Need explanation...please


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I've asked these same questions in several threads here and other boards and no one ever takes the challenge of answering them yet those same people turn around and poast messages acting like they're some authority on the matter. So I'm tagging @andrew jones in hopes he will give it a try.

1 - In short, how does NIL work?
2 - Does the coaching staff have any NIL responsibilities? Can they speak to that when recruiting a player?
3 - How much (ballpark) does the program have access to? Is that number defined before the offseason or is it on a request basis?
4 - How does our NIL rank in comparison to other programs? Is that dollar figure public information? If not, why?
5 - Is the amount that each player makes through NIL public information? If not, why?

Those are for starters. If I can get some answers, I may have some follow up questions.
Good questions but I don't think all of them will be answered. Some Information is private and some could rise up and bite you if the NCAA ever decides to regulate NIL.
I trust that UNC is competitive but more discerning than most. I hope we never fully buy into simply enticing the best peeps as mercenaries with no regard for fit, culture, character, or team camaraderie.
I've asked these same questions in several threads here and other boards and no one ever takes the challenge of answering them yet those same people turn around and poast messages acting like they're some authority on the matter. So I'm tagging @andrew jones in hopes he will give it a try.

1 - In short, how does NIL work?
2 - Does the coaching staff have any NIL responsibilities? Can they speak to that when recruiting a player?
3 - How much (ballpark) does the program have access to? Is that number defined before the offseason or is it on a request basis?
4 - How does our NIL rank in comparison to other programs? Is that dollar figure public information? If not, why?
5 - Is the amount that each player makes through NIL public information? If not, why?

Those are for starters. If I can get some answers, I may have some follow up questions.
I think, unless you are asking someone in their private office in Indy (NCAA) don't think there is anyone else that can answer how NIL works. There is a strong difference between how NIL was SUPPOSED to work to how it is working now. NIL was supposed to work just like pro athletes earn from endorcement deals. This whole can of worms was opened by the Obannon case where Obannon was suing because his image was used in a video game but he was not compensated for that. Winning that case opened the door for college athletes to get paid for endorcements, I love Bojangels pay me. The intentions were good, why shouldn't a kid be able to strike an endorcement deal to put some money in his pocket. But it opened a door that I am not sure many realized could happen, it created the question of what if someone owns a business and agrees to give a kid a nice endorcement deal but ONLY if that kid played for that guys favorite school? Would that not be a booster buying players, a thing that was totally counter to what the NCAA was supposed to be about, in fact the only real enforcement area the NCAA actually had?

We then saw some rogue boosters test this, Miami had one, Texas A&M did for example. The Miami booster publicaly proclaimed he was paying every Miami player money for playing for Miami, the NCAA sat on their hands and allowed this to happen, in doing so the message was sent to all the NCAA schools, buying players was fine by the NCAA, they were not going to do anything to stop it, so all the sudden, out of no where, we see the birth of collectives pooling together money to buy players to their programs.

What made it even crazier is that the NCAA after some initial resistence as in the Tez Walker issue, decided to allow portal transfers at any time within designated open portal dates. This allowed kids to re-negotiate their NIL deal after every season, they could threaten to enter the portal if they didn't get what they wanted, giving other programs another venue to reruit players to their programs and boosters with deep pockets in wait to stroke what ever check is needed to buy a winner. It has become a bidding war with ZERO rules and from the NCAA offices in Indy, crickets?

You ask if the coaching staffs have any NIL responsibility, well they were not supposed to be involved at all, it was supposed to be a private deal between the player and some company he was getting paid to endorce but that is not what is happening, now doubt you will find a coach in the country that is not involved in the NIL deals, if the NCAA is going to do nothing to stop that then you would be crazy not to be involved. Yet again, not how it was suppose to work but it is now how it absolutely does work.

Your last 3 questions are all privacy issues that can get you in court quick if not careful. Even thou, UNC for example, is a public school, different for example from duke being a private school. Most all programs want to keep money numbers private. You would not want a guy knowing how much you can spend without knowing how much he is asking for, doubt you really want your returning center for example to know how much NIL you are giving a center from the portal. I addition, the "collectives" may be linked to the school in that they are paying for players to play for that program they are not a part of the school, they are not public and as such can not be compelled to share their numbers, nor should they. Now that may seem crazy but let me ask you, are you comfortable with your income being made public, very few would be.
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you can glean a bunch regarding #1 and #2 here -

There is so much grey area and lack of enforcement that you better believe the coaches are able to say generically: "players who play near UNC have a ton of opportunity, someone with your characteristics is getting roughly in this range, and our collective and other NIL oriented sources (donors, advertisers, etc) can speak more about that."

