems to want college players to be paid even more than they are currently? Now he wants schools to tap in to educational endowments intended for kids actually at a school for the education and not just as a half way house to pro sports careers? AND, he wants that for a limited few programs, separate rules for the powerful and for the rest well basically, shut up and play your role as cannon fodder? Any usefulness the NCAA may still have, granted it is very little at this point, will now be erased, the inmates are running the asylum now, good luck with that...

With this they have now turned college sports in to the European club team model with no restrictions. At some point schools are going to be forced to back away from having sports teams and players are going to walk away from having to attend classes or have any academic requirements. Nero (the NCAA) is fiddling away as Rome burns...
Sounds like they are taking a page from our present gov. 2 sets of rules.
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LOL, in the days we are all living thru right now it feels like all we loved in the past is ripe for destruction today. Once apon a time, you sent your kids to college so that they could have really solid futures without as much hard lifting as you had to endure. But now days we send our kids to college and they end up not even knowing what a woman is, considering the patriotism you once held near and dear as a terrible thing, and religion nothing but fiction made up to allow some to feel superior to others.

Now we can't allow you to love your favorite college sports programs and their representing your beloved school, we must removed completely any college like requirement for the athletes. Baker says spend $30k a year on the athletes in addition to the scholly itself and it is a legit question for many programs as to where the money comes from. But it becomes insane with title 1X because spend that $30k on male sports you must spend it on the female sports as well, for that they will easily realize there is a difference between a male and a female, it is a selective memory thing don't ya know? LOL The out come is easy, many schools will drop their sports programs, some may keep a few but not all, sure it helps kids get their education when so many that would never see a college campus if not for the sports scholly will then have to FULLY QUALIFY just like any other student but as well get to pay the full price of attending, like any other college kid. But hey, why let some kids attend college and not pay, lets make sure we have equal footing here! Isn't that what we all crave, guaranteed equal out comes for all given out freely, we can ALL be rich, or I guess you could as well say we will all be poor but at least we will all be the same, well except those very few actually making the rules but hey, they are smarter than we are, they deserve more than we do, right...

Hey, want to know where the money comes from in all of this? It comes from where it ALWAYS comes from, tuitions will ramp up, but hey don't worry because the president will end up forgiving those hundreds of thousands of student in debt loans you incurred so you can get your humanities degree and have a bunch of fun protesting, sooner or later they may even figure out what you are actually protesting so keep on getting out there proving your social merit! So what if mom & dad have to pay for it, they should pay for it anyway, they owe you that for forcing you to be a part of their elitism! Hey, it is only money and they print that up every day, just print up some more if we need it, in our new socialist society we won' need money anyway, we will all be given what we deserve, we will all be given what we deserve... Yeah, I am afraid that we will...

College (high school and down to elementary school now as well) education is under attack from within by those in position to teach your kids...
Religion is under attack and about to be replaced with the religion of CLIMATE change...

Patriotism has a full frontal attack going on right now... You are now considered to be the greatest threat there is for this country if you express love for this country...

The family unit is directly assaulted, you have no say in what your kids are taught, they want to allow your kids to get permanent radical surgery WITHOUT your as a parent's permission, it takes a village after all... And if you don't believe me, ask the nice FBI or IRS agent that just showed up at your door with a bunch of friends, they won't shoot if you cooperate, hey, just tell them you can't breathe!
This looks to me as a move more toward the Euro juniors model. Athletics being seen as a major upon itself for the top youngsters. If the colleges want the windfall that the next pros bring in to play they will pay a portion to recruit those doing the playing. Luka signed a million dollar contract as an 8th grader.

