"New Response" from NCAA


Hall of Famer
Dec 2, 2002
So it seems the NCAA has issued a "new response" late yesterday. UNC is reviewing it at present.
I fully expect the hatchet man at the NCAA.... Stankey..... is gonna lower the boom on us. This thing is headed straight to federal court
I fully expect the hatchet man at the NCAA.... Stankey..... is gonna lower the boom on us. This thing is headed straight to federal court

I'm ready .... do it in your briefs, guys and gals!!!

NCAA$$holes ..... Sankysuks!!!!!! Yoo too dookie. Doo!!!
I can't wait to see what this one says! Does this start another never-ending response cycle like the last 2-3?
Maybe we can rewrite a rule such that a preponderance of nothing is a level 1 violation?
Billy Preston says .... Nothin from Nothin means Nothin..... they are still gonna hammer us
You could put Emmert and Sankey in a damned blender and you wouldn't extract an ounce of integrity.
when we get them on the witness stand they won't be able to hide their bias and corruption. i'm confident our lawyers are smart attack dogs who will dig ruthlessly for the truth. the sports world will be shocked to find out what skum bags are leading the ncaa.
Will UNC expose them or will they be instrumental in reforming it? To many Billions on the line for UNC to totally unmasked NCAA, but our case could result in a lot of changes. To try to stop something that makes UNC money is silly also.

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