No Cormac Ryan today


Hall of Famer
Sep 17, 2020
Just our luck. We need to win some OOC games for NCAA NET purposes, because the ACC is once again terrible. And we lose a key starter on a dumb free throw play, in a game we should have won if not for bad refs and Hubert's inability to change defenses.
Just having EC start is a plus for many reason. Hate Cormac had to get hurt for it to happen though.
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When Ryan returns, I hope we go with a three guard lineup of EC, RJ, Cormac, Ingram, baycot
I'd like to see Seth and Washington see more floor time too. Also looking forward to the time Hubert only has his recruits on the team. I still don't think he's all that happy with some of his legacy players.
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When Ryan returns, I hope we go with a three guard lineup of EC, RJ, Cormac, Ingram, baycot
There may be games that wouldn't be a bad line up but it's nice to have multiple options and combo's of players to put on the floor that can produce both ways. We did not have that luxury last year. Hopefully hubs uses his bench better than in the past.
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