On Dec 28, 2015 the Tarheel nation welcomed it's newest fan, James Arthur Scott Gray, born at 12:15 am weighing in at 6 pounds 4 ounces. The mother had devolved a massasive infection that had spread to from her lungs all the way down to her pelvic bone, and was actually walking on a broken pelvic bone for the the last three weeks of her pregnancy. The mom was transfred to Vident memorial (Pitt memorial) on the 29 and started on and intense therapy of vancomycin. In the mean time James was put on 48 hour hold because the doctors miss diagnosised his mom as not having beta streph. So for two weeks I had one in Pitt , ( my wife) and one in Nash , ( my son) well if all that did not add insult to injury my car blew up right before they came home, so ,,,,,,,, here's a status update ,,,,,,,, wife is home and one clindamystin for 6 weeks, son is home and is the picture or health, car, well, I found a motor with a warranty for 99 dollars, they will ship it for 150. Me I'm heading for a nevous breakdown, because with everything going own my savings are depleted, credit cards are maxed, and I haven't worked in 6 weeks, if any one can fugue out a way to help me I would really appreciate it. I don't expect any money, but I would tell yall were what it needs to go, if that any easier on any body! May God bless you one and all!
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