The football super conferences and separate CFP system already have moved toward it, also with the high school elite national programs for those showing pro prospects in many sports, been moving there for awhile, established now. Elite football or basketball developers will be seen as other elite educational programs seeking the best young talents for their field to
And when the college can not afford it the next step is corporations stepping in and WoW, I just can't wait for the Vanguard Tar Heels to play the Blackrock Blue Devils...NOT !
LOL, in the days we are all living thru right now it feels like all we loved in the past is ripe for destruction today. Once apon a time, you sent your kids to college so that they could have really solid futures without as much hard lifting as you had to endure. But now days we send our kids to college and they end up not even knowing what a woman is, considering the patriotism you once held near and dear as a terrible thing, and religion nothing but fiction made up to allow some to feel superior to others.

Now we can't allow you to love your favorite college sports programs and their representing your beloved school, we must removed completely any college like requirement for the athletes. Baker says spend $30k a year on the athletes in addition to the scholly itself and it is a legit question for many programs as to where the money comes from. But it becomes insane with title 1X because spend that $30k on male sports you must spend it on the female sports as well, for that they will easily realize there is a difference between a male and a female, it is a selective memory thing don't ya know? LOL The out come is easy, many schools will drop their sports programs, some may keep a few but not all, sure it helps kids get their education when so many that would never see a college campus if not for the sports scholly will then have to FULLY QUALIFY just like any other student but as well get to pay the full price of attending, like any other college kid. But hey, why let some kids attend college and not pay, lets make sure we have equal footing here! Isn't that what we all crave, guaranteed equal out comes for all given out freely, we can ALL be rich, or I guess you could as well say we will all be poor but at least we will all be the same, well except those very few actually making the rules but hey, they are smarter than we are, they deserve more than we do, right...

Hey, want to know where the money comes from in all of this? It comes from where it ALWAYS comes from, tuitions will ramp up, but hey don't worry because the president will end up forgiving those hundreds of thousands of student in debt loans you incurred so you can get your humanities degree and have a bunch of fun protesting, sooner or later they may even figure out what you are actually protesting so keep on getting out there proving your social merit! So what if mom & dad have to pay for it, they should pay for it anyway, they owe you that for forcing you to be a part of their elitism! Hey, it is only money and they print that up every day, just print up some more if we need it, in our new socialist society we won' need money anyway, we will all be given what we deserve, we will all be given what we deserve... Yeah, I am afraid that we will...

College (high school and down to elementary school now as well) education is under attack from within by those in position to teach your kids...
Religion is under attack and about to be replaced with the religion of CLIMATE change...

Patriotism has a full frontal attack going on right now... You are now considered to be the greatest threat there is for this country if you express love for this country...

The family unit is directly assaulted, you have no say in what your kids are taught, they want to allow your kids to get permanent radical surgery WITHOUT your as a parent's permission, it takes a village after all... And if you don't believe me, ask the nice FBI or IRS agent that just showed up at your door with a bunch of friends, they won't shoot if you cooperate, hey, just tell them you can't breathe!
Sheesh, I think the wrong forum? 😨
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This is the last sport I watch. I will watch another game if it is on TV at someone's house but I am not really engaged. Transfer Portal and NIL has killed the college atmosphere. Case in point...My son is a good football player. Going to, but for about 7 weeks he was in top 10 in tackles in the state of NC in 4a football. He is a Junior so now is when the teams would have started talking to him. Good grades, 6-2 210 and loves contact, All-Conference. But talking with some college coaches, why offer a high school senior during the signing period, when you can just wait on the transfer portal and get a 3 year college kid with a little bit of playing time, but 3 years in the gym and learning the college game. Makes sense and I would do it too if I was a coach. Preferred Walk-on is the flavor of the week for what would have been a guaranteed Div 2 scholarship (even if it is usually just a half scholarship in div2). One dads frustration speaking here, but this is still true for everyone.

Now add into that the NIL $$$ and holy is basically a free agency bidding war for talent. and the stage is set for that bidding war to get crazier. I fully expect within the next couple years the jerseys of all major sports teams to be covered in marketing patches like a nascar car. And the attitudes of the entitlement brigade will get worse and worse as they are pandered and catered to more that any Louisville recruit ever did.

Just sad. Really sad.
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