They can't say "IF you play at UNC..." but they could comment on facts that student athletes working with our collective and donors can expect a certain range, and could even go as far as saying student athletes who are highly talented could expect xyz with a contract that has stipulations on timing, etc.
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I've asked these same questions in several threads here and other boards and no one ever takes the challenge of answering them yet those same people turn around and poast messages acting like they're some authority on the matter. So I'm tagging @andrew jones in hopes he will give it a try.

1 - In short, how does NIL work?
2 - Does the coaching staff have any NIL responsibilities? Can they speak to that when recruiting a player?
3 - How much (ballpark) does the program have access to? Is that number defined before the offseason or is it on a request basis?
4 - How does our NIL rank in comparison to other programs? Is that dollar figure public information? If not, why?
5 - Is the amount that each player makes through NIL public information? If not, why?

Those are for starters. If I can get some answers, I may have some follow up questions.

Gun, here is something that may help. There are links out there that has more details on these answers, but it is extensive. Let me know if you want the links to a specific answer. The most recent NCAA lawsuit changes a lot of things. Here is the link that explains it all :

The following addresses your questions, but keep in mind that some of this is changing with the lawsuit settlement. Good luck reading!

Detailed Breakdown of NIL and Its Implications

1. How Does NIL Work?

NIL stands for "Name, Image, and Likeness," and it allows college athletes to profit from their personal brand. This means athletes can enter into agreements with businesses or individuals to endorse products, make appearances, or promote services on social media. The NCAA's interim policy, effective since July 1, 2021, permits these activities, provided they comply with state laws and NCAA regulations.

2. Does the Coaching Staff Have Any NIL Responsibilities? Can They Speak to That When Recruiting a Player?​

Coaching staff can discuss NIL opportunities during the recruiting process, but they cannot directly offer NIL deals as inducements for athletes to attend their school. The NCAA prohibits "pay-for-play" and recruiting inducements tied to NIL deals. However, coaches can inform recruits about the NIL resources and support available at their institution, such as partnerships with NIL collectives or platforms that facilitate deals.

3. How Much (Ballpark) Does the Program Have Access To? Is That Number Defined Before the Offseason or Is It on a Request Basis?​

The amount of money available for NIL deals varies widely between programs and is not typically a fixed number. It depends on the resources of the NIL collectives associated with the school, donations from boosters, and the marketability of the athletes. Some programs have more robust NIL infrastructures and can facilitate larger deals, while others may have more limited resources. The exact figures are often not publicly disclosed and can fluctuate based on ongoing fundraising efforts and donor contributions. The UNC basketball collective is the Secondary Club.

4. How Does Our NIL Rank in Comparison to Other Programs? Is That Dollar Figure Public Information? If Not, Why?​

NIL rankings and valuations are tracked by various platforms, such as, which provides estimates of athletes' NIL earnings and ranks programs based on their NIL activity. However, the specific dollar figures for each program are not always public. This lack of transparency is due to privacy concerns and competitive advantages. Schools and collectives may not want to disclose their financial capabilities to avoid giving other programs insights into their recruiting and NIL strategies.

5. Is the Amount That Each Player Makes Through NIL Public Information? If Not, Why?​

The amount each player makes through NIL deals is generally not public information. While athletes are required to disclose their NIL earnings to their schools for compliance purposes, this data is often kept confidential to protect the athletes' privacy. Additionally, public disclosure of individual earnings could lead to issues such as jealousy among teammates, potential exploitation, and competitive disadvantages for the schools. Some states have laws that require disclosure of NIL deals, but these are often de-identified to protect the athletes' identities.


NIL has significantly changed the landscape of college sports, providing athletes with new opportunities to monetize their personal brands. However, the implementation and regulation of NIL deals involve complex considerations around compliance, privacy, and competitive balance. Schools and athletes must navigate these challenges carefully to maximize the benefits of NIL while adhering to NCAA rules and state laws.
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